Learn how to be notified by BugSnag using a webhook.
The webhook plugin allows access to error and project data as soon as they are received and processed by BugSnag. The plugin sends a message to the specified URL containing information about the event, error, project and account.
The webhook plugin can be configured to fire whenever the following triggers occur.
Event | Trigger Name | Description |
This project has a spike in errors | projectSpiking | An overall spike in all the errors that match your filter. |
This project has a new release | release | A new release was created, either automatically from an error or session or via the Build API. |
This project is being rate-limited | projectSamplingStarted | Your project is being rate-limited, if you have chosen rate limiting. |
This project is close to being rate-limited | projectApproachingRateLimit | Your project is close to being rate-limited. Sent up to once per 2 hour period if you have chosen rate limiting and have a Standard or Enterprise plan. |
A new error occurs | firstException | When the first event of an error (per release stage) matches your filters. |
An error occurs frequently | errorEventFrequency | An error receives x events, or impacts x users, in y hours that match your filters, where you can define the number of events/users (x) and the time interval (y). A maximum of one notification will be triggered per time interval (y). |
An error milestone is reached | powerTen | An error has occurred 10, 100, 1000 then each 1000 more times. |
Every time an error occurs | exception | Every time an event matching your filters is received. |
An error is automatically reopened | reopened | An error that has been marked as fixed or snoozed (and matches your filters) receives an event that causes the error to be reopened. |
A collaborator comments on an error | comment | A collaborator on your project adds a comment to an error that matches your filter. |
A collaborator changes the state of an error | errorState- ManualChange | A collaborator on your project manually changes the state of an error that matches your filter, for example marking an error as fixed. |
Here is the JSON payload that will be sent by an HTTP POST when a trigger occurs.
// The account connected to the event (always present)
account: {
// The ID of the account (always present)
id: "56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The name of the account (always present)
name: "My Company",
// The URL to the account (always present)
url: "https://app.bugsnag.com/accounts/my-company"
// The project connected to the event (always present)
project: {
// The ID of the project (always present)
id: "56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The name of the project (always present)
name: "My Test Project",
// The URL to the project (always present)
url: "https://app.bugsnag.com/my-company/my-test-project"
// The reason why the payload was fired (always present)
trigger: {
// The type of trigger sent (always present)
// - "firstException" A new error is created from a new exception
// - "errorEventFrequency" An error occurs frequently
// - "powerTen" An error milestone is reached
// - "exception" Every time an exception is received
// - "reopened" An error is automatically reopened
// - "projectSpiking" A spike in exception in a project has been detected
// - "release" A new release was created
// - "projectSamplingStarted" The project is being rate-limited
// - "projectApproachingRateLimit" The project is close to being rate-limited
// - "comment" A comment is added to an error
// - "errorStateManualChange" A user has manually changed the state of an error
type: "exception",
// Detailed description of why the trigger was fired (always present)
message: "1000th exception",
// The snooze rule associated with the trigger, if applicable (optional).
// This can be the snooze rule that caused this event to occur if its reopened from
// archived, or the snooze rule connected to the user action of snoozing
// or cancelling a snooze.
snoozeRule: {
// The type of rule that (always present)
// - "occurrences" An error as reoccurred a number of times
// - "occurrence_per_hour" An error as reoccurred a number of times in an hour
// - "occurs_after" An error as reoccurred after a period of time
type: "occurrences",
// The number of occurrences or minutes (always present)
ruleValue: 10
// The number of events that have occurred in the project of the spiking time,
// if the trigger is project spiking (optional)
rate: 5000,
// The state change that occurred if the trigger is a manual error state change (optional).
