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Welcome to SmartKarrot! Look up the features and SDKs you can integrate into your apps.

  1. Usage analytics
  2. App analytics
  3. Survey and feedback
  4. Custom health score ratings
  5. Financial data

There are a number of different APIs you can use to integrate with a SmartKarrot Platform. But sometimes it’s difficult to know what each API is for and when to use it. This document explains the APIs that are available.

Probably the most well-known API format/structure is the REST API. As its name implies, it uses REST as a wrapper (point-to-point call) for API operations. Probably the bulk of our API traffic is from the REST API because it has become the de facto standard for microservices across industries.

To start with, we’ve got a series of APIs, about seven of them now. While they all achieve a similar purpose – in one sense – of accessing data from your application (user & event data to measure product and customer success) or from the third-party integrations that you use, but there are some key differences among them which are worth explaining. First, it’s important to note that all of these APIs operate identically across SmartKarrot.

The four API’s categories that make up SmartKarrot Platform are:

Usage Analytics

The APIs in this section are core to SmartKarrot Platform and are used to gather User, Device & Event Information. For example, through the use of these APIs, we gather information about the events that are fired by users of your application along with the user and device information so that you can get a comprehensive understanding of the stickiness of your product for your users.

App Analytics

These are a set of default information related to your users' behavior that our SDK captures on your behalf. For example, if you want to know the average session length of users for a given period of time, or your app page load performance, or the users that visited your app recently, then our SDK captures this analytics data out of the box for you.

Survey and Feedback

If you have integrated our Survey SDK, then you can send surveys (multiple input question) and pulses (single input question) to your end users or to your Key Stakeholders for your customer accounts.

Custom Health Score Ratings

This push API helps you to send define custom health score parameters for your customers as well as define the rating standard for these custom parameters. In a way, you get the choice out of the box to measure your customer the way you have been measuring them till date on SmartKarrot Platform. Thereby, reduces the overload of learning and behavioral change on your part.

Financial Data

The financial information about your customer (ARR, MRR, churn, etc.) all form an integral part of gauging Customer and Product Success. So at SmartKarrot, we realized the need to have a push API in place through which you can send in your customer financial information that will help you understand the different financial metrics for each customer account.

Option A: SDK Integration

Follows these steps to integrate the SmartKarrot SDK:

  1. Get your App ID.
  2. Integrate REST API.
  3. Add our SDK to your app.
  4. Configure the SmartKarrot integration.
  5. Configure User and Event attributes.

Get Your App ID

Get your App ID from SmartKarrot Support Team (email: [email protected]).

Note: All Parameters are case sensitive

Add our SDK to Your App

SmartKarrot provides iOS, Android and Web (JavaScript) SDKs.

iOS App

You can install the SDK using CocoaPods.

For installing using CocoaPods, add the line pod 'UsageAnalytics' to your Podfile and install it with pod install. The current version of the SDKs is 6.0.0.

Android App

allprojects {
  repositories {
    // add this repository at the bottom of the repositories list
    maven { 
      url ""

The Android SDK comes as a Java library. Installing it is simple. Just add the lines to the right to your project-level build.gradle file.

Then add these lines to your App's build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.smartkarrot:usageanalytics:6.0.0'

Proguard Configuration

If you are using proguard in your app, add this configuration in your file:

-keep class com.smartkarrot.** { *; }

-keepclassmembers class com.smartkarrot.** { *; }

Web - JavaScript

Add the following code in head tag of your HTML page.

<script src=""></script>

Angular: Declare declare var UsageAnalytics; to access UsageAnalytics from the Angular component.

Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic Plugin

  1. Download SmartKarrot Plugin, download.

  2. Add SmartKarrot plugin to your app.

    Cordova plugin add SmartKarrot

    After adding you will see an entry in config.xml

    <plugin name="SmartKarrot" spec="SmartKarrot" />

  3. Declare the Cordova plugin in the app page where this has to be used.

declare let cordova:any;

Configure the SmartKarrot Integration

The SmartKarrot SDK must be initialized before using any of its functions.

iOS App

Import the SDK into the AppDelegate.swift file with

import UsageAnalytics

Add this to your AppDelegate.swift file

UsageAnalytics.shared.configure(appId: String, userId: String? = nil, customerAccountId: String? = nil, productId: String? = nil, organizationId: String? = nil, autoCapture: Bool = true)

Only the appId is mandatory. You could set the userId, customerAccountId, and the productId if it is available with you.

Android App

Add this line to the onCreate method of your activity or Application class.

UsageAnalytics.init(Context this,String appId,String customerAccountId,String productId,Boolean autoCapture);

Only the appId is mandatory. You could set the userId, customerAccountId, and the productId if it is available with you. Auto capture screen view events by setting autoCapture to true.

Web - JavaScript

Add the following JavaScript line to your HTML page to initialize the SDK.

UsageAnalytics.configure("app_api_key", "customer-account-id", "option-a", "product-id")

Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic Plugin

The plugin has to be initialized in the code after the view is loaded i.e. in the life cycle event ionViewDidEnter

ionViewDidEnter() { this.configureSmartKarrot(); }

configureSmartKarrot() { let appId = "your-app-id"; let userId = "your-app-user-id";

var successCallBack = function (successResult) { console.log(successResult); }

var failureCallBack = function (errorResult) { console.log(errorResult); }

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.configure(appId, userId, successCallBack, failureCallBack); }

Replace the appId & userId with actual values

This section describes how you can send usage analytics data to SmartKarrot. SmartKarrot helps you collect three types of usage data:

  1. User information
  2. Device information
  3. Event information

The SDK caches events when an Internet connection is not available. The SDK uses a store-and-forward buffer to send events and user and device information every 120 seconds to minimize the impact on power usage.

Set User Id

UsageAnalytics.shared.set(userId: "your-app-user-id", "customer-account-id")
UsageAnalytics.getInstance().setUserId("your-app-user-id", "customer-account-id");
UsageAnalytics.setUser("your-app-user-id", "customer-account-id");
cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.setUserId(your-user-id, successCallback(), failureCallback());

SmartKarrot treats a user as a "guest" user - with an internally generated user ID, until you set a user ID. Once you set the user ID, the guest user is considered as having logged in as that user. Events logged of the guest user are transferred to the logged-in user.

Set Product Id (SDK)

UsageAnalytics.shared.set(productId: "product-id")

Set the product ID when the user switches to another product.

Find your product id here: Product Configuration

Reset User Id

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.resetUserId(successCallback(), failureCallBack());

Reset the user Id when the user has logged out of the system. SmartKarrot logs events generated after the reset as a guest user.

Set User Attributes

UsageAnalytics.shared.set(value: "en-us", for: .language)
UsageAnalytics.getInstance().setUserAttribute(UserAttribute.language, "en-us");
// Using Standard UserAttribute "language".
UsageAnalytics.setUserAttribute(UsageAnalytics.UserAttribute.language, "en-us");

// Standard UserAttributes:
//    UsageAnalytics.UserAttribute {
//        userId,
//        name,
//        emailId,
//        mobileNumber,
//        dateOfBirth,
//        gender,
//        country,
//        language,
//        designation
//    }
# Using Standard UserAttribute "Language".

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.setUserAttribute("Language", "en-us", successCallback(), failureCallback());

# Standard UserAttributes

# UsageAnalytics.UserAttribute { userId, name, emailId, mobileNumber, dateOfBirth, gender, country, language, designation }

# User Id (“User Id”)
# Name - (“Name”)
# Email Id - (“Email Id”)   
# Mobile Number - (“Mobile Number”)
# Date Of Birth - (“Date Of Birth”)
# Gender - (“Gender”)
# Country - (“Country”)
# Language - (“Language”)
# Designation - (“Designation”)

User attributes can be the user's language preference, zip code, city, or country. User attributes are useful in segmenting users. SmartKarrot has a set of standard user attributes:

  1. userId
  2. name
  3. emailId
  4. mobileNumber
  5. dateOfBirth
  6. gender
  7. country
  8. language
  9. designation
UsageAnalytics.shared.set(value: 096, for: "Employee Id") // Custom Attriute

UsageAnalytics.shared.set(value: "John Doe", for: // Standard User Attribute

UsageAnalytics.shared.set(value: "HR", for: "Designation") // Standard User Attribute
UsageAnalytics.getInstance().setUserAttribute("Employee Id", 096);

//  Custom UserAttribute.
UsageAnalytics.setUserAttribute("Employee Id", 096);
# Using Custom UserAttribute "Employee Id".

