"The Gifts of Beauty and Song", also known as "True Love Conquers All", is a song sung in Disney's 1959 animated feature film, Sleeping Beauty. It was written by Tom Adair and George Bruns. It is sung by an offscreen chorus while Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather bless Aurora with the three gifts, respectively.
Flora: Little princess, my gift shall be the Gift of Beauty.
Female Chorus:
One gift, beauty rare,
Gold of sunshine in her hair,
Lips that shame the red, red rose,
She'll walk with springtime wherever she goes!
Fauna: Tiny princess, my gift shall be the Gift of Song.
One gift, the gift of song,
Melody her whole life long!
The nightingale's her troubadour,
Bringing his sweet serenade to her door
Merryweather: Sweet princess, if through this wicked witch’s trick, a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give at thee. Not in death, but just in sleep; the fateful prophecy you’ll keep, and from this slumber you shall wake when true love’s kiss the spell shall break.
For true love conquers all!