Crate perspective_python

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The Python language bindings for Perspective, a high performance data-visualization and analytics component for the web browser.

The examples in this module are in Python. See perspective docs for the Rust API.

§Python Examples

A simple example which loads an Apache Arrow and computes a “Group By” operation, returning a new Arrow.

from perspective import Server

client = Server().new_local_client()
table = client.table(arrow_bytes_data)
view = table.view(group_by = ["CounterParty", "Security"])
arrow = view.to_arrow()

§What is perspective-python

Perspective for Python uses the exact same C++ data engine used by the WebAssembly version and Rust version. The library consists of many of the same abstractions and API as in JavaScript, as well as Python-specific data loading support for NumPy, Pandas (and Apache Arrow, as in JavaScript).

Additionally, perspective-python provides a session manager suitable for integration into server systems such as Tornado websockets, AIOHTTP, or Starlette/FastAPI, which allows fully virtual Perspective tables to be interacted with by multiple <perspective-viewer> in a web browser. You can also interact with a Perspective table from python clients, and to that end client libraries are implemented for both Tornado and AIOHTTP.

As <perspective-viewer> will only consume the data necessary to render the current screen, this runtime mode allows ludicrously-sized datasets with instant-load after they’ve been manifest on the server (at the expense of network latency on UI interaction).

The included PerspectiveWidget allows running such a viewer in JupyterLab in either server or client (via WebAssembly) mode, and the included PerspectiveTornadoHandler makes it simple to extend a Tornado server with virtual Perspective support.

The perspective module exports several tools:

  • Server the constructor for a new isntance of the Perspective data engine.
  • The perspective.widget module exports PerspectiveWidget, the JupyterLab widget for interactive visualization in a notebook cell.
  • The perspective.handlers modules exports web frameworks handlers that interface with a perspective-client in JavaScript.
    • perspective.handlers.tornado.PerspectiveTornadoHandler for Tornado
    • perspective.handlers.starlette.PerspectiveStarletteHandler for Starlette and FastAPI
    • perspective.handlers.aiohttp.PerspectiveAIOHTTPHandler for AIOHTTP,

This user’s guide provides an overview of the most common ways to use Perspective in Python: the Table API, the JupyterLab widget, and the Tornado handler.

More Examples are available on GitHub.


perspective-python contains full bindings to the Perspective API, a JupyterLab widget, and a WebSocket handlers for several webserver libraries that allow you to host Perspective using server-side Python.


perspective-python can be installed from PyPI via pip:

pip install perspective-python


PerspectiveWidget is a JupyterLab widget that implements the same API as <perspective-viewer>, allowing for fast, intuitive transformations/visualizations of various data formats within JupyterLab.

PerspectiveWidget is compatible with Jupyterlab 3 and Jupyter Notebook 6 via a prebuilt extension. To use it, simply install perspective-python and the extensions should be available.

perspective-python’s JupyterLab extension also provides convenient builtin viewers for csv, json, or arrow files. Simply right-click on a file with this extension and choose the appropriate Perpective option from the context menu.


A Table can be created from a dataset or a schema, the specifics of which are discussed in the JavaScript section of the user’s guide. In Python, however, Perspective supports additional data types that are commonly used when processing data:

  • pandas.DataFrame
  • polars.DataFrame
  • bytes (encoding an Apache Arrow)
  • objects (either extracting a repr or via reference)
  • str (encoding as a CSV)

A Table is created in a similar fashion to its JavaScript equivalent:

from datetime import date, datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import perspective

data = pd.DataFrame({
    "int": np.arange(100),
    "float": [i * 1.5 for i in range(100)],
    "bool": [True for i in range(100)],
    "date": [ for i in range(100)],
    "datetime": [ for i in range(100)],
    "string": [str(i) for i in range(100)]

table = perspective.table(data, index="float")

Likewise, a View can be created via the view() method:

view = table.view(group_by=["float"], filter=[["bool", "==", True]])
column_data = view.to_columns()
row_data = view.to_json()

§Pandas Support

Perspective’s Table can be constructed from pandas.DataFrame objects. Internally, this just uses pyarrow::from_pandas, which dictates behavior of this feature including type support.