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.setUserAttribute("Employee Id", 096, successCallback(), failureCallback());

You can set custom user attributes when your app needs a specific one. The attribute value can be a string, number (int, float, or double), boolean, or date.

Log Events

// Log without event attributes.
UsageAnalytics.shared.log(event: "Signed In")

// Log with event attributes.
UsageAnalytics.shared.log(event: "Screen View", with: ["Screen Name": "News List Screen"])

// Log with event attributes.
UsageAnalytics.shared.log(event: "Signed In", with: [
    "Module" : "Login", // Standard Event Attribute
    "Type": "Email Login", 
    "Day": "Monday",
    "Discount Applied": true
// Log without event attributes.
UsageAnalytics.getInstance().logEvent("Signed In");

// Log with event attributes.
EventParameters params = new EventParameters.Builder()
    .addParameter("Module", "Login") // Standard Event Attribute
    .addParameter("Type", "Email Login")
    .addParameter("Day", "Monday")
    .addParameter("Discount Applied", true)
UsageAnalytics.getInstance().logEvent("Signed In", params);
// Log without event attributes.
UsageAnalytics.logEvent("Signed In");

// Log with event attributes.
var eventParams = {
    "Module" : "Login", // Standard Event Attribute
    "Type": "Email Login",
    "Day": "Monday",
    "Discount Applied": true
UsageAnalytics.logEvent("Signed In", eventParams); 
cordova.plugins. SmartKarrot.logEvent("Signed In", value, successCallback(), failureCallback())

 # Where “value” is a string and can also accept stringify(d) JSON object. 

You can log screen views and other events to SmartKarrot. Examples of app events are the user opening a screen, purchasing a product, or logging in. The SDK automatically logs events like the user opening the app and closing it. You can add your events using our SDK.

Events may have attributes associated with them. For example, a “Purchased Product” event may have attributes like “Product ID” with a value “B01M3TD8CF” and “Deliver to ZIP Code” as “07120-4719". An event can have up to five attributes.

A good place to add the screen view event is the viewDidAppear method of the view controller.

The SDK sends events to the server in a low priority queue, so user functionality is not affected. Events are buffered and sent every 120 seconds to reduce constant network traffic. When an internet connection is not available, the SDK automatically stores and forwards events.

SmartKarrot has a standard event attribute.

  1. Module

Device Attributes

The SmartKarrot SDK automatically collects these device attributes. No action is required from your end.

  1. App Name: The display name of the app.
  2. App Bundle Identifier
  3. App Build: The build version in the iOS project settings (in the Info.plist).
  4. App Version: The app version in the iOS project settings. This is not the version in the App Store.
  5. Device Id: This is an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the app’s vendor as provided by iOS.
  6. Device Name: This is the device name as set in the iOS device settings at General > About settings.
  7. Device Make: Set as "Apple" for iOS devices.
  8. Device Model
  9. OS: The device operating system.
  10. OS Version
  11. System Language: The language set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > iPhone Language. The data collected is in the two-letter ISO 693-1 format.
  12. System Currency: The currency set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > Region. The currency is derived from the region and is in the three-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 4217 format.
  13. System Region: The currency set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > Region. This is typically the user's country and is in the two-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 3166-1 format.

Update Device Token


If you are not already using Firebase Cloud Messaging in your app you need to add FCM in your app. Follow this guide to add firebase to your app: Firebase Android Setup..

Then change your Notification Receiver service class (with intent filter ) as follows,

public class MyFirebaseNotificationService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
    public void onNewToken(String s) {
        // Handle token if you are implementing FCM in your app.
    // Rest of your code

Setting up auto token refresh

Add this after initializing the core SDK:

UsageAnalytics.getInstance().setTokenFactory(new FirebaseTokenFactory() {
    public void updateToken() {
        FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<InstanceIdResult>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<InstanceIdResult> task) {

Option B: REST API Integration

Get Your App ID

Add an app in the Settings section of the SmartKarrot portal, and locate the App ID under App Configuration. Every app has two API keys: one for the sandbox and one for production. The sandbox key is used for development and testing, and the production one for live transactions.

Get the separate REST API Key from SmartKarrot Support Team (email: [email protected]).

Note: All Parameters are case sensitive

API Reference

SmartKarrot offers private REST API for its SaaS services. The API makes it easier to quickly configure and integrate your Web app directly with our server.

The API supports Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).


The SmartKarrot API is available at:

Environment URL


SmartKarrot uses the Basic Authentication mechanism with an API key to authenticate requests. For example, if your API key is daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3, you can log an event with a simple HTTP POST request:

curl -v -u apikey:daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626","platform":"iOS","deviceId": "53e11019-8034-496b-a484-fa978918873c","loginMechanism" : "AUTH","bundleId": "com.smartkarrot.tasks","lastLoggedInUserId": "f1d0c16d-f9e0-4eb4-8739-45574c43f508","userId": "8f2dfb97-fe4b-49b3-a5d5-a671335cde00","sessionId": "234240-234-234-234-234-234237B891079-A302-4DDD-8860-2672B9682A3B","status": "Active","customerAccountId": "de8327c8-ece7-427a-ba8f-e4c7809ea716"}' ''

Data Types

The SDK uses the following data types.

Type Description
String A simple quoted string, following standard JSON rules; see the JSON spec for details.
Integer A whole number, transmitted as a JSON number.
Boolean A JSON boolean, the literal string true or false.
Array A JSON array. Each element contains a payload that will be described.
Timestamp Time in UTC stored in the ISO 8601 format with millisecond precision. (Example: 2018-09-29T09:58:44.635Z)
UUID A UUID string. Preferably a version 4 UUID. Example: f30ccccf-54a8-49bf-b3e4-6eee274810ab.
Decimal A decimal value, encoded in a JSON string. The contents will be a series of digits, followed by an optional decimal point and additional digits.

Create or Update Parent Account Endpoint

Use this endpoint to create a new parent customer account or update an existing one.

HTTPS Request

POST /usageanalytics/customer

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "accountId": "de8327c8-ece7-427a-ba8f-e4c7809ea716",
  "appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626",
  "name" : "SmartKarrot",
  "accountType": "PARENT",
  "createTime": "2022-05-20",
  "userEmailId": "[email protected]",
  "userRole": "customer success manager",
  "typeOfAssignment": "primary",
  "status": "Active", 
  "variationType": "ACCOUNT",

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
accountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
name String required Name of the customer account.
accountType String required Enum: PARENT
createTime String optional Date of creation 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
userEmailId String optional CSM email ID to be tagged.
userRole String optional Enum: customer success manager, CSM Leader, Account Executive, Implementation Manager
typeOfAssignment String optional Enum: primary, secondary
base64EncodedLogoImage String optional Image in base64 encoded string. The image size should be less than 3 MB.
productIds Array optional You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.
status String required Enum: Active, Inactive
variationType String optional Enum: ACCOUNT Configure mapping by account or by product.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to create a new customer account or update an existing one.

Log customer account response.

Parameter Type Description

Create or Update Child Account Endpoint

Use this endpoint to create a new child customer account or update an existing one.

HTTPS Request

POST /usageanalytics/customer

Complete URL

Sample Request


  "accountId": "de8327c8-ece7-427a-ba8f-e4c7809ea716",
  "appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626",
  "name" : "SmartKarrot",
  "accountType": "CHILD",
  "createTime": "2022-05-20", 
  "userEmailId": "[email protected]",
  "userRole": "customer success manager",
  "typeOfAssignment": "primary",
  "status": "Active",
  "variationType": "PRODUCT"

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
accountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
name String required Name of the customer account.
accountType String required Enum: CHILD
createTime String optional Date of creation 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
userEmailId String optional CSM email ID to be tagged.
userRole String optional Enum: customer success manager, CSM Leader, Account Executive, Implementation Manager
typeOfAssignment String optional Enum: primary, secondary
parentAccountId String optional To link with parent account.
base64EncodedLogoImage String optional Image in base64 encoded string. The image size should be less than 3 MB.
productIds Array optional You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.
status String required Enum: Active, Inactive
variationType String optional Enum: PRODUCT, ACCOUNT Configure mapping by account or by product.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to create a new customer account or update an existing one.

Log customer account response.

Parameter Type Description

Create or Update Singular Account Endpoint

Use this endpoint to create a new child customer account or update an existing one.