// This can be "fixed", "reopened", "snoozed", "snoozeCancelled", "ignored"
// and "unignored".
stateChange: ""
// The comment details if a comment was added (optional)
comment: {
// The user that caused this trigger to fire if applicable (optional)
user: {
// A unique identifier for a user (always present)
id: "56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The user's name, or a string used to identify them (always present)
name: "Example User",
// The user's email address (always present)
email: "[email protected]"
// The event that caused this trigger to fire if applicable (optional)
error: {
// The ID of the event (always present)
id: "56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The ID of the error containing the event (always present)
errorId: "56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The name of the exception class from the event (always present)
exceptionClass: "NoMethodError",
// The message associated with the event (always present)
message: "Unable to connect to database.",
// A string representing what was happening in the application at the
// time of the error (always present)
context: "auth/session#create",
// The timestamp when the error was first created (always present)
firstReceived: "2015-11-27T15:26:11.000Z",
// The timestamp when this event was received (always present)
receivedAt: "2015-11-27T15:26:11.000Z",
// The request URL that caused the exception (optional)
requestUrl: "http://localhost:3000/admin/raise_exception",
// The ID of the user that the error is assigned to (optional)
assignedUserId: "5642494942656e7eac000004",
// The email of the user that the error is assigned to (optional)
assignedUserEmail: "[email protected]",
// The bugsnag URL to the event (always present)
url: "https://app.bugsnag.com/my-company/my-test-project/errors/56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054?event_id=56b9ca7f17025f8756f69054",
// The severity of the error (always present)
// - "error" the default for unhandled errors
// - "warning" the default when BugSnag.notify is called
// - "info" can be used in manual BugSnag.notify calls
severity: "error",
// The status of the error (always present)
// - "open" the error is open/new in BugSnag
// - "fixed" the error has been marked as fixed in BugSnag
// - "snoozed" the error has been snoozed in BugSnag
// - "ignored" the error has been ignored in BugSnag
status: "open",
// Whether or not the error was unhandled (optional)
// This can be set to:
// - true The error was detected by the notifier because it was not
// handled by the application
// - false The error was handled and reported using Bugsnag.notify
unhandled: true,
// If there are linked issues in an issue tracker then the details
// will be given here (optional)
linkedIssues: [{
// The ID of the issue in the issue tracker (optional)
id: "BUG123",
// The issue key in the issue tracker (optional)
key: "ENG-10",
// The number of the issue in the issue tracker (optional)
number: 3,
// The name of the issue tracker (always present)
type: "bugify",
// The url to view the issue (always present)
url: "http://demo.bugify.com/issues/3"
// DEPRECATED: If there is a linked issue in an issue tracker, the details
// will be present here (optional). You should use `linkedIssues` instead.
createdIssue: {
// The ID of the issue in the issue tracker (optional)
id: "BUG123",
// The number of the issue in the issue tracker (optional)
number: 3,
// The name of the issue tracker (always present)
type: "bugify",
// The url to view the issue (always present)
url: "http://demo.bugify.com/issues/3"
// Information about the user affected by the error. Custom data
// will be included in the metaData object in a user object (optional)
user: {
// A unique identifier for a user affected by the event.
// This is a distinct identifier that makes sense for your
// application/platform (optional)
id: "19",
// The user's name, or a string you use to identify them (optional)
name: "Robert Hawkins",
//The user's email address (optional)
email: "[email protected]"
// Information about the app where the error occurred. Custom data
// will be included in the metaData object in an app object (always present)
app: {
// A unique ID for the application (optional)
id: "com.bugsnag.android.example.debug",
// The version number of the application which generated the error (optional)
version: "1.1.3",
// The version code of the application (optional, Android/iOS/macOS/tvOS only)
versionCode: "12",
// The bundle version/build number of the application
// (optional, iOS/macOS/tvOS only)
bundleVersion: "1.0.2",
// A unique identifier to identify a code bundle release when using
// tools like AppCenter CodePush (optional, mobile only)
codeBundleId: "1.0-1234",
// A build ID that is required to identify a specific build when the
// version and version code are the same (optional, Android only)
buildUUID: "BE5BA3D0-971C-4418-9ECF-E2D1ABCB66BE",
