pytorch-quantization’s documentation
Basic Functionalities
Quantization function
and fake_tensor_quant
are 2 basic functions to
quantize a tensor. fake_tensor_quant
returns fake quantized tensor
(float value). tensor_quant
returns quantized tensor (integer value)
and scale.
tensor_quant(inputs, amax, num_bits=8, output_dtype=torch.float, unsigned=False)
fake_tensor_quant(inputs, amax, num_bits=8, output_dtype=torch.float, unsigned=False)
from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant
# Generate random input. With fixed seed 12345, x should be
# tensor([0.9817, 0.8796, 0.9921, 0.4611, 0.0832, 0.1784, 0.3674, 0.5676, 0.3376, 0.2119])
x = torch.rand(10)
# fake quantize tensor x. fake_quant_x will be
# tensor([0.9843, 0.8828, 0.9921, 0.4609, 0.0859, 0.1797, 0.3672, 0.5703, 0.3359, 0.2109])
fake_quant_x = tensor_quant.fake_tensor_quant(x, x.abs().max())
# quantize tensor x. quant_x will be
# tensor([126., 113., 127., 59., 11., 23., 47., 73., 43., 27.])
# with scale=128.0057
quant_x, scale = tensor_quant.tensor_quant(x, x.abs().max())
Backward of both functions are defined as Straight-Through Estimator (STE).
Descriptor and quantizer
defines how a tensor should be quantized. There are
also some predefined QuantDescriptor
, e.g.
is the module for quantizing tensors and defined by
from pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
from pytorch_quantization.nn.modules.tensor_quantizer import TensorQuantizer
quant_desc = QuantDescriptor(num_bits=4, fake_quant=False, axis=(0), unsigned=True)
quantizer = TensorQuantizer(quant_desc)
x = torch.rand(10, 9, 8, 7)
quant_x = quantizer(x)
If amax
is given in the QuantDescriptor
, TensorQuantizer
will use it to quantize. Otherwise, TensorQuantizer
will compute amax then quantize. amax will be computed w.r.t axis
specified. Note that axis
of QuantDescriptor specify remaining axis as oppsed to axis of max().
Quantized module
There are 2 major types of module, Conv
and Linear
. Both can
replace torch.nn
version and apply quantization on both weight and
Both take quant_desc_input
and quant_desc_weight
in addition to
arguments of the original module.
from torch import nn
from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant
import pytorch_quantization.nn as quant_nn
# pytorch's module
fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=True)
conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size)
# quantized version
quant_fc1 = quant_nn.Linear(
in_features, out_features, bias=True,
quant_conv1 = quant_nn.Conv2d(
in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
Post training quantization
A model can be post training quantized by simply by calling quant_modules.initialize()
from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
model = torchvision.models.resnet50()
If a model is not entirely defined by module, than TensorQuantizer should be manually created and added to the right place in the model.
Calibration is the TensorRT terminology of passing data samples to the quantizer and deciding the best amax for activations. We support 3 calibration methods:
: Simply use global maximum absolute valueentropy
: TensorRT’s entropy calibrationpercentile
: Get rid of outlier based on given percentile.mse
: MSE(Mean Squared Error) based calibration
In above ResNet50 example, calibration method is set to mse
, it can
be used as the following example:
# Find the TensorQuantizer and enable calibration
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if name.endswith('_quantizer'):
module.disable_quant() # Use full precision data to calibrate
# Feeding data samples
# ...
# Finalize calibration
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if name.endswith('_quantizer'):
# If running on GPU, it needs to call .cuda() again because new tensors will be created by calibration process
# Keep running the quantized model
# ...
Calibration needs to be performed before exporting the model to ONNX.
Quantization Aware Training
Quantization Aware Training is based on Straight Through Estimator (STE) derivative approximation. It is some time known as “quantization aware training”. We don’t use the name because it doesn’t reflect the underneath assumption. If anything, it makes training being “unaware” of quantization because of the STE approximation.
After calibration is done, Quantization Aware Training is simply select a training schedule and continue training the calibrated model. Usually, it doesn’t need to fine tune very long. We usually use around 10% of the original training schedule, starting at 1% of the initial training learning rate, and a cosine annealing learning rate schedule that follows the decreasing half of a cosine period, down to 1% of the initial fine tuning learning rate (0.01% of the initial training learning rate).