HTTPS Request

POST /usageanalytics/customer

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "accountId": "de8327c8-ece7-427a-ba8f-e4c7809ea716",
  "appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626",
  "name" : "SmartKarrot",
  "accountType": "CHILD",
  "createTime": "2022-05-20", 
  "userEmailId": "[email protected]",
  "userRole": "customer success manager",
  "typeOfAssignment": "primary",
  "status": "Active",
  "variationType": "PRODUCT",

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
accountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
name String required Name of the customer account.
accountType String required Enum: CHILD
createTime String optional Date of creation 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
userEmailId String optional CSM email ID to be tagged.
userRole String optional Enum: customer success manager, CSM Leader, Account Executive, Implementation Manager
typeOfAssignment String optional Enum: primary, secondary
base64EncodedLogoImage String optional Image in base64 encoded string. The image size should be less than 3 MB.
productIds Array optional You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.
status String required Enum: Active, Inactive
variationType String optional Enum: PRODUCT, ACCOUNT Configure mapping by account or by product.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to create a new customer account or update an existing one.

Log customer account response.

Parameter Type Description

Update Customer Account’s Segment Attributes

Use this endpoint to update a customer account segment.

HTTPS Request

POST /account-view/update-segment-attributes

Complete URL

Sample Request

     "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
     "customerSegments": [
      "customerAccountId": "123456",
      "segmentValues": {
        "Subscription": "Enterprise",
        "Countries": "India",
        "Verticals": "Banking"

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
Subscription String optional Range of services.
Countries String optional Place of business.
Verticals String optional Business sector.
phase String optional Stages of account.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to update customer account segment .

Log customer account segment response.

Parameter Type Description
status String Enum SUCCESS, ERROR,

Create Custom Attribute/ Metadata

Use this endpoint to create a new custom attribute.

HTTPS Request

POST /account-view/attributes

Complete URL

Sample Request

 "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
 "accountData": [
   "accountId": "123456",
   "data": [
      "category": "Smart",
      "attributes": {
       "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"


Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
accountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
category String optional Provide category of meta data.
attributes String optional Provide attributes of that specific category .

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to create a new custom attribute.

Log custom attribute response.

Parameter Type Description
status String Enum SUCCESS, ERROR,

Update Utilization at Subscription Level

It's the value between maximum available utilization licenses and the actual usage of the available licenses.

HTTPS Request

POST /platform-setting/customer-account-configuration

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "accountDetail": [
      "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
      "customerAccountId": "123456",
      "orderId": "abcd8765",
      "licenseCreatedOn": "2022-06-17",
      "productId": "26f4b204-fec5-47a8-a891-cbba18987ff1",
      "licenseList": [
          "licenseTypeId": "A",
          "licenseTypeName": "A",
          "maxLicences": 600,

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
orderId String optional Id of existing order.
licenseCreatedOn String optional Created date of license .
productId String required You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.
licenseTypeId String optional Id of license.
licenseTypeName String optional Name of license.
maxLicences String optional Maximun number of licenses user have.
licences String optional utilized number of licenses.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to update utilization licences.

Log update response.

Parameter Type Description
status String Enum SUCCESS, ERROR,

Update Utilization at Account Level

It's the value between maximum available utilization licenses and the actual usage of the available licenses.

HTTPS Request

POST /platform-setting/customer-account-configuration

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "accountDetail": [
      "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
      "customerAccountId": "123456",
      "licenseCreatedOn": "2022-06-17",
      "productId": "26f4b204-fec5-47a8-a891-cbba18987ff1",
      "licenseList": [
          "licenseTypeId": "A",
          "licenseTypeName": "A",
          "maxLicences": 600,

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
licenseCreatedOn String optional Created date of license .
productId String required You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.
licenseTypeId String optional Id of license.
licenseTypeName String optional Name of license.
maxLicences String optional Maximum number of licenses customer have.
licences String optional utilized number of licenses.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to update utilization licences.

Log update response.

Parameter Type Description
status String Enum SUCCESS, ERROR,

Adding Health Score value to custom parameter set

Use this endpoint to add values to custom parameter set.

HTTPS Request

POST /csm/account-view/multiple-custom-param

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
          "customParameterName":"Custom Index",

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
accountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
customParameterName String required Name of the set up Custom Parameter for the Health score.
score String required Value of the set up custom parameter(0-10).

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Use this endpoint to add values to custom parameter set.

Log custom parameter set response.

Parameter Type Description
status String Enum SUCCESS, ERROR,

Create or Update User Endpoint

Use this endpoint to create a user ID when a user is using your app. A user can be a guest user, in which case, you can generate a random UUID for the user. If a user is logged in, use this endpoint to create the user in SmartKarrot.

Creating a user is required only once, and is not required if the user is already added to SmartKarrot through a backend upload process.

HTTPS Request

POST usageanalytics/user

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626",
  "customerAccountId": "de8327c8-ece7-427a-ba8f-e4c7809ea716",
  "userId": "8f2dfb97-fe4b-49b3-a5d5-a671335cde00",
  "status": "Active",
  "bundleId": "com.smartkarrot.tasks",
  "loginMechanism" : "AUTH",
  "sessionId": "234240-234-234-234-234-234237B891079-A302-4DDD-8860-2672B9682A3B",
  "deviceId": "53e11019-8034-496b-a484-fa978918873c"

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App Id.
customerAccountId String required The system customer account id.
userId String required The system user Id.
status String required Enum: Active, Inactive
bundleId String optional Client unique id.(Android Package Name, iOS Bundle Id and Web Domain Name)
loginMechanism String required Enum 'AUTH', 'GUEST', If the user is in your system then send AUTH else GUEST.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web
sessionId String optional Client session Id.
deviceId String optional Client device Id.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log user response.

Parameter Type Description

Log Custom Events Endpoint

You can log screen views and other events to SmartKarrot. Examples of app events are the user opening a screen, purchasing a product, or logging in.

Events may have attributes associated with them. For example, a “Purchased Product” event may have attributes like “Product ID” with a value “B01M3TD8CF” and “Deliver to ZIP Code” as “07120-4719". An event can have up to five attributes.

Multiple events can be logged in the same call.

HTTPS Request

POST usageanalytics/event

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "events": [
      "name": "Purchase Product",
      "loggedAtTime": "2020-03-28T12:07:58.165Z",
      "parameters": [
          "attributeName": "Module",
          "dataType": "String",
          "stringValue": "Product"
          "attributeName": "List Price",
          "dataType": "String",
          "stringValue": "$ 45"
  "userId": "28f05cea-4721-0818-2a7c-a88b102012fa",
  "appId": "a8548489-6d1d-44c4-b068-061f48c9f93c",
  "customerAccountId": "35373-67203-62612-15373-63900-1440",
  "sessionId": "d28d89fwi5eupw8wfw7f94",
  "deviceId": "45010143537367203626121537363900144024",
  "platform": "Web",
  "appVersion": "1.0"

Request Body

The list of events.

Parameter Type Required Description
events [Event] required An array of events.
userId String required The user ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
productId String optional SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
sessionId String optional Client session ID.
deviceId String optional The unique device ID.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web

The Event structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
name String required Event name.
loggedAtTime String required ISO 8601 format.
parameters [EventParameter] optional Event parameters

A Event parameter structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
attributeName String required Event attribute name.
dataType String required Enum String, Number, Date, Boolean
stringValue String optional Required only if dataType is String or Date. Date: ISO 8601 format.
numberValue Number optional Required only if dataType is Number.
booleanValue Bool optional Required only if dataType is Bool.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log events response.

Parameter Type Description

Log app_session_start events

Sample Structure for Mandatory Paramenters (app_session_start)

Sample Request -- App Session Start

  "events": [
      "name": "app_session_start",
      "loggedAtTime": "2019-03-28T12:07:58.165Z",
      "parameters": [
          "attributeName": "sessionId",
          "dataType": "String",
          "stringValue": "j28d89f9wi5eup4789794"
          "attributeName": "startTime",
          "dataType": "Date",
          "stringValue": "2019-03-28T12:07:58.165Z"
  "userId": "28f05cea-4721-0818-2a7c-a88b102012fa",
  "appId": "a8548489-6d1d-44c4-b068-061f48c9f93c",
  "deviceId": "45010143537367203626121537363900144024",
  "platform": "Web",
  "customerAccountId": "35373-67203-62612-15373-63900-1440",
  "appVersion": "1.0"

Request Body

The sessionId and startTime in the event parameters are required parameters for some calculations for analytics.