// The release stage that this error occurred in, for example
// "development", "staging" or "production" (always present)
releaseStage: "staging",
// A specialized type of the application, such as the worker queue
// or web framework used, like "rails", "mailman", or "celery" (optional)
type: "rails",
// The UUIDs of the debug symbols file corresponding to this
// application, if any (optional)
dsymUUIDs: [
// How long the app has been running for in milliseconds (optional)
duration: 1275,
// How long the app has been in the foreground of the device in
// milliseconds (optional)
durationInForeground: 983,
// Whether or not the app was in the foreground when the error
// occurred (optional)
inForeground: true,
// Whether or not the app was in the process of launching when the error
// occurred (optional)
isLaunching: true
// Information about the computer/device running the app. Custom data
// will be included in the metaData object in a device object (optional)
device: {
// The hostname of the server running your code, if applicable (optional)
hostname: "web1.internal",
// A unique identifier for the device (optional)
id: "fd124e87760c4281aef",
// The manufacturer of the device (optional)
manufacturer: "LGE",
// The model of the device (optional)
model: "Nexus 6P",
// The model number of the device (optional)
modelNumber: "600",
// The device's operating system name (optional)
osName: "android",
// The device's operating system version (optional)
osVersion: "8.0.1",
// The number of bytes unused in the device's RAM (optional)
freeMemory: 183879616,
// The number of total bytes in the device's RAM (optional)
totalMemory: 201326592,
// The number of unused bytes on the drive running the application (optional)
freeDisk: 13478064128,
// If a web application, the web browser used by the device (optional)
browserName: "Chrome",
// If a web application, the version of the browser used by the
// device (optional)
browserVersion: "61.0.3163.100",
// Whether or not the device has been modified to give users root
// access (optional)
jailbroken: false,
// The orientation of the device at the time of the error (optional)
orientation: "portrait",
// The locale of the device (optional)
locale: "en_US",
// Whether or not the device was currently charging at the time of
// error (optional)
charging: false,
// The battery level at the time of error, between 0 and 1 (optional)
batteryLevel: 0.99,
// The time that the error occurred (optional)
time: "2015-01-15T02:42:16.000Z",
// The timezone of the device (optional)
timezone: "PST"
// An object containing any further data attached to this
// error event (optional)
metaData: {
// Custom user data that is displayed in the User tab along
// with standard user fields on the BugSnag Website (optional)
user: {
// Custom app data that is displayed in the App tab along
// with standard app fields on the BugSnag Website (optional)
app: {
// Custom device data that is displayed in the Device tab along
// with standard device fields on the BugSnag Website (optional)
device: {
// Custom data that is displayed as an extra tab on the BugSnag
// website (optional)
someData: {
// A key value pair that is be displayed in the first tab (optional)
key: "value",
// This is shown as a section within the first tab (optional)
setOfKeys: {
key: "value",
key2: "value"
// This would be the second extra tab on the BugSnag website (optional)
someMoreData: {
// An array of user- and system-initiated events which led up to an error
// providing additional context, ordered newest to oldest (optional)
breadcrumbs: [{
// A short summary describing the event
// such as the user action taken or a new application state
name: "My breadcrumb",
// A category which describes the breadcrumb, from the list of allowed values
// "navigation", "request", "process", "log", "user", "state", "error",
// or "manual"
type: "manual",
// The time at which the event occurred
timestamp: "2015-01-15T02:42:16.000Z",
// An object containing extra information about the breadcrumb (optional)
metaData: {
// An array of feature flags/experiments that were active when the error occurred.
// Each feature flag can have an optional variant.
featureFlags: [{
// The name of the feature flag (always present)
featureFlag: "share_ios_photo_sharing_button",
// The ID of the feature flag, unless the number of active features for the event has been exceeded (optional)
featureFlagId: "5f688f55d1befa016c94de00",
// The name of the variant (optional)
variant: "blue_button",
// The ID of the variant (optional)
variantId: "173c8f55d1befa016c94df1c"
// An array of exceptions that occurred during this event. Most of the time
// there will only be one exception, but some languages support "nested" or
// "caused by" exceptions. The first item in the array represents the outermost
// exception. Each subsequent item represents the exception that caused the
// preceding one (optional).
