Crate stac

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Rust implementation of the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification.

The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification provides a common language to describe a range of geospatial information, so it can more easily be indexed and discovered. A ‘spatiotemporal asset’ is any file that represents information about the earth captured in a certain space and time.

This is a Rust implementation of the specification. Similar projects in other languages include:

§Data structures

STAC has three core data structures:

All three are provided as serde (de)serializable structures with public attributes. Each structure provides a new method that fills most of the object’s attributes with sensible defaults:

use stac::{Item, Catalog, Collection};
let item = Item::new("id");
let catalog = Catalog::new("id", "description");
let collection = Catalog::new("id", "description");

All attributes of STAC objects are accessible as public members:

use stac::{Item, Link};
let mut item = Item::new("id");
assert_eq!(, "id");
item.links.push(Link::new("an/href", "a-rel-type"));


A Value can represent any of the three core data structures or an ItemCollection. It’s the serde_json::Value for stac-rs:

use stac::{Value, Item};

let value = Value::Item(Item::new("an-id"));

Value implements most traits that are shared between the data structures, so users of this library can do work (e.g. migration) without needing to know what type of object the value represents:

use stac::{Value, Migrate, Version};

let value: Value = stac::read("examples/simple-item.json").unwrap();
let value = value.migrate(&Version::v1_1_0).unwrap();

§Input and output

Synchronous reads from the filesystem are supported via read:

let value: stac::Item = stac::read("examples/simple-item.json").unwrap();

If the reqwest feature is enabled, synchronous reads from urls are also supported:

#[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]
    let url = "";
    let item: stac::Item = stac::read(url).unwrap();

To write, use write():

use stac::Format;

stac::write("an-id.json", stac::Item::new("an-id")).unwrap();

Enable the object-store feature to get and put objects from cloud storage, e.g. s3 (with the object-store-aws feature) or from other backends (see features for a complete listing):

use stac::Item;

#[cfg(feature = "object-store")]
    stac::io::put_opts("s3://bucket/item.json", Item::new("an-id"), [("foo", "bar")]).await.unwrap();
    let item: Item = stac::io::get_opts("s3://bucket/item.json", [("foo", "bar")]).await.unwrap();

For more, see the documentation in the io module.


  • geo: add some geo-enabled methods, see geo
  • geoarrow: read and write geoarrow, see geoarrow
  • geoparquet: read and write geoparquet, see geoparquet
    • geoparquet-compression: enable parquet compression
  • object-store: get and put from object stores. Sub-features enable specific protocols:
    • object-store-aws
    • object-store-azure
    • object-store-gcp
    • object-store-http
    • object-store-all (enable them all)
  • reqwest: get from http and https urls when using read




  • An Asset is an object that contains a URI to data associated with the Item that can be downloaded or streamed.
  • Bands are used to describe the available bands in a STAC entity or Asset.
  • A STAC Catalog object represents a logical group of other Catalog, Collection, and Item objects.
  • The STAC Collection Specification defines a set of common fields to describe a group of Items that share properties and metadata.
  • The object describes the spatio-temporal extents of the Collection.
  • An item asset is an object that contains details about the datafiles that will be included in member items.
  • A node in a STAC tree.
  • This object provides information about a provider.
  • Resolverobject-store
    An object that uses object store to resolve links.
  • The object describes the spatial extents of the Collection.
  • Statistics of all pixels in the band.
  • The object describes the temporal extents of the Collection.
  • Validatorvalidate
    A cloneable structure for validating STAC.


  • A bounding box.
  • A STAC container, i.e. a Catalog or a Collection.
  • The data type gives information about the values in the file.
  • Error enum for crate-specific errors.
  • The format of STAC data.
  • An href.
  • An href that has been realized to a path or a url.
  • Enum for the four “types” of STAC values.
  • An enum that can hold any STAC object type.
  • A version of the STAC specification.



  • Trait implemented by anything that has assets.
  • Trait for structures that have gettable and settable fields.
  • Create a STAC object from JSON.
  • Create a STAC object from newline-delimited JSON.
  • Migrates a STAC object from one version to another.
  • Implemented by all three STAC objects, the SelfHref trait allows getting and setting an object’s href.
  • Write a STAC object to JSON.
  • Write a STAC object to newline-delimited JSON.
  • Validatevalidate
    Validate any serializable object with json-schema
  • ValidateBlockingvalidate-blocking and validate
    Validate any serializable object with json-schema


  • Return this crate’s version.

Type Aliases§