Parameter Type Required Description
events [Event] required An array of events.
userId String required The user ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
productId String optional SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
sessionId String required Client session ID.
deviceId String optional The unique device ID.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web

The Event structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
name String required Event name.
loggedAtTime String required ISO 8601 format.
parameters [EventParameter] optional Event parameters

A Event parameter structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
attributeName String required Event attribute name.
dataType String required Enum String, Number, Date, Boolean
stringValue String optional Required only if dataType is String or Date. Date: ISO 8601 format.
numberValue Number optional Required only if dataType is Number.
booleanValue Bool optional Required only if dataType is Bool.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log events response.

Parameter Type Description

Sample Request -- App Session End

  "events": [
      "name": "app_session_end",
      "loggedAtTime": "2019-03-28T12:07:58.165Z",
      "parameters": [
          "attributeName": "sessionId",
          "dataType": "String",
          "stringValue": "j28d89f9wi5eup4789794"
          "attributeName": "endTime",
          "dataType": "Date",
          "stringValue": "2019-03-28T12:07:58.165Z"
  "userId": "28f05cea-4721-0818-2a7c-a88b102012fa",
  "appId": "a8548489-6d1d-44c4-b068-061f48c9f93c",
  "deviceId": "45010143537367203626121537363900144024",
  "platform": "Web",
  "customerAccountId": "35373-67203-62612-15373-63900-1440",
  "appVersion": "1.0"

Log app_session_end events

Sample Structure for Mandatory Paramenters (app_session_end)

Request Body

The sessionId and endTime in the event parameters are required paramters for some calculations for analytics.

Parameter Type Required Description
events [Event] required An array of events.
userId String required The user ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
productId String optional SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
sessionId String required Client session ID.
deviceId String optional The unique device ID.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web

The Event structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
name String required Event name.
loggedAtTime String required ISO 8601 format.
parameters [EventParameter] optional Event parameters

A Event parameter structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
attributeName String required Event attribute name.
dataType String required Enum String, Number, Date, Boolean
stringValue String optional Required only if dataType is String or Date. Date: ISO 8601 format.
numberValue Number optional Required only if dataType is Number.
booleanValue Bool optional Required only if dataType is Bool.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log events response.

Parameter Type Description

Sample Request -- Page Load Event

  "events": [
      "name": "page_load_event",
      "loggedAtTime": "2019-03-28T12:07:58.165Z",
      "parameters": [
          "attributeName": "requestCount",
          "dataType": "Number",
          "numberValue": 54
          "attributeName": "loadTime",
          "dataType": "Number",
          "numberValue": 32.3
          "attributeName": "pageUrl",
          "dataType": "String",
          "stringValue": ""
  "userId": "28f05cea-4721-0818-2a7c-a88b102012fa",
  "appId": "a8548489-6d1d-44c4-b068-061f48c9f93c",
  "sessionId": "j28d89f9wi5eup4789794",
  "deviceId": "45010143537367203626121537363900144024",
  "platform": "Web",
  "customerAccountId": "35373-67203-62612-15373-63900-1440",
  "appVersion": "1.0"

Log page_load_event events

Sample Structure for Mandatory Paramenters (page_load_event)

Request Body

The event page_load_event has some required parameters as provided in the sample event that should be passed for calculating the Performance Index. The parameters are "requestCount", "loadTime" and "pageUrl".

Parameter Type Required Description
events [Event] required An array of events.
userId String required The user ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID as in your system.
productId String optional SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
sessionId String optional Client session ID.
deviceId String optional The unique device ID.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web

The Event structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
name String required Event name.
loggedAtTime String required ISO 8601 format.
parameters [EventParameter] optional Event parameters

A Event parameter structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
attributeName String required Event attribute name.
dataType String required Enum String, Number, Date, Boolean
stringValue String optional Required only if dataType is String or Date. Date: ISO 8601 format.
numberValue Number optional Required only if dataType is Number.
booleanValue Bool optional Required only if dataType is Bool.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log events response.

Parameter Type Description

Set User Attributes Endpoint

User attributes can be the user's language preference, her zip code, city, or country. User attributes are useful in segmenting users. SmartKarrot has a set of standard user attributes:

  1. userId
  2. name
  3. emailId
  4. mobileNumber
  5. dateOfBirth
  6. gender
  7. country
  8. language
  9. designation
  10. persona

You can add or update custom user attributes when your app needs a specific one. The attribute value can be a string, number (int, float, or double), boolean, or date.

HTTPS Request

POST /usageanalytics/user/attribute

Complete URL

Sample Request

    "userId": "3bdbe037-7fef-430c-92ed-021c4774d4be",
    "deviceId": "107f0cb1-a663-47ef-8efb-8f62e2bd1644",
    "platform": "d026ab01-71b5-49e0-a594-5f5cf40043b0",
    "appId": "6846ca43-f85b-44ed-a27b-9fbefb2f098c",
    "sessionId": "8c3b4198-c58a-4534-b3d8-79a70d71bb7d",
    "customerAccountId": "20b349b4-ef71-455b-b190-9d9f6fcac142",
    "userAttributes": [
            "name": "Name",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "Jane Doe",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Email Id",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "[email protected]",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Designation",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "VP Sales",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Persona",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "Executive",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Mobile Number",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "+1 1234567890" ,
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "City",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "Los Angeles",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "State",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "California",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Country",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "United States",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Gender",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "Female",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"
            "name": "Language",
            "dataType": "String",
            "stringValue": "English",
            "loggedAtTime": "2018-12-14T07:46:31.565Z"


Request Body

The list of user attributes.

Parameter Type Required Description
userAttributes [UserAttribute] required An array of user attributes.
userId String required The system user Id.
appId String required SmartKarrot App Id.
sessionId String optional Client session Id.
deviceId String optional Client device Id.
idempotencyId String required Unique key for the request, v4 UUID is recommended.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web
customerAccountId String optional The system customer account id. Required for multilevel organizations.

A User Attribute structure is as follows.

Parameter Type Required Description
name String required User attribute name.
dataType String required Enum String, Number, Date, Boolean
loggedAtTime String required ISO 8601 format.
stringValue String optional Required only if dataType is String or Date. Date: ISO 8601 format.
numberValue Number optional Required only if dataType is Number.
booleanValue Bool optional Required only if dataType is Bool.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log user attributes response.

Parameter Type Description

Log Device Attributes Endpoint

If you use the SmartKarrot SDK, it automatically collects these device attributes. No action is required from your end.

If you decide to use this REST API, you could choose to populate one or more of the device attributes.

  1. Device Id: This is an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the app’s vendor as provided by iOS.
  2. App Name: The display name of the app.
  3. App Bundle Identifier
  4. App Build: The build version in the iOS project settings (in the Info.plist).
  5. App Version: The app version in the iOS project settings. This is not the version in the App Store.
  6. Device Name: This is the device name as set in the iOS device settings at General > About settings.
  7. Device Make: Set as "Apple" for iOS devices.
  8. Device Model
  9. OS: The device operating system.
  10. OS Version
  11. System Language: The language set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > iPhone Language. The data collected is in the two-letter ISO 693-1 format.
  12. System Currency: The currency set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > Region. The currency is derived from the region and is in the three-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 4217 format.
  13. System Region: The currency set in the iOS device settings at General > Language & Region > Region. This is typically the user's country and is in the two-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 3166-1 format.

HTTPS Request

POST /usageanalytics/device/attribute

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "appId": "4ed062f1-fc38-4f32-a714-b63dc5399626",
  "platform": "Web",
  "deviceId": "53e11019-8034-496b-a484-fa978918873c",
  "idempotencyId": "9890BDAA-CF16-4A08-A8F7-9F680D9ADEBA",
  "userId": "8f2dfb97-fe4b-49b3-a5d5-a671335cde00",
  "sessionId": "234240-234-234-234-234-234237B891079-A302-4DDD-8860-2672B9682A3B",
  "deviceAttributes": {
    "App Bundle Identifier": "",
    "Make": "Apple"

Request Body

The list of user's device attributes.

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App Id.
platform String required Enum: iOS, Android, Web
deviceId String optional Client device Id.
idempotencyId String required Unique key for the request, v4 UUID is recommended.
userId String required The system user Id.
sessionId String optional Client session Id.
deviceAttributes Map required A key-value pair of device attributes. Key and value are String type.

