AT Protocol Grants Program
We’re excited to announce the AT Protocol Grants program, aimed at fostering the growth and sustainability of our developer ecosystem. Fill out this form to apply for a grant.
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Name? *
Contact email? *
Please include any relevant personal links, like your GitHub or Bluesky profile. *
Please provide a brief title for your project. *
Describe your project in detail. *
Please include: purpose of the project, whether it's already in development and your current state of progress, any relevant links.
Are there any other team members working on this project with you?  If so, please list them. *
Is your project open source? *
If a repo already exists for your project, please provide a link here.
What grant amount are you seeking? *
We're offering microgrants of $500 to $2,000.
What do you expect to spend the grant on? *
Have you raised money for your project in any other way? *
For example, this could include Patreon subscriptions, donations, and other grants.
Would you like $5000 in AWS Activate credits? *
For those who check yes, we'll send you Bluesky's AWS Activate ID for you to receive $5000 in AWS credits.
Is there any additional information you'd like to share?
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