Flexera One Help
Flexera One helps you:
• | Rationalize your application spend by eliminating wasted SaaS spending—Flexera One provides a way to discover and uncover all your software usage, including shadow IT, to eliminate redundancies, reduce risk, and negotiate the best prices for purchases. |
• | Reduce IT costs across software and infrastructure—By giving you a complete picture of software and infrastructure costs for both on-premises and cloud environments, Flexera One grants you control over managing large enterprise purchases of software and hardware and annual or monthly subscriptions for SaaS, as well as per-minute on-demand spend for public cloud. |
• | Rein in cloud and SaaS spend—The use of cloud requires new ways to manage spend. SaaS applications have monthly or annual billing cycles, and public cloud is charged down to per-minute increments based on the actual resources being used. This generates vast quantities of data, with public cloud bills often reaching millions of line items. For continuous management and optimization of cloud-based spend of these new models and the accompanying explosion of data, Flexera One eases the burden by giving you control over your SaaS and cloud spend. |