Some recommendations
Quantization Aware Training (Essentially a discrete numerical optimization problem) is not a solved problem mathematically. Based on our experience, here are some recommendations:
For STE approximation to work well, it is better to use small learning rate. Large learning rate is more likely to enlarge the variance introduced by STE approximation and destroy the trained network.
Do not change quantization representation (scale) during training, at least not too frequently. Changing scale every step, it is effectively like changing data format (e8m7, e5m10, e3m4, every step, which will easily affect convergence.
Export to ONNX
The goal of exporting to ONNX is to deploy to TensorRT, not to ONNX runtime. So we only export fake quantized model into a form TensorRT will take. Fake quantization will be broken into a pair of QuantizeLinear/DequantizeLinear ONNX ops. TensorRT will take the generated ONNX graph, and execute it in int8 in the most optimized way to its capability.
Currently, we only support exporting int8 and fp8 fake quantized modules. Additionally, quantized modules need to be calibrated before exporting to ONNX.
Fake quantized model can be exported to ONNX as any other Pytorch model. Please learn more about exporting a Pytorch model to ONNX at torch.onnx. For example:
import pytorch_quantization
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
model = torchvision.models.resnet50()
# load the calibrated model
state_dict = torch.load("quant_resnet50-entropy-1024.pth", map_location="cpu")
dummy_input = torch.randn(128, 3, 224, 224, device='cuda')
input_names = [ "actual_input_1" ]
output_names = [ "output1" ]
with pytorch_quantization.enable_onnx_export():
# enable_onnx_checker needs to be disabled. See notes below.
model, dummy_input, "quant_resnet50.onnx", verbose=True, opset_version=10, enable_onnx_checker=False
Note that axis
is added to QuantizeLinear
and DequantizeLinear
in opset13.
Quantizing Resnet50
Create a quantized model
Import the necessary python modules:
import torch
from torch import nn
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
from pytorch_quantization import calib
from pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
from torchvision import models
sys.path.append("path to torchvision/references/classification/")
from train import evaluate, train_one_epoch, load_data
Adding quantized modules
The first step is to add quantizer modules to the neural network graph.
This package provides a number of quantized layer modules, which contain quantizers for inputs and weights.
e.g. quant_nn.QuantLinear
, which can be used in place of nn.Linear
These quantized layers can be substituted automatically, via monkey-patching, or by manually modifying the model definition.
Automatic layer substitution is done with quant_modules
. This should be called before model creation.
from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
This will apply to all instances of each module.
If you do not want all modules to be quantized you should instead substitute the quantized modules manually.
Stand-alone quantizers can also be added to the model with quant_nn.TensorQuantizer
Post training quantization
For efficient inference, we want to select a fixed range for each quantizer. Starting with a pre-trained model, the simplest way to do this is by calibration.
We will use histogram based calibration for activations and the default max calibration for weights.
quant_desc_input = QuantDescriptor(calib_method='histogram')
model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
To collect activation histograms we must feed sample data in to the model. First, create ImageNet dataloaders as done in the training script. Then, enable calibration in each quantizer and feed training data in to the model. 1024 samples (2 batches of 512) should be sufficient to estimate the distribution of activations. Use training data for calibration so that validation also measures generalization of the selected ranges.
data_path = "PATH to imagenet"
batch_size = 512
traindir = os.path.join(data_path, 'train')
valdir = os.path.join(data_path, 'val')
dataset, dataset_test, train_sampler, test_sampler = load_data(traindir, valdir, False, False)
data_loader =
dataset, batch_size=batch_size,
sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True)
data_loader_test =
dataset_test, batch_size=batch_size,
sampler=test_sampler, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True)
def collect_stats(model, data_loader, num_batches):
"""Feed data to the network and collect statistic"""
# Enable calibrators
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if isinstance(module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module._calibrator is not None:
for i, (image, _) in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader), total=num_batches):
if i >= num_batches:
# Disable calibrators
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if isinstance(module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module._calibrator is not None:
def compute_amax(model, **kwargs):
# Load calib result
for name, module in model.named_modules():
if isinstance(module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module._calibrator is not None:
if isinstance(module._calibrator, calib.MaxCalibrator):
print(F"{name:40}: {module}")
# It is a bit slow since we collect histograms on CPU
with torch.no_grad():
collect_stats(model, data_loader, num_batches=2)
compute_amax(model, method="percentile", percentile=99.99)
After calibration is done, quantizers will have amax
set, which represents the absolute maximum input value representable in the quantized space.
