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Allrecipes Pitches 2022
Thank you for pitching! If you have questions about this form, please reach out to Devon O'Brien
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your Name
Your answer
Please list any dates you anticipate not being available in the next six weeks.
Your answer
Pitch #1 - Please provide topic, working hed, and description.
Your answer
Pitch #2 - Please provide topic, working hed, and description.
Your answer
Pitch #3 - Please provide topic, working hed, and description.
Your answer
Pitch #4 - Please provide topic, working hed, and description.
Your answer
Pitch #5 - Please provide topic, working hed, and description.
Your answer
If this is your first time pitching Allrecipes, please tell us a bit about your experience, including what outlets you've written for, what topics interest you most, etc.
Your answer
We often have individual stories that need to be assigned to writers. Are you willing to take stories you did not pitch?
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