Any custom device attributes can be logged. Some of the pre-defined keys for device attributes are:

'Device ID', 'Device Name', 'Make', 'Model', 'OS', 'OS Version', 'System Language', 'System Currency', 'System Region', 'App Name', 'App Bundle Identifier', 'App Build', 'App Version'

The data collected for the attributes below should be in their respective formats.

  1. System Language: Two-letter code ISO 693-1 format.
  2. System Currency: Three-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 4217 format.
  3. System Region: Two-letter alphabetic code in the ISO 3166-1 format.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Log device attributes response.

Parameter Type Description

Option C: Auto-Capture Events

SmartKarrot automatically captures user interactions in your app. Drop a line of code to add our SDK, and another to initialize it and we are all set.

SmartKarrot will automatically capture events for every screen loaded and every tap. No developer effort is required. Want to manage the events that are stored? Head over to our platform and quickly select the ones you want SmartKarrot to capture. And while you are at it, give the events more convenient names and assign them to features.

Inside the SDK, a store-and-forward buffer minimizes the number of calls made to the server. A debounce logic ensures that a rapid tap-tap-tap, say to the same button, gets neatly grouped as one.

The auto-capture is available across our Web, iOS, and Android SDKs.

Quick Start - JavaScript SDK

  1. Add our SDK to your app.
  2. Start the SDK.
  3. Tell us who is logged in.

Add the SDK to Your App

Add the following code in head tag of your HTML page.

<script src=""></script>

If you are using the Angular Web application framework, add declare var UsageAnalytics;.

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with this one line of code.

UsageAnalytics.configure("app-id", "customer-account-id", "option-c", "product-id")

Set User ID

UsageAnalytics.setUser("your-app-user-id", "customer-account-id", "product-id");

SmartKarrot treats a user as a "guest" user with an internally generated user ID until you set a user ID. Once you have assigned a user to the screen session, events logged of the guest user are transferred to the logged-in user.

Set Product Id

Note: All Parameters are case sensitive


Set the product ID when the user switches to another product.

Find your product id here: Product Configuration

More Functions

Reset User ID


Use this to tell SmartKarrot when a user has logged out. SmartKarrot logs events generated after the reset as those for a guest user.

Set User Attributes

// Using Standard UserAttribute "language".
UsageAnalytics.setUserAttribute(UsageAnalytics.UserAttribute.language, "en-us");

// Standard UserAttributes:
//    UsageAnalytics.UserAttribute {
//        userId,
//        name,
//        emailId,
//        mobileNumber,
//        dateOfBirth,
//        gender,
//        country,
//        language,
//        designation
//    }

SmartKarrot's segmentation is helped when it knows more about the user. Pass on user attributes like their language preference, ZIP code, city, or country. SmartKarrot has a set of standard user attributes:

  1. User ID
  2. Name
  3. Email ID
  4. Mobile Number
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Gender
  7. Country
  8. Language
  9. Designation
  10. Persona javascript // Custom UserAttribute. UsageAnalytics.setUserAttribute("Employee Id", 096);

You can set custom user attributes when your app needs a specific one. The attribute value can be a string, number (int, float, or double), boolean, or date.

iOS Auto-Capture

Add the SDK as described in Option A: SDK Integration. The SDK automatically captures screen views and tags them with the name of the view controller class.

You can switch off auto-capture using the autoCapture flag in the UsageAnalytics.shared.configure function.


SmartKarrot uses method swizzling to auto-capture screen views when the viewDidAppear(_:) method of the UIViewController is executed. Developers who prefer not to use swizzling can disable it using the autoCapture flag in the UsageAnalytics.shared.configure function.

Android Auto-Capture

The Android SDK automatically captures activity and fragment transitions.

You can switch off auto-capture using the autoCapture flag in the UsageAnalytics.init function.

App Analytics SDK

Engagement Score & Score Maturity

Duration Index

Loyalty Index

Loyalty Index is a measure of the percentage of user churn, i.e. the percentage of total users uninstalling the app to the total users installing the app in a given time period. If you have to enable Loyalty Index for your app, you need to add the following lines of code:

Enabling Loyalty Index for iOS

To enable Loyalty Index for your iOS app, you need to submit your Apple Push Notification certificates. There is a detailed step by step guide to generate them: external link After generating the certificates, submit the Dev & Prod certificates in .p12 format wihle app on boarding.

On your app side, add the following lines of codes:

// Add these functions to your AppDelegate file

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
        UsageAnalytics.shared.didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(deviceToken: deviceToken)

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
    UsageAnalytics.shared.didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError(error: error)

Enabling Loyalty Index for Android

To enable Loyalty Index for your android app you need to register for Firebase Cloud Messaging and then submit your app's FCM key (available as Server Key in your Firebase console.).

A detailed guide about registering your app for FCM can be found here: external link.

Then change your Notification Receiver service class (with intent filter as follows,

public class MyFirebaseNotificationService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
    public void onNewToken(String s) {
        // Handle token if you are implementing FCM in your app.
    // Rest of your code

Enabling Loyalty Index for Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic

The pushNotificationDeviceToken will be the deviceToken obtained while using any push notification providers. This value can be obtained during push notification registration of the provider.

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.registerNotificationWithToken(“pushNotificationDeviceToken”, successCallback(), failureCallback())

If the app fails to register for push Notification, use the below code

cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.failRegisterNotificationWithError(“error”, successCallback(), failureCallback())

No code is required to configure Loyalty Index for Android.

Retention Index

Feedback Index

Feedback Index is a measure of your app's rating across iOS App Store & Google Playstore.

Enabling for iOS

iOS App Store ratings are publicly available. So, you don't need to do anything.

Enabling for Android App:

For Android, you need to authorize the SmartKarrot platform to fetch your app's rating on your behalf. For this, you need to generate a service account with view access and submit the credentials json file while onboarding. Here is step by step guide to help you service account credentials file: Generating Service Account

Realtime Engagement

Survey and Feedback SDK

This module lets you run a survey with a single line of code. Build your survey on the SmartKarrot web platform. Integrate the SDK and run the survey in three quick steps:

  1. Add our SDK to your app.
  2. Configure the SmartKarrot integration.
  3. Run the survey.

Step 1: Add our SDK to Your App

SmartKarrot provides iOS and Android SDKs.

iOS App

You can install the SDK using CocoaPods.

For installing using CocoaPods, add the line pod 'SmartKarrot-Survey' to your Podfile and install it with pod install.

Survey SDK uses Camera or Gallery to upload photos for Survey. The NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key is now required for access to Photos.

      <string>This App uses Camera or Gallery to upload photos for Survey.</string>

Android App

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }

The Android SDK comes as a Java library. Installing it is simple adding the lines to the right to your project level build.gradle file. You may have already completed this step when adding any other SmartKarrot SDK.

Then add this to your App's build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.smartkarrot:survey:6.0.0'

Web - JavaScript

Survey features are already available in Web - JavaScript Core SDK (UsageAnalytics).

Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic

Survey features are already available in SmartKarrot plugin.

Step 2: Configure the SDK

The SDK must be initialized before using any of its functions.

iOS App

Import the SDK with into AppDelegate.swift file with

import SmartKarrot_Survey

Add this to your AppDelegate.swift file


Android App

Add this line to the onCreate method of your activity or Application class.


Web - JavaScript

Survey features are already configured as part of Web - JavaScript Core SDK (UsageAnalytics) integration.

Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic

Call configureSurvey to configure SDK.


Step 3: Run the SDK

The SmartKarrot Survey SDK can be used to launch a single survey or to display a list of available surveys and let the user take the survey they choose.

List Available Surveys

This is the easiest way to launch a survey. The SmartKarrot SDK view lists all available surveys, letting the user choose a survey to start. If only one survey is available, the SDK launches it automatically.


  Survey.shared.listSurveys(from: viewController, animated: true)

The survey will be presented from a UIViewController. Typically, this is the view controller whose view is currently visible. The SmartKarrot SDK automatically dismisses the SDK view controller once the user has completed or abandoned the survey.


  // `user_id` is the id of the user in your app.

You can add the user name and other information about the user by integrating the SmartKarrot Usage Analytics SDK.

Web - JavaScript

  // `user_id` is the id of the user in your app.

This will display a list of surveys.

Hybrid - Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic

  # List Surveys
  # This will render from native view.
  cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.listSurveys(animated:true, successCallBack(), failureCallBack());

This will display a list of surveys from native view.

