Installing Mito

How to install the mito spreadsheet and mito ai for Jupyter.


  1. Check that you have Python 3.8 or above, and Python 3.12 or below by opening a terminal and running python --version

  2. By installing Mito, you are agreeing to Mito's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

  3. In addition, by using Mito's AI features, you are agreeing to our AI data usage policy.

Installing Mito in a virtual environment

Installing Mito in a virtual environment reduces dependency issues and ensures that Mito will not impact any of your other Python projects.

Create a new environment:

python -m venv mitoenv

Activate the environment:

  • On Windows in command prompt:

  • On Mac:

source mitoenv/bin/activate

Install the Mito Jupyter Lab extensions:

python -m pip install mitosheet mito-ai

Launch Juypyter Lab

jupyter lab

Then, follow these instructions to create a mitosheet and use AI.

Want help? Get in contact with our support team through Discord, Slack, or by emailing [email protected]

Installing Mito for Jupyter Lab 3

It is important to install the correct version of Mito for your version of JupyterLab. The Mito spreadsheet is available for both JupyterLab 3.x and 4.x. Mito AI is only available for JupyterLab 4.x.

JupyterLab 4.x: To install mitosheet for JupyterLab 4.x, run the following command:

pip install mitosheet

JupyterLab 3.x: To install mitosheet for JupyterLab 3.x, use the latest release of the mitosheet 0.1.x series. Run the following command:

pip install "mitosheet<0.2.0"

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