By default, weight ranges are per channel while activation ranges are per tensor.
We can see the condensed amaxes by printing each TensorQuantizer
conv1._input_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake per-tensor amax=2.6400 calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
conv1._weight_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake axis=(0) amax=[0.0000, 0.7817](64) calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
layer1.0.conv1._input_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake per-tensor amax=6.8645 calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
layer1.0.conv1._weight_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake axis=(0) amax=[0.0000, 0.7266](64) calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
Evaluate the calibrated model
Next we will evaluate the classification accuracy of our post training quantized model on the ImageNet validation set.
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
with torch.no_grad():
evaluate(model, criterion, data_loader_test, device="cuda", print_freq=20)
# Save the model, "/tmp/quant_resnet50-calibrated.pth")
This should yield 76.1% top-1 accuracy, which is close to the pre-trained model accuracy of 76.2%.
Use different calibration
We can try different calibrations without recollecting the histograms, and see which one gets the best accuracy.
with torch.no_grad():
compute_amax(model, method="percentile", percentile=99.9)
evaluate(model, criterion, data_loader_test, device="cuda", print_freq=20)
with torch.no_grad():
for method in ["mse", "entropy"]:
print(F"{method} calibration")
compute_amax(model, method=method)
evaluate(model, criterion, data_loader_test, device="cuda", print_freq=20)
MSE and entropy should both get over 76%. 99.9% clips too many values for resnet50 and will get slightly lower accuracy.
Quantization Aware Training
Optionally, we can fine-tune the calibrated model to improve accuracy further.
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1)
# Training takes about one and half hour per epoch on a single V100
train_one_epoch(model, criterion, optimizer, data_loader, "cuda", 0, 100)
# Save the model, "/tmp/quant_resnet50-finetuned.pth")
After one epoch of fine-tuning, we can achieve over 76.4% top-1 accuracy. Fine-tuning for more epochs with learning rate annealing can improve accuracy further. For example, fine-tuning for 15 epochs with cosine annealing starting with a learning rate of 0.001 can get over 76.7%. It should be noted that the same fine-tuning schedule will improve the accuracy of the unquantized model as well.
Further optimization
For efficient inference on TensorRT, we need know more details about the runtime optimization. TensorRT supports fusion of quantizing convolution and residual add. The new fused operator has two inputs. Let us call them conv-input and residual-input. Here the fused operator’s output precision must match the residual input precision. When there is another quantizing node after the fused operator, we can insert a pair of quantizing/dequantizing nodes between the residual-input and the Elementwise-Addition node, so that quantizing node after the Convolution node is fused with the Convolution node, and the Convolution node is completely quantized with INT8 input and output. We cannot use automatic monkey-patching to apply this optimization and we need to manually insert the quantizing/dequantizing nodes.
First create a copy of from, modify the constructor, add explicit bool flag ‘quantize’
def resnet50(pretrained: bool = False, progress: bool = True, quantize: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> ResNet:
return _resnet('resnet50', Bottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3], pretrained, progress, quantize, **kwargs)
def _resnet(arch: str, block: Type[Union[BasicBlock, Bottleneck]], layers: List[int], pretrained: bool, progress: bool,
quantize: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> ResNet:
model = ResNet(block, layers, quantize, **kwargs)
class ResNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
block: Type[Union[BasicBlock, Bottleneck]],
layers: List[int],
quantize: bool = False,
num_classes: int = 1000,
zero_init_residual: bool = False,
groups: int = 1,
width_per_group: int = 64,
replace_stride_with_dilation: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
norm_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None) -> None:
super(ResNet, self).__init__()
self._quantize = quantize
When this self._quantize
flag is set to True
, we need replace all the nn.Conv2d
with quant_nn.QuantConv2d
def conv3x3(in_planes: int,
out_planes: int,
stride: int = 1,
groups: int = 1,
dilation: int = 1,
quantize: bool = False) -> nn.Conv2d:
"""3x3 convolution with padding"""
if quantize:
return quant_nn.QuantConv2d(in_planes,
return nn.Conv2d(in_planes,
def conv1x1(in_planes: int, out_planes: int, stride: int = 1, quantize: bool = False) -> nn.Conv2d:
"""1x1 convolution"""
if quantize:
return quant_nn.QuantConv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False)
return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False)
The residual conv add can be find both in both BasicBlock
and Bottleneck
We need first declare quantization node in the __init__
def __init__(self,
inplanes: int,
planes: int,
stride: int = 1,
downsample: Optional[nn.Module] = None,
groups: int = 1,
base_width: int = 64,
dilation: int = 1,
norm_layer: Optional[Callable[..., nn.Module]] = None,
quantize: bool = False) -> None:
# other code...
self._quantize = quantize
if self._quantize:
self.residual_quantizer = quant_nn.TensorQuantizer(quant_nn.QuantConv2d.default_quant_desc_input)
Finally we need patch the forward
function in both BasicBlock
and Bottleneck
inserting extra quantization/dequantization nodes here.
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# other code...
if self._quantize:
out += self.residual_quantizer(identity)
out += identity
out = self.relu(out)
return out
The final resnet code with residual quantized can be found in
Creating Custom Quantized Modules
There are several quantized modules provided by the quantization tool as follows:
QuantConv1d, QuantConv2d, QuantConv3d, QuantConvTranspose1d, QuantConvTranspose2d, QuantConvTranspose3d
QuantAvgPool1d, QuantAvgPool2d, QuantAvgPool3d, QuantMaxPool1d, QuantMaxPool2d, QuantMaxPool3d
To quantize a module, we need to quantize the input and weights if present. Following are 3 major use-cases:
Create quantized wrapper for modules that have only inputs
Create quantized wrapper for modules that have inputs as well as weights.
Directly add the
module to the inputs of an operation in the model graph.
The first two methods are very useful if it’s needed to automatically replace the original modules (nodes in the graph) with their quantized versions. The third method could be useful when it’s required to manually add the quantization to the model graph at very specific places (more manual, more control).
Let’s see each use-case with examples below.
Quantizing Modules With Only Inputs
A suitable example would be quantizing the pooling
module variants.
Essentially, we need to provide a wrapper function that takes the original module and adds the TensorQuantizer
module around it so that the input is first quantized and then fed into the original module.
Create the wrapper by subclassing the original module (
) along with the utilities module (_utils.QuantInputMixin
class QuantMaxPool2d(pooling.MaxPool2d, _utils.QuantInputMixin):
function would call the original module’s init function and provide it with the corresponding arguments. There would be just one additional argument using**kwargs
which contains the quantization configuration information. TheQuantInputMixin
utility contains the methodpop_quant_desc_in_kwargs
which extracts this configuration information from the input or returns a default if that input isNone
. Finally theinit_quantizer
method is called that initializes theTensorQuantizer
module which would quantize the inputs.
def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1,
return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False, **kwargs):
super(QuantMaxPool2d, self).__init__(kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation,
return_indices, ceil_mode)
quant_desc_input = _utils.pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs(self.__class__, input_only=True, **kwargs)
After the initialization, the
function needs to be defined in our wrapper module that would actually quantize the inputs using the_input_quantizer
that was initialized in the__init__
function forwarding the inputs to the base module usingsuper
def forward(self, input):
quant_input = self._input_quantizer(input)
return super(QuantMaxPool2d, self).forward(quant_input)
Finally, we need to define a getter method for the
. This could, for example, be used to disable the quantization for a particular module usingmodule.input_quantizer.disable()
which is helpful while experimenting with different layer quantization configuration.
def input_quantizer(self):
return self._input_quantizer
A complete quantized pooling module would look like following:
class QuantMaxPool2d(pooling.MaxPool2d, _utils.QuantInputMixin):
"""Quantized 2D maxpool"""
def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1,
return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False, **kwargs):
super(QuantMaxPool2d, self).__init__(kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation,
return_indices, ceil_mode)
quant_desc_input = _utils.pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs(self.__class__, input_only=True, **kwargs)
def forward(self, input):
quant_input = self._input_quantizer(input)
return super(QuantMaxPool2d, self).forward(quant_input)
def input_quantizer(self):
return self._input_quantizer
Quantizing Modules With Weights and Inputs
We give an example of quantizing the torch.nn.Linear
module. It follows that the only additional change from the previous example of quantizing pooling modules is that we’d need to accomodate the quantization of weights in the Linear module.