Start a Single Survey

  Survey.shared.startSurvey(surveyId: "survey-id", from: viewController, animated: true)
  // The user-id of the user taking the survey is taken from UsageAnalytics SDK.
  Survey.getInstance().startSurvey(context, "survey-id");
   // `user_id` is the id of the user in your app.

   # Single Survey
   # This will render from native view.

   # For Android
   cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.startSurvey("survey-id", "app-user-id", successCallBack(), failureCallBack());

   # For iOS
   let animated= "true | false";
   cordova.plugins.SmartKarrot.startSurvey("survey-id", animated, successCallBack(), failureCallBack());

Add this line to launch a single survey with given id. You can get the survey id from SmartKarrot dashboard.

Financial Data Integration

This section describes how you can send financial data to SmartKarrot. SmartKarrot helps you collect three types of financial data:

  1. Orders
  2. Invoices
  3. App Financial data

URL for Financial Integration

The SmartKarrot API for financial data is available at:

Environment URL


Get REST API Key from SmartKarrot Support Team (email: [email protected]).

Authenticate using API key.

SmartKarrot uses the Basic Authentication mechanism with an API key to authenticate requests. For example, if you API key is daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3, you can log an order with a simple HTTP POST request:

curl -v -u apikey:daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "appId" :"3956ca1e-d306-4dea-abc1-bfdabe44b524", "productId":"c519d994-a0cb-41f9-89ba-074a63923239" "orderId":"038883ee-88b5-4851-a0cd-eb704e085cfe", "customerAccountId":"csm-id-CA", "status":"Activated", "amount" : 21325.0, "effectiveDate":"2019-05-12", "endDate" :"2020-05-12" }' ''


HTTPS Request
POST    /orders         [create or update an order]

The orders are the basic object in Financial data dashboard around which many operations are centered. Basically, orders are components of contracts by which we get to know the amount or the revenues generated by a particular account. Based on the amount the ARR, MRR and other data in the Financial Dashboard are calculated.

Create or Update an order

HTTPS Request

POST /orders

This api is used to create an order in Smartkarrot. If the same order is pushed using the same api it will update the if any change is passed on to the system.

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "customerAccountId": "d28f2cc6-4385-47b7-ab51-3fda6d0c1ab6",
  "appId": "c50f05b4-0fc7-43c7-88f6-46f0f0aef4a3",
  "orderId": "8920b276-5d2f-457c-87c4-af7156d2fe95",
  "status": "Activated",
  "amount": 8400,
  "effectiveDate": "2020-01-01",
  "endDate": "2020-12-31",
  "orderType":"Renewal order",

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
orgProductId String required SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
orderId String required The order ID in your system.
status String required Enum Activated, Draft
amount Number (Double) required Amount of the Order.
effectiveDate String required The start date of the order in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
endDate String required The end date of the order in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
orderType String optional Type of order.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Response for creating an order.

Parameter Type Description

Create or Update bulk order

HTTPS Request

POST /orders/bulk

This api is used to create bulk order in Smartkarrot. If the same order is pushed using the same api it will update the if any change is passed on to the system.

Complete URL

Sample Request

"appId": "d8c9a5d5-46eb-4ebf-97bf-62345a19e9d8",
    "orders": [

            "customerAccountId": "6e4ece1f-64ab-45b1-b61a-4b4846b1f48d",
            "orgProductId": "590f15c5-8309-4755-b30f-5fe037353594",
            "orderId": "8920b276-5d2f-457c-87c4-af7156d2fe95",
            "status": "Activated",
            "amount": 16950,
            "effectiveDate": "2021-04-01",
            "endDate": "2023-01-30",
            "orderType":"Renewal order"

            "customerAccountId": "fg74ece1f-64ab-45b1-b61a-4b4846b1f465",
            "orgProductId": "cdd0f15c5-8309-4755-b30f-cdscsdc",
            "orderId": "wsdw324234-5d2f-457c-87c4-cscwdwdwd",
            "status": "Activated",
            "amount": 16950,
            "effectiveDate": "2021-04-06",
            "endDate": "2023-09-30",
            "orderType":"Renewal order"

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
orgProductId String required SmartKarrot Product Id for your product.
orderId String required The order ID in your system.
status String required Enum Activated, Draft
amount Number (Double) required Amount of the Order.
effectiveDate String required The start date of the order in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
endDate String required The end date of the order in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
orderType String optional Type of order.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Response for creating an order.

Parameter Type Description


HTTPS Request
POST    /invoices         [create or update an invoice]

The invoice are the basic object in Financial data dashboard around which many operations are centered. Basically, invoices are components of contracts by which we get to know the amount or the revenues generated by a particular orders/subscriptions. Based on the amount the ARR, MRR and other data in the Financial Dashboard are calculated.

Create or Update an Invoice

HTTPS Request

POST /invoices

This api is used to create an invoice in Smartkarrot. If the same invoice is pushed using the same api it will update the if any change is passed on to the system.

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "appId": "c53a1b79-9386-4963-9327-56d57f6cd21a",       
  "invoices": [
    "customerAccountId": "jkd-4395njj4r900jgf984m-548j",     
     "invoiceId": "34566822-390f-461f-9093-acp291bpp5a4",        
      "orderId": "12300006-5d0f-057c-87c4-af7150d0f000",
      "invoiceType": "Monthly",    
      "invoiceDescription": "Inv21102020IN215En",  
      "invoiceAmount": 6000,           
      "dateInvoiced": "2020-10-27",    
      "invoiceStatus": "Paid",
      "datePaid": "2020-10-27",
      "invoicePeriodStart": "2020-10-01",          
      "invoicePeriodEnd": "2020-10-31" ,            
      "customFields": [
          "name": "Customer Name",
          "stringValue": "DOMZOOM"
          "name": "Customer Plan",
          "stringValue": "monthly"
          "name": "Units",
          "integerValue": 400
          "name": "GST",
          "doubleValue": 3.55

Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
customerAccountId String required The customer account ID in your system.
invoiceId String required The invoice ID in your system.
orderId String optional The order ID in your system.
invoiceType String required Type of Invoice.
invoiceDescription String required Description of Invoice.
invoiceAmount Number (Double) required Amount of the Invoice.
dateInvoiced String required Date of invoice creation in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
invoiceStatus String optional Enum Paid Pending.
datePaid String optional Date of invoice paid in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
invoicePeriodStart String required Start Date of invoice in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
invoicePeriodEnd String required End Date of invoice in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Response for creating an order.

Parameter Type Description

App Financial Data

HTTPS Request
POST    /app-financial-data                       [create or update a configuration of an app]
DELETE  /app-financial-data/{your-app-id}         [delete the configuration related to app]

The configuration of an app must be provided for calculation of financial data which will reflect in the Financial Dashboard.

Create or Update a configuration of app

HTTPS Request

POST /app-financial-data

This api is used to set the customer churn tolerance value for the app. This will remain same for each customer accounts, customer success managers.

Complete URL

Sample Request

  "appId" : "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
  "orgId": "e661d9e8-e831-41e4-b4f6-a4e27754d168",    
  "logoChurnTolerance": 0.07,   //7%
  "mrrGracePeriod": 8,
  "currency": "Indian Rupee",
  "bussinessUnit" : [
          "businessUnitId": "JK45YJK",
          "businessUnitName": "Name123"




Request Body

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String required SmartKarrot App ID.
orgId String required SmartKarrot organization ID.
logoChurnTolerance String required The upper limit of customer churn.
mrrGracePeriod Number optional An additional period beyond the due date(max 3 months).
currency String optional Enum Indian Rupee, American Dollar, British Pound, Philippine Peso,Singapore Dollar, Euro
businessUnitId String optional Id of business.
businessUnitName String optional Name of business.

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Response for creating an order.

Parameter Type Description

Delete an app configuration

DELETE /app_financial_data/{your-app-id}

This api is used to delete a configuration (churn tolerance) related to an app which is passed in the params. Request parameters are not required.

Complete URL{your-app-id}

Sample Output

  "status": "SUCCESS"

Response Body

Response for creating an order.

Parameter Type Description

Tickets (Case Management) Integration

This section describes how you can manage the tickets data in SmartKarrot. A ticket is created by a contact or an agent. A ticket is assigned to an agent.

