DigitalOcean Container Registry

The DigitalOcean Container Registry (DOCR) is a private Docker image registry that lets you store and manage private container images. DOCR integrates natively with Docker environments and DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters.

Quickstarts and intermediate tutorials to get started.
How to accomplish specific tasks in detail, like creation/deletion, configuration, and management.
API and CLI reference documentation for the Container Registry service, including example requests and available parameters.
Features, plans and pricing, availability, limits, known issues, and more.
Get help with technical support and answers to frequently asked questions.

Latest Updates

1 August 2024

  • The API call to get Docker credentials for DOCR now requires the permission registry:update instead of registry:create.

14 November 2023

  • You can now deploy container images to App Platform using digests. Digests are immutable references to container images. Unlike tags, digests permanently refer to a specific iteration of an image.

    You can only deploy an image using a digest by updating your app’s spec at this time.

20 October 2023

  • DigitalOcean Container Registry (DOCR) is now available in BLR1. You can view the availability of all of our products by datacenter in the regional availability page.

For more information, see all Container Registry release notes.

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