We create the quantized linear module as follows:
class QuantLinear(nn.Linear, _utils.QuantMixin):
In the
function, we first use thepop_quant_desc_in_kwargs
function to extract the quantization descriptors for both inputs and weights. Second, we initialize theTensorQuantizer
modules for both inputs and weights using these quantization descriptors.
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True, **kwargs):
super(QuantLinear, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, bias)
quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight = _utils.pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs(self.__class__, **kwargs)
self.init_quantizer(quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight)
Also, override the
function call and pass the inputs and weights through_input_quantizer
respectively before passing the quantized arguments to the actualF.Linear
call. This step adds the actual input/weightTensorQuantizer
to the module and eventually the model.
def forward(self, input):
quant_input = self._input_quantizer(input)
quant_weight = self._weight_quantizer(self.weight)
output = F.linear(quant_input, quant_weight, bias=self.bias)
return output
Also similar to the
module, we add the getter methods for theTensorQuantizer
modules associated with inputs/weights. This could be used to, for example, disable the quantization mechanism by callingmodule_obj.weight_quantizer.disable()
def input_quantizer(self):
return self._input_quantizer
def weight_quantizer(self):
return self._weight_quantizer
With all of the above changes, the quantized Linear module would look like following:
class QuantLinear(nn.Linear, _utils.QuantMixin):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True, **kwargs):
super(QuantLinear, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, bias)
quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight = _utils.pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs(self.__class__, **kwargs)
self.init_quantizer(quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight)
def forward(self, input):
quant_input = self._input_quantizer(input)
quant_weight = self._weight_quantizer(self.weight)
output = F.linear(quant_input, quant_weight, bias=self.bias)
return output
def input_quantizer(self):
return self._input_quantizer
def weight_quantizer(self):
return self._weight_quantizer
Directly Quantizing Inputs In Graph
It is also possible to directly quantize graph inputs without creating wrappers as explained above.
Here’s an example:
test_input = torch.randn(1, 5, 5, 5, dtype=torch.double)
quantizer = TensorQuantizer(quant_nn.QuantLinear.default_quant_desc_input)
quant_input = quantizer(test_input)
out = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(quant_input, 3)
Assume that there is a F.adaptive_avg_pool2d
operation in the graph and we’d like to quantize this operation. In the example above, we use TensorQuantizer(quant_nn.QuantLinear.default_quant_desc_input)
to define a quantizer that we then use to actually quantize the test_input
and then feed this quantized input to the F.adaptive_avg_pool2d
operation. Note that this quantizer is the same as the ones we used earlier while created quantized versions of torch’s modules.
provides Calibrator classes that
collect data statistics and determine pytorch_quantization parameters.
- class pytorch_quantization.calib.MaxCalibrator(num_bits, axis, unsigned, track_amax=False)
Max calibrator, tracks the maximum value globally
- Parameters
calib_desc – A MaxCalibDescriptor.
num_bits – An integer. Number of bits of quantization.
axis – A tuple. see QuantDescriptor.
unsigned – A boolean. using unsigned quantization.
- Readonly Properties:
amaxs: A list of amax. Numpy array is saved as it is likely to be used for some plot.
- collect(x)
Tracks the absolute max of all tensors
- Parameters
x – A tensor
- Raises
RuntimeError – If amax shape changes
- compute_amax()
Return the absolute max of all tensors collected
- reset()
Reset the collected absolute max
- class pytorch_quantization.calib.HistogramCalibrator(num_bits, axis, unsigned, num_bins=2048, grow_method=None, skip_zeros=False, torch_hist=True)
Unified histogram calibrator
- Histogram will be only collected once. compute_amax() performs entropy, percentile, or mse
calibration based on arguments
- Parameters
num_bits – An integer. Number of bits of quantization.
axis – A tuple. see QuantDescriptor.
unsigned – A boolean. using unsigned quantization.
num_bins – An integer. Number of histograms bins. Default 2048.
grow_method – A string. DEPRECATED. default None.
skip_zeros – A boolean. If True, skips zeros when collecting data for histogram. Default False.
torch_hist – A boolean. If True, collect histogram by torch.histc instead of np.histogram. If input tensor is on GPU, histc will also be running on GPU. Default True.
