Comments on: A Little Known Fact About the 9/11 Planes a radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice Sun, 18 Apr 2010 09:50:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: albury smith <![CDATA[albury smith]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 21:43:38 +0000 <![CDATA[A.L.: "Finally, whatever happened to the planes which were allegedly hijacked, they did not belong to Boeing; they belonged to United Airlines and American Airlines, but you couldn’t even get a simple fact like that right." Great straw man, Anthony, but when did I ever say that the 4 hijacked airliners belonged to Boeing? Btw, here's a simple fact for you: Global Hawks don't look anything like Boeing wide-bodied twins, and they're roughly 1/10 the size of a 757.]]> <![CDATA[

A.L.: “Finally, whatever happened to the planes which were allegedly hijacked, they did not belong to Boeing; they belonged to United Airlines and American Airlines, but you couldn’t even get a simple fact like that right.”

Great straw man, Anthony, but when did I ever say that the 4 hijacked airliners belonged to Boeing?

Btw, here’s a simple fact for you: Global Hawks don’t look anything like Boeing wide-bodied twins, and they’re roughly 1/10 the size of a 757.

By: Kim Petersen <![CDATA[Kim Petersen]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 16:42:06 +0000 <![CDATA[bigdog, With all due respect, you contradict yourself. You argue against Lawson, and then you reposit Lawson's argument: the need for evidence. Then you cite some nameless attorney friend, and people should be convinced??]]> <![CDATA[


With all due respect, you contradict yourself. You argue against Lawson, and then you reposit Lawson’s argument: the need for evidence.

Then you cite some nameless attorney friend, and people should be convinced??

By: Don Hawkins <![CDATA[Don Hawkins]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 15:24:29 +0000 <![CDATA[911 seems no great mystery what happened after 911 was a bit different. Cool smart minds I think not. Turning a good part of the Earth into black and white highly intelligent and must have taken years of schooling.]]> <![CDATA[

911 seems no great mystery what happened after 911 was a bit different. Cool smart minds I think not. Turning a good part of the Earth into black and white highly intelligent and must have taken years of schooling.

By: bigdog <![CDATA[bigdog]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 14:31:05 +0000 <![CDATA[Wow, Anthony. I'll repeat--I think the official explanation of 9/11 is a pack of lies. But I also think your point about identification of the planes is irrelevant. Interesting and annoying, but irrelevant. Why? Because the evidence--not conjecture, not speculation, but proof--that the four planes indeed crashed in those locations on 9/11 is clear to anyone whose mind is not closed. You admit this but brush it off. Why? I checked with an attorney friend, and he confirmed that even if there is no documentation of identity for the planes, other proof that the planes did indeed crash into the towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania is solid gold in a court of law. Just like if you are accused of a crime, you can't prove where you were at the time of the crime, but you have proof that someone else did it. End of case. ]]> <![CDATA[

Wow, Anthony. I’ll repeat–I think the official explanation of 9/11 is a pack of lies. But I also think your point about identification of the planes is irrelevant. Interesting and annoying, but irrelevant.

Why? Because the evidence–not conjecture, not speculation, but proof–that the four planes indeed crashed in those locations on 9/11 is clear to anyone whose mind is not closed. You admit this but brush it off. Why?

I checked with an attorney friend, and he confirmed that even if there is no documentation of identity for the planes, other proof that the planes did indeed crash into the towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania is solid gold in a court of law. Just like if you are accused of a crime, you can’t prove where you were at the time of the crime, but you have proof that someone else did it. End of case.

By: Anthony Lawson <![CDATA[Anthony Lawson]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 12:56:22 +0000 <![CDATA[Here we go again. jon s is another person who can't read properly. Please tell up, Oh Wise One, how you know that the planes were hijacked? Have you not heard of "Home Run" or "Global Hawk" technology? Obviously not. You only "know" that the planes were hijacked because the 9/11 Commission said they were hijacked, and we all know that such bodies tell lies, or do not bother to look too closely into things. But, let me allow you the time to answer two questions: 1. How do you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the planes were actually hijacked? 2. How do you know, without a shadow of a doubt that the planes that we were told hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a farmer's field near Shanksville, were the hijacked planes; if they were hijacked, that is? Keep it simple, just cite your source or sources, then we can get on with finding out who is the crackpot.]]> <![CDATA[

Here we go again. jon s is another person who can’t read properly. Please tell up, Oh Wise One, how you know that the planes were hijacked? Have you not heard of “Home Run” or “Global Hawk” technology? Obviously not. You only “know” that the planes were hijacked because the 9/11 Commission said they were hijacked, and we all know that such bodies tell lies, or do not bother to look too closely into things. But, let me allow you the time to answer two questions:

1. How do you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the planes were actually hijacked?

2. How do you know, without a shadow of a doubt that the planes that we were told hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a farmer’s field near Shanksville, were the hijacked planes; if they were hijacked, that is?

Keep it simple, just cite your source or sources, then we can get on with finding out who is the crackpot.