If the dataframe does not have an index set, an integer-typed column named "index" is created. If you want to preserve the indexing behavior of the dataframe passed into Perspective, simply create the Table with index="index" as a keyword argument. This tells Perspective to once again treat the index as a primary key:

table = perspective.table(data, index="index")
§Time Zone Handling

When parsing "datetime" strings, times are assumed local time unless an explicit timezone offset is parsed. All "datetime" columns (regardless of input time zone) are output to the user as datetime.datetime objects in local time according to the Python runtime.

This behavior is consistent with Perspective’s behavior in JavaScript. For more details, see this in-depth explanation of perspective-python semantics around time zone handling.

§Callbacks and Events

perspective.Table allows for on_update and on_delete callbacks to be set—simply call on_update or on_delete with a reference to a function or a lambda without any parameters:

def update_callback():

# set the update callback
on_update_id = view.on_update(update_callback)

def delete_callback():

# set the delete callback
on_delete_id = view.on_delete(delete_callback)

# set a lambda as a callback
view.on_delete(lambda: print("Deleted x2!"))

If the callback is a named reference to a function, it can be removed with remove_update or remove_delete:


Callbacks defined with a lambda function cannot be removed, as lambda functions have no identifier.


Perspective’s server API releases the GIL when called (though it may be retained for some portion of the Client call to encode RPC messages). It also dispatches to an internal thread pool for some operations, enabling better parallelism and overall better server performance. However, Perspective’s Python interface itself will still process queries in a single queue. To enable parallel query processing, call set_loop_callback with a multi-threaded executor such as concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor:

def perspective_thread():
    server = perspective.Server()
    loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop()
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        server.set_loop_callback(loop.run_in_executor, executor)

§Hosting Table and View instances

Server “hosts” all perspective.Table and perspective.View instances created by its connected Clients. Hosted tables/views can have their methods called from other sources than the Python server, i.e. by a perspective-viewer running in a JavaScript client over the network, interfacing with perspective-python through the websocket API.

The server has full control of all hosted Table and View instances, and can call any public API method on hosted instances. This makes it extremely easy to stream data to a hosted Table using .update():

server = perspective.Server()
client = server.new_local_client()
table = client.table(data, name="data_source")

for i in range(10):
    # updates continue to propagate automatically

The name provided is important, as it enables Perspective in JavaScript to look up a Table and get a handle to it over the network. Otherwise, name will be assigned randomlu and the Client must look this up with CLient.get_hosted_table_names()

§Client/Server Replicated Mode

Using Tornado and PerspectiveTornadoHandler, as well as Perspective’s JavaScript library, we can set up “distributed” Perspective instances that allows multiple browser perspective-viewer clients to read from a common perspective-python server, as in the Tornado Example Project.

This architecture works by maintaining two Tables—one on the server, and one on the client that mirrors the server’s Table automatically using on_update. All updates to the table on the server are automatically applied to each client, which makes this architecture a natural fit for streaming dashboards and other distributed use-cases. In conjunction with multithreading, distributed Perspective offers consistently high performance over large numbers of clients and large datasets.

from perspective import Server
from perspective.hadnlers.tornado import PerspectiveTornadoHandler

# Create an instance of Server, and host a Table
SERVER = Server()
CLIENT = SERVER.new_local_client()

# The Table is exposed at `localhost:8888/websocket` with the name `data_source`
client.table(data, name = "data_source")

app = tornado.web.Application([
    # create a websocket endpoint that the client JavaScript can access
    (r"/websocket", PerspectiveTornadoHandler, {"perspective_server": SERVER})

# Start the Tornado server
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()

Instead of calling load(server_table), create a View using server_table and pass that into viewer.load(). This will automatically register an on_update callback that synchronizes state between the server and the client.


<perspective-viewer id="viewer" editable></perspective-viewer>

<script type="module">
    // Create a client that expects a Perspective server
    // to accept connections at the specified URL.
    const websocket = await perspective.websocket(

    // Get a handle to the Table on the server
    const server_table = await websocket.open_table("data_source_one");

    // Create a new view
    const server_view = await table.view();

    // Create a Table on the client using `perspective.worker()`
    const worker = await perspective.worker();
    const client_table = await worker.table(view);

    // Load the client table in the `<perspective-viewer>`.

For a more complex example that offers distributed editing of the server dataset, see client_server_editing.html.

We also provide examples for Starlette/FastAPI and AIOHTTP:

§Server-only Mode

The server setup is identical to Distributed Mode above, but instead of creating a view, the client calls load(server_table): In Python, use Server and PerspectiveTornadoHandler to create a websocket server that exposes a Table. In this example, table is a proxy for the Table we created on the server. All API methods are available on proxies, calling view(), schema(), update() on table will pass those operations to the Python Table, execute the commands, and return the result back to Javascript.