- collect(x)
Collect histogram
- compute_amax(method: str, *, stride: int = 1, start_bin: int = 128, percentile: float = 99.99)
Compute the amax from the collected histogram
- Parameters
method – A string. One of [‘entropy’, ‘mse’, ‘percentile’]
- Keyword Arguments
stride – An integer. Default 1
start_bin – An integer. Default 128
percentils – A float number between [0, 100]. Default 99.99.
- Returns
amax – a tensor
- reset()
Reset the collected histogram
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.TensorQuantizer(quant_desc=<pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant.ScaledQuantDescriptor object>, disabled=False, if_quant=True, if_clip=False, if_calib=False)
Tensor quantizer module
This module uses tensor_quant or fake_tensor_quant function to quantize a tensor. And wrappers variable, moving statistics we’d want when training a quantized network.
- Experimental features:
stage learns range before enabling quantization.calib
stage runs calibration
- Parameters
quant_desc – An instance of
.disabled – A boolean. If True, by pass the whole module returns input. Default False.
if_quant – A boolean. If True, run main quantization body. Default True.
if_clip – A boolean. If True, clip before quantization and learn amax. Default False.
if_calib – A boolean. If True, run calibration. Not implemented yet. Settings of calibration will probably go to
- Readonly Properties:
- Mutable Properties:
- __init__(quant_desc=<pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant.ScaledQuantDescriptor object>, disabled=False, if_quant=True, if_clip=False, if_calib=False)
Initialize quantizer and set up required variables
- disable()
Bypass the module
- disable_clip()
Disable clip stage
- enable_clip()
Enable clip stage
- forward(inputs)
Apply tensor_quant function to inputs
- Parameters
inputs – A Tensor of type float32.
- Returns
outputs – A Tensor of type output_dtype
- init_learn_amax()
Initialize learned amax from fixed amax
Quantized Modules
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.modules.quant_conv._QuantConvNd(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, transposed, output_padding, groups, bias, padding_mode, quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight)
base class of quantized Conv inherited from _ConvNd
Comments of original arguments can be found in torch.nn.modules.conv
- Parameters
quant_desc_input – An instance of
. Quantization descriptor of input.quant_desc_weight – An instance of
. Quantization descriptor of weight.
- Raises
ValueError – If unsupported arguments are passed in.
- Readonly properties:
- Static methods:
set_default_quant_desc_input: Set default_quant_desc_input
set_default_quant_desc_weight: Set default_quant_desc_weight
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConv1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized 1D Conv
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized 2D conv
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized 3D Conv
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConvTranspose1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, bias=True, dilation=1, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized ConvTranspose1d
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, bias=True, dilation=1, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized ConvTranspose2d
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantConvTranspose3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, bias=True, dilation=1, padding_mode='zeros', **kwargs)
Quantized ConvTranspose3d
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantLinear(in_features, out_features, bias=True, **kwargs)
Quantized version of nn.Linear
Apply quantized linear to the incoming data, y = dequant(quant(x)quant(A)^T + b).
Keep Module name “Linear” instead of “QuantLinear” so that it can be easily dropped into preexisting model and load pretrained weights. An alias “QuantLinear” is defined below. The base code is a copy of nn.Linear, see detailed comment of original arguments there.
Quantization descriptors are passed in in kwargs. If not presents, default_quant_desc_input and default_quant_desc_weight are used.
- Keyword Arguments
quant_desc_input – An instance of
. Quantization descriptor of input.quant_desc_wegiht – An instance of
. Quantization descriptor of weight.
- Raises
ValueError – If unsupported arguments are passed in.
KeyError – If unsupported kwargs are passed in.