URL for Ticket Integration

The SmartKarrot API is available at:

Environment URL

Authentication (Basic)

SmartKarrot uses an API key with the Basic Auth mechanism to authenticate requests. For example, if your API key is daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3, you can post a comment on a ticket with a simple HTTP POST request:

curl -v -u apikey:daced09f-8ade-48dc-b1d8-506204530ce3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ticketId": "a354da06-ef51-4570-a473-7e7986d9bcac","description":"Description 3.0 for the comment","createdByType": "agent","createdBy" : "056f8591-3d96-4de8-8c9c-b8c713bc102a"}' ''


Get contacts

Sample input parameters: Get contacts

  "appId": "2d07df27-cc9e-4533-a321-dfcfe049a6ea",
  "limit": 2,
  "nextPageToken": "eyJjb250YWN0SWQiOnsicyI6Ijk0YmJhMzM0LWU4NDktNDE2NC05MGRhLTQ4OTIzNjhlZjMxYSJ9LCJjcmVhdGVUaW1lIjp7InMiOiIyMDIwLTExLTIzVDA2OjE2OjIzLjgyMFoifSwiYXBwSWQiOnsicyI6IjJkMDdkZjI3LWNjOWUtNDUzMy1hMzIxLWRmY2ZlMDQ5YTZlYSJ9fQ=="

Sample output parameters:

  "count": 2,
  "contacts": [
      "contactId": "eb0e2a19-0fb0-4405-8c6f-3c220d4acfa6",
      "orgId": "1895cce0-f676-4cb9-9d7c-a01faaf934c9",
      "appId": "2d07df27-cc9e-4533-a321-dfcfe049a6ea",
      "firstName": "Anne",
      "lastName": "Rodriguez",
      "role": "VP Customer Success",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phoneNumber": "3044444473",
      "countryCode": "1",
      "status": "active",
      "accountId": "a88ffaab-d889-46bc-afb3-4c09875fa3b5",
      "displaySuggestion": true,
      "isChampion": true
      "contactId": "c16248e0-7f1a-432f-aaa1-9cd052e9fc4e",
      "orgId": "1895cce0-f676-4cb9-9d7c-a01faaf934c9",
      "appId": "2d07df27-cc9e-4533-a321-dfcfe049a6ea",
      "firstName": "Arturo",
      "lastName": "Rains",
      "role": "CS Head",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phoneNumber": "2032518504",
      "countryCode": "1",
      "status": "active",
      "accountId": "9612bfab-0485-4162-9d77-c0bb007d1ce0",
      "displaySuggestion": true,
      "isChampion": true


GET /tickets/contacts

Complete URL


This endpoints gets contacts stored in SmartKarrot.

The query is paginated and returns up to 1,000 records at a time. You can change the number of records fetched with the limit parameter. The nextPageToken in the response should be used as an input to get the next set of contacts. Email address and Salesforce ID are additional filters available as query parameters.

Input Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot App ID.
emailId String Optional The email address to be searched.
salesforceId String Optional The Salesforce contact ID to be searched.
limit Number Optional The number of contacts to fetch. This can be a maximum of 1,000.
nextPageToken String Optional Token to fetch the next page.

Create contacts

Sample Input Parameters: Create contacts

  "appId": "7aa6b29b-709d-4d65-b1ea-acc8793c3e9a",
  "contacts": [
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstName": "David",
      "lastName": "Lyon",
      "customerContactId" : "EZ141",
      "productIds": [
      "accountId": "EZ141",
      "role": "Lead Engineer",
      "countryCode": "+91",
      "phoneNumber": "6901313214",
      "uploadedImageUrl": ""
      // "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstName": "Andrew",
      "lastName": "Shaw",
      "customerContactId" : "EZ143",
      "productIds": [
      "accountId": "Hy169",
      "role": "Data Scientist",
      "countryCode": "+404",
      "phoneNumber": "345957392",
      "uploadedImageUrl": ""

Sample Output Parameters

    "Saved Contact count": 1,
    "Unsaved Contact count": 1,
    "unsavedContacts": [
            "firstName": "Andrew",
            "lastName": "Shaw",
            "role": "Data Scientist",
            "phoneNumber": "345957392",
            "countryCode": "+404",
            "uploadedImageUrl": "",
            "status": "active",
            "customerContactId": "EZ143",
            "displaySuggestion": true,
            "isChampion": false,
            "allValues": 1


POST /tickets/contacts

Complete URL


Export contacts from your database and store it into SmartKarrot’s contact database. This endpoint can be used to create or update multiple contacts at the same time.


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot’s App id
contacts Contact Required List of contacts to save/modify

Contact has the following fields


Parameter Type Required Description
email(unique) String Required Contact's email address
firstName String Required Contact's first name
lastName String Optional Contact's last name
customerContactId String Optional Contact ID in your system
role String Optional Contact's role/position
countryCode String Optional Country code for phone number
phoneNumber String Optional Contact's phone number
uploadedImageUrl String Optional Contact's profile image url
accountId String Optional The customer account ID in your system
productIds String Optional You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products.


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully saved the contacts

Save Agents

Sample Input Parameters: Save Agents

   "appId": "7aa6b29b-709d-4d65-b1ea-acc8793c3e9a",
   "agents": [
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstName": "Salman",
      "lastName": "Katamond",
      "customerAgentId" : "MK-agent003",
      "countryCode": "+404",
      "phoneNumber": "+606-303-21",
      "uploadedImageUrl": "" 
      "firstName": "Mathew",
      "lastName": "Wade",
      //"email": "[email protected]",
      "customerAgentId" : "ZY-agent67",
      "phoneNumber": "+202-1212-12",
      "countryCode": "+44",
      "uploadedImageUrl": ""

Sample Output Parameters

    " Saved Agents count: ": 1,
    " Unsaved Agents count: ": 1,
    "unsavedAgents": [
            "firstName": "Mathew",
            "lastName": "Wade",
            "phoneNumber": "+202-1212-12",
            "countryCode": "+44",
            "customerAgentId": "ZY-agent67",
            "uploadedImageUrl": "",
            "allValues": 1


POST /agents

Complete URL


Export agents from your database and store it into SmartKarrot’s agent database. This endpoint can be used to create or update multiple agents at the same time.


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot’s App id
agents Agent Required List of agents to save or update

Agent has the following fields


Parameter Type Required Description
email(unique) String Required Agent's email address
firstName String Required Agent's first name
lastName String Optional Agent's last name
customerAgentId String Optional Agent's id in your system
countryCode String Optional Country code for phone number
phoneNumber String Optional Agent's phone number
uploadedImageUrl String Optional Agent's profile image url


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully saved the agents

Delete Agents

Sample Output Parameters: Delete Agents

    "Agent deleted"


DELETE /agents

Complete URL


Delete an agent from the SmartKarrot's agent database


Parameter Type Required Description
id String Required Agent's UUID


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully deleted the agent

Fetch Tickets

Sample Input Parameters


    "appId" : "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0"

Sample output Parameters

  "count": 2,
  "tickets": [
      "ticketId": "9d346f9f-c2b3-46ef-a64d-ca149facfcda",
      "visibleId": "532",
      "appId": "7aa6b29b-709d-4d65-b1ea-acc8793c3e9a",
      "accountId": "905d34b5-ab46-45f0-87b1-e5d9deb9dd1a",
      "ticketName": "mx-001",
      "createdBy": "8153a279-b7d5-4ee0-9cac-616bb7be37db",
      "createdByType": "agent",
      "escalation": "notEscalated",
      "assignedTo": "f6deca9f-f7a2-4487-8bd9-621f2bb225c8",
      "dueDate": "2021-01-18T04:34:29.795123Z",
      "priority": "high",
      "status": "resolved",
      "type": "customer query",
      "customFields": {
        "expiry": "none",
        "csm": "csm-2"
      "createTime": "Jan 18, 2021 4:34:29 AM",
      "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 4:34:33 AM",
      "allValues": 1
      "ticketId": "72d4c1ea-a151-4beb-894e-0776ceb954c0",
      "visibleId": "965",
      "appId": "7aa6b29b-709d-4d65-b1ea-acc8793c3e9a",
      "accountId": "905d34b5-ab46-45f0-87b1-e5d9deb9dd1a",
      "ticketName": "mx-002",
      "createdBy": "8481a6f9-6990-4131-812a-bc6de2f14ccb",
      "createdByType": "contact",
      "escalation": "notEscalated",
      "assignedTo": "50a0347b-9f19-4283-a247-18450b87220a",
      "dueDate": "2021-01-18T04:34:29.794881Z",
      "priority": "medium",
      "status": "open",
      "type": "payment dashboard",
      "customFields": {
        "expiry": "none",
        "recheck": "enabled"
      "createTime": "Jan 18, 2021 4:34:29 AM",
      "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 4:34:33 AM",
      "allValues": 1


GET /tickets

Complete URL{appId}


This endpoint can be used to retrieve all the tickets associated with the app.


