Application for XROMM Short Course 2016
Summer Short Course in
X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM)

June 6-10, 2016
Brown University

This one-week course is designed for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students who are interested in using XROMM in the field of comparative biomechanics. The course will provide hands-on instruction in marker-based and markerless XROMM animation, analysis of 3D skeletal kinematics, data management and measurement of precision and accuracy. Course will also provide training for VROMM since the methods are essentially the same. The course is funded by an NSF Advances in Biological Informatics grant.
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Last Name *
First Name *
email address *
Briefly describe the research you are doing or would like to do with XROMM or VROMM
Why is XROMM/VROMM important for your research goals?
Do you have biplanar X-ray movie data already collected that you would like to analyze during the course? Or do you plan to collect data soon?
If you answered yes, please describe the data you have collected or plan to collect
Please paste links to your web site and CV below.
If you do not have links, send CV by email to [email protected]
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