- Readonly properties:
- Static methods:
set_default_quant_desc_input: Set default_quant_desc_input
set_default_quant_desc_weight: Set default_quant_desc_weight
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantMaxPool1d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False, **kwargs)
Quantized 1D maxpool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantMaxPool2d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False, **kwargs)
Quantized 2D maxpool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantMaxPool3d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False, **kwargs)
Quantized 3D maxpool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAvgPool1d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, **kwargs)
Quantized 1D average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAvgPool2d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None, **kwargs)
Quantized 2D average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAvgPool3d(kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, ceil_mode=False, count_include_pad=True, divisor_override=None, **kwargs)
Quantized 3D average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAdaptiveAvgPool1d(output_size, **kwargs)
Quantized 1D adaptive average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size, **kwargs)
Quantized 2D adaptive average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.QuantAdaptiveAvgPool3d(output_size, **kwargs)
Quantized 3D adaptive average pool
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.Clip(clip_value_min, clip_value_max, learn_min=False, learn_max=False)
Clip tensor
- Parameters
clip_value_min – A number or tensor of lower bound to clip
clip_value_max – A number of tensor of upper bound to clip
learn_min – A boolean. If True, learn min. clip_value_min will be used to initialize. Default False
learn_max – A boolean. Similar as learn_min but for max.
- Raises
Some supportive functions
- class pytorch_quantization.nn.functional.ClipFunction(*args, **kwargs)
An universal tensor clip function
Pytorch’s clamp() only supports scalar range and doesn’t support broadcast. This implementation uses min/max which is more genaral. The gradient is defined according to IBM’s PACT paper, which is also the behavior of Tensorflow’s clip_by_value()
is alias of ClipFunction.apply
Helper functions for quant optimizer/trainer
- pytorch_quantization.optim.helper.freeze_parameters(model, patterns)
Set requires_grad to False if patterns match name
- Parameters
model – A Module
patterns – A list of strings that will be used to match parameter names. If parameter name contains any pattern, it will be frozen.
- pytorch_quantization.optim.helper.group_parameters(model, patterns_list, lrs=None, momentums=None, weight_decays=None)
Group parameters for using per-parameters option in optimizer
Returns a list of dict that matches Pytorch optimizer fashion, see for more details.
>>> [ >>> {'params': model.base.parameters()}, >>> {'params': model.classifier.parameters(), 'lr': 1e-3} >>> ]
Parameters will be grouped w.r.t first level of the keys_list. e.g. keys_list=[[‘conv1’, ‘conv2’], [‘conv3’]] will return 2 groups, one with conv1 and conv2 in name, and the other with conv3 in name.
If lr, momentum or weight_decay are supplied, they will be added to the group as well.
- Parameters
model – A module
patterns_list – A list of list of strings. WARNING: patters must be EXCLUSIVE, the function doesn’t perform exclusive check.
lrs – A list of float with same length as keys_list or None.
momentums – A list of float with same length as keys_list or None.
weight_decays – A list of float with same length as keys_list or None.
- Returns
param_group – A list of dict
- pytorch_quantization.optim.helper.match_parameters(model, patterns)
Returns an generator over module parameters if name matches key
It is useful to group parameters, and apply different functions to different group. This function provides an easy way to group them.
- Parameters
model – A Module
patterns – A list of strings that will be used to match parameter names. If parameter name contains any pattern, it will be yield
- Yields
param – Module parameters
- pytorch_quantization.optim.helper.quant_weight_inplace(model)
Make quantization inplace
Search for quantized modules including QuantConvNd and QuantLinear, make weight quantization in place using weight_quantizer.
Most publications of quantization aware training uses STE by default, which is really an approximation of derivative of the nondifferentiable quantization function, which works to some extended but by no means the F=ma of the problem. Inplace quantization can be used to implement relax-and-round, which is a common method in Discrete Optimization’s or Integer Programming.
Basic tensor quantization functions
- pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant.QuantDescriptor
alias of
- class pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant.ScaledQuantDescriptor(num_bits=8, name=None, **kwargs)
Supportive descriptor of quantization
Describe how a tensor should be quantized. A QuantDescriptor and a tensor defines a quantized tensor.
- Parameters
num_bits – An integer or a tuple of two integers. Specifically, num_bits can be:
- A positive integer argument for integer qunatization. num_bits specify
the number of bits used for integer quantization.
- Constant integer tuple (4,3) for E4M3 floating point quantization emulating
Nvidia’s FP8 quantization. E4M3 quantization only supports per-tensor quantization.
