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Accurate customer data matching, every time.

The Truvera platform enables IDV providers and IAM systems to verify the same person across businesses or siloed systems. It enables them to confirm that a user has been verified before, create a consistent view of that user’s ID and reduce onboarding friction.

Entity resolution problems? Not anymore.

Identify the exact person you're trying to verify — without adding friction

After completing their initial ID verification, issue users a reusable verifiable credential that identifies them. When they present this credential during onboarding—whether with one of your clients, business partners, or a different internal siloed system—you can instantly confirm they’ve been verified before. This allows you to match their data quickly and accurately, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry and document submissions.

Verify government-issued mDLs

Easily embed mDL (mobile driver's license) verification into your existing workflow to request more precise, government-issued identifiers. This ensures higher data matching accuracy during the verification process without the friction of requesting a physical document submission.

Enable users to onboard across siloed IAM systems

Many organizations rely on siloed IAM systems, which creates friction for users and adds complexity for IT teams. By issuing a verifiable credential, you allow users to onboard and authenticate seamlessly across these systems without the need for centralization or unification. This reduces friction, enhances the user experience, and improves operational efficiency by enabling instant identification of users across all platforms.

Create a consistent view of a user’s identity across different institutions or systems

Each IDV uses different data sources, data matching logic, and entity resolution techniques, leading to varying views of the identity being resolved. This leaves companies with inconsistent responses from multiple vendors, complicating how they store and make sense of that information. By using verifiable credentials, you create a consistent, trusted view of the user’s identity, simplifying data handling and decision-making across different systems and institutions.

Faster customer data matching, without adding friction

Reduce onboarding friction

When users present verifiable credentials during onboarding, you can instantly confirm they’ve been verified before and accurately match their data. This eliminates repetitive data entry and document submissions, reducing friction for users and streamlining the onboarding process across multiple clients or siloed IAM systems. As a result, the overall user experience and operational efficiency improve.

Streamline customer acquisition for your clients and business partners

Accurate customer data matching through verifiable credentials accelerates the verification process. This reduces delays and drop-offs, ultimately improving conversion rates in your client’s acquisition funnel.

Improve data accuracy and become your client’s preferred provider

Data inaccuracies force 61% of businesses to rely on multiple KYC providers, with 12% using three or more. Businesses are often required to piece together disparate results from different IDVs to make sense of the data. By improving customer data matching with verifiable credentials, you’ll enhance accuracy, eliminate the need for fragmented data reconciliation, and move up in your clients’ KYC hierarchy, positioning yourself as their preferred provider.

Achieve interoperability between clients and siloed systems

For IDV providers with large client bases, verifiable credentials allow seamless onboarding across multiple clients, speeding up both onboarding and data matching. For IAM systems, verifiable credentials enable faster onboarding across siloed systems without the need for complex unification, streamlining operations and reducing friction.

Put users in control of their ID verification

Allow users to own their ID verification experience by storing and reusing their verifiable credentials to onboard with other services. Instead of businesses piecing together fragmented data from multiple providers, users take charge of verifying themselves. This shift places the user at the center of the IDV process, simplifying onboarding and improving accuracy.

Unlocking value across industries

Integrating Decentralized ID technology is not about displacing current offerings but enriching them. It easily integrates with existing services, leading to additional revenue streams without disrupting the established business model.

For IDV providers

Quickly identify the exact person you're trying to verify across your clients. Enhanced customer data matching reduces onboarding friction, boosts conversion rates in your clients' acquisition funnels, and elevates your position in their KYC hierarchy.

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Enable users to onboard across multiple siloed IAM systems. Reduce friction and eliminate redundant onboarding without needing to centralize or unify systems. Improve user experience and operational efficiency by recognizing users instantly across all platforms.

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In Biometrics

Tying biometrics to verifiable credentials guarantees that the person presenting the credential is the same one who received it. Verifiable credentials enable secure data transfers without exposing sensitive biometric information, ensuring compliance with user data regulations.

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Deploy 12x faster

Why build all the infrastructure yourself? With the Truvera API, you can integrate with your system and data sources to deploy your entire Decentralized ID solution up to 12 times faster than using open-source options.

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The #1 Decentralized ID platform

Set up your ecosystem

Securely exchange data across multiple clients or siloed IAM systems without bespoke integrations. Invite your stakeholders into your ID Ecosystem, allowing users to present their verifiable credentials during onboarding with any of them. Enable seamless credential sharing without the complexity of building bespoke integrations for each stakeholder.

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Verify government-issued digital IDs

Easily embed mDL (mobile driver's license) verification into your existing workflow to request more precise, government-issued identifiers. This ensures higher data matching accuracy during the verification process without the friction of requesting the submission of physical documents.

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Launch an ID wallet

Enable users with cloud wallets or integrate ID wallet functionality directly into your app using Truvera's robust Wallet SDK.

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Issue Verifiable Credentials

When users complete their first ID verification, issue them a verifiable credential that identifies them. When that customer later onboards with one of your clients or systems, you can request the credential and instantly match them in your system, speeding up the verification process.

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Monetize verifications

Truvera's verifiable credentials allow ID companies to generate revenue by charging each time a credential is verified within the ecosystem. This creates a new monetization stream while ensuring user privacy remains intact—credential issuers never know which specific user or credential has been verified.

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Biometric-bound credentials

Securely bind biometrics to credentials to ensure its holder is who they say they are.

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Why choose Truvera?

Dock Labs is a leader in decentralized identity solutions, empowering businesses to launch ID ecosystems where their partners can create, share, and monetize verifiable digital credentials. The Truvera platform is designed to be easily implemented and scalable, allowing organizations to quickly deploy a decentralized identity solution with minimal development overhead.

REST API for core functions

Mobile SDK for wallet deployment

Developer-friendly integration

Create your first Verifiable Credential today

Truvera enables IDV providers and IAM systems to verify the same person across multiple businesses or siloed systems. It enables them to easily confirm that a user has been verified before, create a consistent view of that user’s identity and significantly reduce onboarding friction.