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot’s App id


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully retrieved the tickets

Create a Ticket

Sample Input Parameters


    "appId" : "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
    "visibleId" : "TicketMx-EOD41",
    "accountId" : "05b58b26-7647-4b90-abfc-2585c141c68a",
    "ticketName" : "Payment subdue",
    "createdBy" : "74f5c5a2-ffe0-403e-9384-06ad7396ce8e",
    "createdByType" : "contact",
    "dueDate" : "2022-08-09T11:19:42.12Z",
    "escalation" : "escalated",
    "priority" : "High",
    "status" : "Open",
    "type" : "Payment iussue",
    "customFields" : {
        "expiry" : "none",
        "csm" : "Unassigned"


Sample Output Parameters


    "ticketId": "e7e8d69a-1412-400f-b3d5-749dd3e19720",
    "visibleId": "TicketMx-EOD41",
    "appId": "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0",
    "accountId": "05b58b26-7647-4b90-abfc-2585c141c68a",
    "ticketName": "Payment subdue",
    "isDescriptionSaved": false,
    "createdBy": "74f5c5a2-ffe0-403e-9384-06ad7396ce8e",
    "createdByType": "contact",
    "escalation": "escalated",
    "dueDate": "2022-08-09T11:19:42.120Z",
    "priority": "High",
    "status": "Open",
    "type": "Payment iussue",
    "customFields": {
        "expiry": "none",
        "csm": "Unassigned"
    "productId": "26f4b204-fec5-47a8-a891-cbba18987ff1"



POST /tickets

Complete URL


This endpoint can be used to create a ticket .


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot's App id
visibleId String Optional Client's own ticket id
accountId String Required Customer account id
ticketName String Optional Name of the ticket
createdBy String Required Creator's id
createdByType String Optional Enum: agent, contact
assignedTo String Optional Agent's id to whom ticket is assigned.
dueDate String Optional Due date for the ticket
escalation String Optional Enum: escalated, notEscalated
priority String Optional Priority of the ticket
status String Optional Status of the ticket
type String Optional Type of the ticket
customFields Map Optional A key value pair to store other additional fields for the ticket
productId String Optional You will get your product Ids from the Settings: Configure Products..


Status Description
Status 201
Description Successfully created the ticket

Update a Ticket

Sample Input Parameters

    "id" : "72d4c1ea-a151-4beb-894e-0776ceb954c0",
    "visbleId" : "EZ1014a",
    "accountId" : "b6a96d3d-1253-4fee-ba0d-80dddf01c09b",
    "assignedTo" : "0ee3cc23-20af-4f90-9c1f-802e8f59346",
    "ticketName" :"Payment subdue",
    "dueDate" : "2021-01-12T14:48:00.000Z",
    "priority" : "High",
    "createByType" : "agent ",
    "status" : "closed",
    "escalation" : "escalated",
    "type" : "Payment query",
    "customFields" : {
        "key1" :"value1",
        "key2" : "value2"

Sample Output Parameters

    "ticketId": "72d4c1ea-a151-4beb-894e-0776ceb954c0",
    "visibleId": "965",
    "appId": "7aa6b29b-709d-4d65-b1ea-acc8793c3e9a",
    "accountId": "905d34b5-ab46-45f0-87b1-e5d9deb9dd1a",
    "ticketName": "ticket101",
    "createdBy": "8481a6f9-6990-4131-812a-bc6de2f14ccb",
    "createdByType": "contact",
    "escalation": "escalated",
    "dueDate": "2021-01-18T04:34:29.794881Z",
    "priority": "High",
    "status": "closed",
    "type": "Payment query",
    "customFields": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
    "createTime": "Jan 18, 2021 4:34:29 AM",
    "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 12:11:03 PM",
    "version": 3,
    "allValues": 1


PUT /tickets/{id}

Complete URL{id}


This endpoint can be used to update an existing ticket.


Parameter Type Required Description
id String Required Ticket's unique id
visibleId String Optional Client's own ticket id
accountId String Optional Customer account id
ticketName String Optional Name of the ticket
assignedTo String Optional Agent's id to whom ticket is assigned.
dueDate String Optional Due date for the ticket
escalation String Optional Enum: escalated, notEscalated
priority String Optional Priority of the ticket
status String Optional Status of the ticket
type String Optional Type of the ticket
customFields Map Optional A key value pair to store other additional fields for the ticket


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully updated the ticket

Delete a Ticket

Sample Input Parameters


    "appId" : "1d7b1062-106a-4f95-a136-a2eec114b6f0"

Sample Output Parameters

    "message": "Ticket deleted"


DELETE /tickets/{id}

Complete URL{id}


This endpoint can be used to delete a tickets .


Parameter Type Required Description
id String Required Ticket's id that needs to be deleted


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully deleted the ticket

Fetch Ticket Comments

Sample Input Parameters

    "ticketId" : "hit0-gtnttjt-ntjgbt-598jtnbt"

Sample output Parameters

    "count": 2,
    "comments": [
            "CommentId": "d02f2965-5dc1-4ba9-861f-b11a6a309e81",
            "ticketId": "a10525ae-5805-4cc3-98f8-6291540ef02f",
            "description": "Pospone the date for meet if possible.",
            "createdByType": "agent",
            "createdById" :  "b5982819-3c9d-4b61-9e07-5b8fa3cf09a5",
            "createTime": "Feb 1, 2021 9:37:32 AM",
            "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 9:37:32 AM",
            "version": 1,
            "allValues": 1
            "CommentId": "fe0ed6ec-2e76-4637-aa91-2f6badddcaa3",
            "ticketId": "a10525ae-5805-4cc3-98f8-6291540ef02f",
            "description": "Sure, will ask Dev about the same.",
            "createdByType": "contact",
            "createdById" :  "ce343da7-2287-49c3-b4a6-b06b97e69a43",
            "createTime": "Feb 1, 2021 9:38:50 AM",
            "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 9:38:50 AM",
            "version": 1,
            "allValues": 1


GET /tickets/comments

Complete URL


This endpoint can be used to retrieve all the comments associated with a ticket.


Parameter Type Required Description
appId String Required SmartKarrot’s App id
ticketId String Required Ticket id


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully retrieved the comments of the ticket

Create a Ticket Comment

Sample Input Parameters

  "ticketId" : "9c68623f-7340-456b-a272-29c741c31a43",
  "description" : "version 3.0 to be released for the beta clients",
  "createdByType" : "agent",
  "createdBy" :"50a0347b-9f19-4283-a247-18450b87220a"

Sample Output Parameters

    "CommentId": "8a26114e-098c-4652-8889-a823e349580c",
    "ticketId": "9c68623f-7340-456b-a272-29c741c31a43",
    "description": "version 3.0 to be released for the beta clients",
    "createdBy": "50a0347b-9f19-4283-a247-18450b87220a",
    "createdByType": "agent",
    "createTime": "Feb 1, 2021 8:05:49 PM",
    "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 8:05:49 PM",
    "version": 1,
    "allValues": 1


POST /tickets/comments

Complete URL


This endpoint can be used to create a comment for a ticket with a data block containing the fields you’d like to set on the comment. Any unspecified fields will not be added to the comment .


Parameter Type Required Description
ticketId String Required Ticket id of the ticket to contain the comment.
description String Required decription of the comment
createdBy String Optional Creator's id
createdByType String Optional Enum: agent, contact


Status Description
Status 201
Description Successfully created the comment

Edit a ticket comment

Sample Input Parameters

    "description" : "The progress on usage analytics is steady."

Sample Output Parameters

    "CommentId": "d02f2965-5dc1-4ba9-861f-b11a6a309e81",
    "ticketId": "a10525ae-5805-4cc3-98f8-6291540ef02f",
    "description": "The progress on usage analytics is steady.",
    "createTime": "Feb 1, 2021 9:37:32 AM",
    "updateTime": "Feb 1, 2021 8:03:03 PM",
    "version": 2,
    "allValues": 1


PUT /tickets/comments

Complete URL


This endpoint can be used to update an existing comment on a ticket. Only the fields provided in the data block will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged


Parameter Type Required Description
id String Required Comment's unique id
description String Required updated description for the comment


Status Description
Status 200
Description Successfully updated the comment