Default: 8.
name – Seems a nice thing to have
- Keyword Arguments
fake_quant – A boolean. If True, use fake quantization mode. Default True.
axis – None, int or tuple of int. axes which will have its own max for computing scaling factor. If None (the default), use per tensor scale. Must be in the range [-rank(input_tensor), rank(input_tensor)). e.g. For a KCRS weight tensor, quant_axis=(0) will yield per channel scaling. Default None.
amax – A float or list/ndarray of floats of user specified absolute max range. If supplied, ignore quant_axis and use this to quantize. If learn_amax is True, will be used to initialize learnable amax. Default None.
learn_amax – A boolean. If True, learn amax. Default False.
scale_amax – A float. If supplied, multiply amax by scale_amax. Default None. It is useful for some quick experiment.
calib_method – A string. One of [“max”, “histogram”] indicates which calibration to use. Except the simple max calibration, other methods are all hisogram based. Default “max”.
unsigned – A Boolean. If True, use unsigned. Default False.
- Raises
TypeError – If unsupported type is passed in.
- Read-only properties:
- dict()
Serialize to dict
The build-in __dict__ method returns all the attributes, which includes those have default value and have protected prefix “_”. This method only returns those have values other than the default one and don’t have _ in key. Construct a instance by dict returned by this method should get exactly the same instance.
- classmethod from_yaml(yaml_str)
Create descriptor from yaml str
- to_yaml()
Create yaml serialization Some attributes need special treatment to have human readable form, including amax, axis.
- class pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant.TensorQuantFunction(*args, **kwargs)
A universal tensor quantization function
Take an input tensor, output an quantized tensor. The granularity of scale can be interpreted from the shape of amax. output_dtype indicates whether the quantized value will be stored in integer or float. The reason we want to store it in float is the pytorch function takes the quantized value may not accept integer input, e.g. Conv2D.
It uses 2^num_bits -1 values instead of 2^num_bits. e.g., for num_bits=8, it uses [-127, 127] instead of [-128, 127]
- static backward(ctx, grad_outputs, grad_scale)
Implements straight through estimation with clipping. For -amax <= input <= amax the gradient passes straight through, otherwise the gradient is zero.
- Parameters
ctx – A Context object with saved tensors from forward.
grad_outputs – A tensor of gradient of outputs.
grad_scale – A tensor of gradient of scale.
- Returns
grad_inputs – A tensor of gradient.
- static forward(ctx, inputs, amax, num_bits=8, unsigned=False, narrow_range=True)
Follow tensorflow convention, max value is passed in and used to decide scale, instead of inputing scale directly. Though inputing scale directly may be more natural to use.
- Parameters
ctx – A Context object to store tensors for backward.
inputs – A Tensor of type float32.
amax – A Tensor of type float32. Inputs will be quantized within range [-amax, amax] amax will be broadcasted to inputs tensor.
num_bits – A integer used to calculate scaling factor, scale = (2^(num_bits-1) - 1) / max Effectively, it indicates how many integer bits is used to represent the value. Default 8.
output_dtype – A type of Tensor. torch.int32 or torch.float32.
unsigned – A boolean. Use unsigned integer range. E.g. [0, 255] for num_bits=8. Default False.
narrow_range – A boolean. Use symmetric integer range for signed quantization E.g. [-127,127] instead of [-128,127] for num_bits=8. Default True.
- Returns
outputs – A Tensor of type output_dtype. scale: A Tensor of type float32. outputs / scale will dequantize outputs tensor.
- Raises
is alias of TensorQuantFunction.apply
is alias of FakeTensorQuantFunction.apply
A WAR for codes that messes up logging format
- pytorch_quantization.utils.quant_logging.reset_logger_handler()
Remove all handler in root logger
Function to get absolute maximum of a tensor Follow numpy fashion, which is more generic as pytorch’s
- pytorch_quantization.utils.reduce_amax.reduce_amax(input, axis=None, keepdims=True)
Compute the absolute maximum value of a tensor.
Reduces input_tensor along the dimensions given in axis. Unless keepdims is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each entry in axis. If keepdims is true, the reduced dimensions are retained with length 1.
Gradient computeation is disabled as this function is never meant learning reduces amax
- Parameters
input – Input tensor
axis – The dimensions to reduce. None or int or tuple of ints. If None (the default), reduces all dimensions. Must be in the range [-rank(input_tensor), rank(input_tensor)).
keepdims – A boolean. If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1. Default True
granularity – DEPRECTED. specifies if the statistic has to be calculated at tensor or channel granularity
- Returns
The reduced tensor.
- Raises
ValueError – Any axis which doesn’t make sense or is not supported
ValueError – If unknown granularity is passed in.