By: Anthony Lawson <![CDATA[Anthony Lawson]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 12:14:52 +0000 <![CDATA[albury smith: Do you realise how foolish you have made yourself look? But this is par for the course for people who attack the messenger, rather than the message. First come the insults: "...nuttiness must be a degenerative disorder..." Then the made-up accusations: "Mr. Lawson has gone from imaginary, redundant explosives in the WTC buildings to faked planes...". Imaginary is right, because, clearly, Mr Smith prefers to imagine what someone might have written, rather than apply himself to the simple task of reading and attempting to comprehend what was actually written. I did not mention explosives, redundant or otherwise, or faked planes. Finally, comes the libellous statement and the phony claim that he is unable to spare the time to back up the accusation: "...and has lied about too much here to address properly." Note the cop-out clause "too much here to address properly", it is favoured by people like Albury Smith who wouldn't even know where to begin in order to refute the accuracy of the statements that I have made. And I very much doubt that you could address an envelope, properly. If you are one of those people who are paid to troll these kinds of dissident websites in an attempt to defuse the growing anger and concern about the way our world is being manipulated, then you are not worth whatever you are being paid. If you are doing it off your own bat, then I feel sorry for you, because you obviously haven't got the kind of enquiring mind that can distinguish between truth and fiction. Finally, whatever happened to the planes which were allegedly hijacked, they did not belong to Boeing; they belonged to United Airlines and American Airlines, but you couldn't even get a simple fact like that right. I'll have to mark your post: Zero out of 100, I'm afraid, and I very much doubt that you could do better, but please try again.]]> <![CDATA[

albury smith: Do you realise how foolish you have made yourself look? But this is par for the course for people who attack the messenger, rather than the message.

First come the insults: “…nuttiness must be a degenerative disorder…” Then the made-up accusations: “Mr. Lawson has gone from imaginary, redundant explosives in the WTC buildings to faked planes…”. Imaginary is right, because, clearly, Mr Smith prefers to imagine what someone might have written, rather than apply himself to the simple task of reading and attempting to comprehend what was actually written. I did not mention explosives, redundant or otherwise, or faked planes. Finally, comes the libellous statement and the phony claim that he is unable to spare the time to back up the accusation: “…and has lied about too much here to address properly.”

Note the cop-out clause “too much here to address properly”, it is favoured by people like Albury Smith who wouldn’t even know where to begin in order to refute the accuracy of the statements that I have made. And I very much doubt that you could address an envelope, properly.

If you are one of those people who are paid to troll these kinds of dissident websites in an attempt to defuse the growing anger and concern about the way our world is being manipulated, then you are not worth whatever you are being paid. If you are doing it off your own bat, then I feel sorry for you, because you obviously haven’t got the kind of enquiring mind that can distinguish between truth and fiction.

Finally, whatever happened to the planes which were allegedly hijacked, they did not belong to Boeing; they belonged to United Airlines and American Airlines, but you couldn’t even get a simple fact like that right.

I’ll have to mark your post: Zero out of 100, I’m afraid, and I very much doubt that you could do better, but please try again.

By: albury smith <![CDATA[albury smith]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 11:06:54 +0000 <![CDATA[Good grief; 9/11 "truth" nuttiness must be a degenerative disorder. Mr. Lawson has gone from imaginary, redundant explosives in the WTC buildings to faked planes, and has lied about too much here to address properly. Contact both airlines and give them your new information on what happened to four of their scheduled flights, Anthony. ]]> <![CDATA[

Good grief; 9/11 “truth” nuttiness must be a degenerative disorder. Mr. Lawson has gone from imaginary, redundant explosives in the WTC buildings to faked planes, and has lied about too much here to address properly. Contact both airlines and give them your new information on what happened to four of their scheduled flights, Anthony.

By: ffolly <![CDATA[ffolly]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 05:39:54 +0000 <![CDATA[The 9/11 Commission, like the Warren Commission investigating JFK's assassination, was bogus. Its purpose was to perpetuate, with only necessary minor modifications, the government's official/original conspiracy theory. There is a wealth of resources on the net and in print that effectively undermines the validity of this position. Currently, I am reading "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" by David Ray Griffin, who is considered one of the best apologists of the 9/11 truth movement. (Yes, there are some crackpots out there with cockamamie theories. Assign them their well deserved space in File 13 and move on.) Because 9/11 became the basis for the "War on Terror," our justification for invading Afghanistan, Iraq and whoever is next on our hit list, it becomes even more imperative that the truth be known. Let there be a ground swell demanding the same. Knowing the reality behind the events of 9/11 is one of the few things that will deliver us from our current warring folly. Plus, I would like to see the evil perpetrators of this dastardly deed, and its associated fallout, brought to justice.]]> <![CDATA[

The 9/11 Commission, like the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s assassination, was bogus. Its purpose was to perpetuate, with only necessary minor modifications, the government’s official/original conspiracy theory. There is a wealth of resources on the net and in print that effectively undermines the validity of this position. Currently, I am reading “Debunking 9/11 Debunking” by David Ray Griffin, who is considered one of the best apologists of the 9/11 truth movement. (Yes, there are some crackpots out there with cockamamie theories. Assign them their well deserved space in File 13 and move on.) Because 9/11 became the basis for the “War on Terror,” our justification for invading Afghanistan, Iraq and whoever is next on our hit list, it becomes even more imperative that the truth be known. Let there be a ground swell demanding the same. Knowing the reality behind the events of 9/11 is one of the few things that will deliver us from our current warring folly. Plus, I would like to see the evil perpetrators of this dastardly deed, and its associated fallout, brought to justice.