<perspective-viewer id="viewer" editable></perspective-viewer>
const websocket = perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");
const table = websocket.open_table("data_source");


Building on top of the API provided by perspective.Table, the PerspectiveWidget is a JupyterLab plugin that offers the entire functionality of Perspective within the Jupyter environment. It supports the same API semantics of <perspective-viewer>, along with the additional data types supported by perspective.Table. PerspectiveWidget takes keyword arguments for the managed View:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
w = perspective.PerspectiveWidget(
    plugin="X Bar",
    aggregates={"datetime": "any"},
    sort=[["date", "desc"]]

§Creating a widget

A widget is created through the PerspectiveWidget constructor, which takes as its first, required parameter a perspective.Table, a dataset, a schema, or None, which serves as a special value that tells the Widget to defer loading any data until later. In maintaining consistency with the Javascript API, Widgets cannot be created with empty dictionaries or lists—None should be used if the intention is to await data for loading later on. A widget can be constructed from a dataset:

from perspective.widget import PerspectiveWidget
PerspectiveWidget(data, group_by=["date"])

.. or a schema:

PerspectiveWidget({"a": int, "b": str})

.. or an instance of a perspective.Table:

table = perspective.table(data)


Perspective ships with a pre-built Tornado handler that makes integration with tornado.websockets extremely easy. This allows you to run an instance of Perspective on a server using Python, open a websocket to a Table, and access the Table in JavaScript and through <perspective-viewer>. All instructions sent to the Table are processed in Python, which executes the commands, and returns its output through the websocket back to Javascript.

§Python setup

To use the handler, we need to first have a Server, a Client and an instance of a Table:

SERVER = Server()
CLIENT = SERVER.new_local_client()

Once the server has been created, create a Table instance with a name. The name that you host the table under is important — it acts as a unique accessor on the JavaScript side, which will look for a Table hosted at the websocket with the name you specify.

TABLE = client.table(data, name="data_source_one")

After the server and table setup is complete, create a websocket endpoint and provide it a reference to PerspectiveTornadoHandler. You must provide the configuration object in the route tuple, and it must contain "perspective_server", which is a reference to the Server you just created.

from perspective.handlers.tornado import PerspectiveTornadoHandler

app = tornado.web.Application([

    # ... other handlers ...

    # Create a websocket endpoint that the client JavaScript can access
    (r"/websocket", PerspectiveTornadoHandler, {"perspective_server": SERVER, "check_origin": True})

Optionally, the configuration object can also include check_origin, a boolean that determines whether the websocket accepts requests from origins other than where the server is hosted. See Tornado docs for more details.

§JavaScript setup

Once the server is up and running, you can access the Table you just hosted using perspective.websocket and open_table(). First, create a client that expects a Perspective server to accept connections at the specified URL:

const websocket = await perspective.websocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");

Next open the Table we created on the server by name:

const table = await websocket.open_table("data_source_one");

table is a proxy for the Table we created on the server. All operations that are possible through the JavaScript API are possible on the Python API as well, thus calling view(), schema(), update() etc. on const table will pass those operations to the Python Table, execute the commands, and return the result back to JavaScript. Similarly, providing this table to a <perspective-viewer> instance will allow virtual rendering:

await viewer.load(table);

perspective.websocket expects a Websocket URL where it will send instructions. When open_table is called, the name to a hosted Table is passed through, and a request is sent through the socket to fetch the Table. No actual Table instance is passed inbetween the runtimes; all instructions are proxied through websockets.

This provides for great flexibility — while Perspective.js is full of features, browser WebAssembly runtimes currently have some performance restrictions on memory and CPU feature utilization, and the architecture in general suffers when the dataset itself is too large to download to the client in full.

The Python runtime does not suffer from memory limitations, utilizes Apache Arrow internal threadpools for threading and parallel processing, and generates architecture optimized code, which currently makes it more suitable as a server-side runtime than node.js.


An instance of a Client is a unique connection to a single perspective_server::Server, whether locally in-memory or remote over some transport like a WebSocket.
The View struct is Perspective’s query and serialization interface. It represents a query on the Table’s dataset and is always created from an existing Table instance via the Table::view method.