"Rolling Along to Pleasure Island" (also known as "Off to Pleasure Island") is a deleted song from the animated feature, Pinocchio. It was to have been sung by a crowd of boys who are riding the coach to Pleasure Island and excited over what it has to offer, unaware of the hidden evils within.
Walt Disney and his artists weren't fond of the song, feeling that it was "too nice", had "too many words", and was overall too pleasant to be sung by a group of rowdy boys. It was discarded in favor of "Three Cheers for Anything", which would also be cut from the film.
In 2015, a new recording of the song was released on the two-disc album The Legacy Collection: Pinocchio.
We're rolling along to Pleasure Island
Singing a song of Pleasure Island
Where every day's a happy holiday
Where boys are known as little dears
They'd never get whipped in forty years
They don't have to wash behind their ears
Hooray for freedom!
We're off to the land of soda fountains,
Circus parades and chocolate mountains
Where there will be no parents to obey
So down with school and down with books
And down the teacher's dirty looks
Yo, ho, here we go! Off to Pleasure Isle!