By: Anthony Lawson <![CDATA[Anthony Lawson]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 04:52:11 +0000 <![CDATA[bigdog: Your questions should not be addressed to me, they should be addressed to a new panel of enquiry; I can only theorise or make a guess. The whole point of going back to basics is to stop conjecture and theorising and concentrate on what really matters. What really matters is that the 9/11 Commission, quite clearly, did not do its job. Solution: Re-Investigate. Think of it this way: When an accused person is found innocent, by a jury, the judge doesn't say: "Well if he didn't do it, who did?" He passes the case back to the prosecutors and the police in the hope that they will do better next time. That the 9/11 murder weapons were never identified is a huge, gigantic, insuperable issue, and this is what everyone should be concentrating on, because it really is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.]]> <![CDATA[

bigdog: Your questions should not be addressed to me, they should be addressed to a new panel of enquiry; I can only theorise or make a guess. The whole point of going back to basics is to stop conjecture and theorising and concentrate on what really matters. What really matters is that the 9/11 Commission, quite clearly, did not do its job. Solution: Re-Investigate.

Think of it this way: When an accused person is found innocent, by a jury, the judge doesn’t say: “Well if he didn’t do it, who did?” He passes the case back to the prosecutors and the police in the hope that they will do better next time. That the 9/11 murder weapons were never identified is a huge, gigantic, insuperable issue, and this is what everyone should be concentrating on, because it really is a fact, not a conspiracy theory.

By: MylesH <![CDATA[MylesH]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2010 00:54:20 +0000 <![CDATA["documentation exists... and is on the Internet" Wow, I'm convinced.]]> <![CDATA[

“documentation exists… and is on the Internet”
Wow, I’m convinced.

By: bigdog <![CDATA[bigdog]]> Fri, 19 Mar 2010 20:56:31 +0000 <![CDATA[Anthony, I believe 100% that there is a big coverup similar to the Kennedy assassination. But though your point about ID of the planes may be correct, it doesn't address real life events. I have a few questions that should be answered before your claim can be considered valid. 1. If those planes didn't crash as claimed, where are they? 2. How do you account for all the dead people who were known to have been in those planes, including the pilots and crew who were known to have boarded those planes? 3. How do you explain the documented cell phone calls from inside at least two of the planes to family members? There's plenty of damning evidence against the official version of 9/11. I don't think it's valid to make your point here unless you can explain the hard evidence that those four planes did in fact crash into the towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania.]]> <![CDATA[

Anthony, I believe 100% that there is a big coverup similar to the Kennedy assassination. But though your point about ID of the planes may be correct, it doesn’t address real life events. I have a few questions that should be answered before your claim can be considered valid.

1. If those planes didn’t crash as claimed, where are they?
2. How do you account for all the dead people who were known to have been in those planes, including the pilots and crew who were known to have boarded those planes?
3. How do you explain the documented cell phone calls from inside at least two of the planes to family members?

There’s plenty of damning evidence against the official version of 9/11. I don’t think it’s valid to make your point here unless you can explain the hard evidence that those four planes did in fact crash into the towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania.

By: Melissa <![CDATA[Melissa]]> Fri, 19 Mar 2010 16:58:58 +0000 <![CDATA[Aye, mulga. Chilling.]]> <![CDATA[

Aye, mulga. Chilling.

By: Mulga Mumblebrain <![CDATA[Mulga Mumblebrain]]> Fri, 19 Mar 2010 16:37:41 +0000 <![CDATA[The events of 9/11 were the 'New Pearl Harbor' that the Zionist 'neo-cons' of the Project for a New American (Israeli) Century so presciently foretold.It was the excuse for the long planned 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East' to be put into practise,and the bodies of the innocents will go on piling up for decades. This all represents the greatest and most coolly calculated war of aggression since the days of Hitler,which, given the religion of most of the perpetrators, makes for a truly chilling irony.]]> <![CDATA[

The events of 9/11 were the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ that the Zionist ‘neo-cons’ of the Project for a New American (Israeli) Century so presciently foretold.It was the excuse for the long planned ‘Zionist Plan for the Middle East’ to be put into practise,and the bodies of the innocents will go on piling up for decades. This all represents the greatest and most coolly calculated war of aggression since the days of Hitler,which, given the religion of most of the perpetrators, makes for a truly chilling irony.

By: Melissa <![CDATA[Melissa]]> Fri, 19 Mar 2010 16:35:36 +0000 <![CDATA[Truth is cascading. Watch the masters try to concoct a black op to discredit the truthers. Call everything into question. Peace, Melissa]]> <![CDATA[

Truth is cascading.

Watch the masters try to concoct a black op to discredit the truthers.

Call everything into question.