exceptions: [
// The fully-qualified class name of the exception (optional)
errorClass: "NoMethodError",
// The string representation of the exception (optional)
message: "Unable to connect to database.",
// The type of the exception based on the originating platform (optional)
type: "ruby",
// An array of stacktrace objects. Each object represents one line
// in the exception's stacktrace (optional).
stacktrace: [
// Whether or not this line is in the user's project code (always present)
inProject: true,
// The line of the file that this frame of the stack was in (optional)
lineNumber: "1234",
// The column of the file that this frame of the stack was in (optional)
columnNumber: "123",
// The file that this stack frame was executing (optional)
file: "controllers/auth/session_controller.rb",
// The method that this particular stack frame is within (optional)
method: "create",
// The code in this file surrounding this line, up to three lines
// either side of the line that caused the problem (optional)
code: {
1231: " def a",
1232: "",
1233: " if problem?",
1234: " raise 'something went wrong'",
1235: " end"
1236: "",
1237: " end"
// An array of register details, e.g. for minidump stackframes (optional).
registers: [
// The index of the frame in the stacktrace that the registers apply to
// (optional)
frameIndex: 0,
// Details of a register (optional)
registerValues: [
// The name of the register (optional)
registerName: "rName",
// The value of the register (optional)
registerValue: "rValue"
// ...next "caused by" nested exception(s)
// DEPRECATED: An array of stacktrace objects. Each object represents one line
// in the exception's stacktrace. Where there are multiple exceptions (for
// example with languages that support "nested" or "caused by" exceptions)
// this will be the stacktrace of the outermost exception (optional). You
// should use `exceptions` instead.
stackTrace: [{
// Whether or not this line is in the user's project code (always present)
inProject: true,
// The line of the file that this frame of the stack was in (optional)
lineNumber: "1234",
// The column of the file that this frame of the stack was in (optional)
columnNumber: "123",
// The file that this stack frame was executing (optional)
file: "controllers/auth/session_controller.rb",
// The method that this particular stack frame is within (optional)
method: "create",
// The code in this file surrounding this line, up to three lines
// either side of the line that caused the problem (optional)
code: {
1231: " def a",
1232: "",
1233: " if problem?",
1234: " raise 'something went wrong'",
1235: " end"
1236: "",
1237: " end"
// Information relating to a new release, if a new release occurred (optional)
release: {
// The ID of the release (always present)
id: "5a8ef30ed1befa487890a0fc",
// The version number of the application (always present)
version: "1.2.3",
// The version code of the application (optional, Android only)
versionCode: "1234",
// The bundle version/build number of the application
// (optional, iOS/macOS/tvOS only)
bundleVersion: "1.2.3",
// The release stage the release was released to e.g. production,
// staging (always present)
releaseStage: "staging",
// The URL to the release (always present)
url: "https://app.bugsnag.com/bugsnag/website/releases/5a8ef30ed1befa487890a0fc",
// The time the release was released (always present)
releaseTime: "2018-02-23T16:42:16.080Z",
// The person the release was released by, if provided (optional)
releasedBy: "John Smith",
// The source control information related to the release, if provided (optional)
sourceControl: {
// The name of the source control provider that contains the source code for
// the build (always present)
provider: "github",
// The source control SHA-1 hash for the code that has been built ,short or
// long hash (always present)
revision: "2ea8b513f049e8b9db8d3ad4f148242c422bb9e6",
// The URL to the revision of the release (always present)
revisionUrl: "https://github.com/bugsnag/website/tree/2ea8b513f049e8b9db8d3ad4f148242c422bb9e6",
// The URL to the diff between this release and the previous release, if
// applicable (optional)
diffUrl: "https://github.com/bugsnag/website/compare/2ea8b513f049e8b9db8d3ad4f148242c422bb9e6...2ea8b513f049e8b9db8d3ad4f148242c422bb9e6"
// Key value pairs containing any custom build information that provides useful
// metadata about the build. e.g. build configuration parameters, versions of
// dependencies, reason for the build etc. The keys and values are strings
// (optional).
metadata: {
"myKey": "myValue"
If your server’s security policy denies access from external IP addresses and websites, you will need to allow access to BugSnag’s IP addresses below.