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We were part of history.
―Fizaan to his followers[src]

Fizaan is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He made his debut in the second episode of the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel and is portrayed by Yash Gajera.

Fizaan is a member of the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City, and among the group, dubbed by Nakia as the "Mosque Bros". He is present, when Night Light rescues Hameed from the mosque minaret, and was among those in protest, when the Department of Damage Control sought to captured the masked heroine.


Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Ms. Marvel[]

Fizaan attends the Eid Al-Adha festival, held by their local mosque and is amongst the company of his friends.[1]


By the evening, Fizaan and the other attendees are alerted to the screams of a young boy, whom they find, hanging by a curtain attached to a rail, from the minaret. He and the others in attendance, rush in the young boy's direction. A young masked heroine, dubbed "Night Light" appears and Fizaan witnesses her create energy platforms in the air, and walk in young Hameed's direction. Hameed falls before she can reach him, but the heroine creates a construct in the middle of the air, which the boy lands on. She runs over to him, causing Fizaan and the others to cheer, at his rescue. Before he can climb off the platform and onto the roof, it shatters, and the boy falls onto the hood of a car, with his impact slightly broken by constructs created by Night Light. Fizaan and the other spectators, rush onto his direction.[1]

Fizaan attends the mosque, when Agent Sadie Deever from the Department of Damage Control arrives in search of an escaped convict. Fizaan and the others present their ID, before they can formally be asked, already aware of the relationship and distrust between the two institutions. Damage Control move past the attendees to search the premises.[2]

Unbeknownst to the DODC, Fizaan secretly assists Sheikh Abdullah in hiding Kamran, the escaped convict, alongside Bruno Carrelli. When the organization is out of sight, he helps release them from a secret closet hidden away, so the pair can escape.[3]

That evening, a video circulates of online personality, Zoe Zimmer, informing her followers that Damage Control have targeted two of her powered friends, and urges her audience to share the story and arrive at Coles Academic High Scool, where they're located, in protest. Fizaan arrives to attend the rally, where he's joined by various members of the local community.[3]


Fizaan participates with the gathering, camera in hand, when Kamran suddenly bursts through the school doors. Damage Control tries apprehending him, and shoot in his direction, when Night Light arrives and interject herself for his protection. Fizaan and rest of the crowd objectify at Damage Control's actions. Kamran throws a DODC vehicle, but it ricochets onto the direction of those protesting. Before Fizaan and others can come to any harm, Night Light uses her embiggened hands to take hold of it, saving the group. Kamran then releases a surge of energy, which produces a large scale of crystalline constructs everywhere, pushing Fizaan and the others back, but Night Light manages to placate him. Kamran manages to escape, leaving Night Light alone, and Fizaan, along with the others, gathers around her, to prevent Damage Control from having her arrested. Before she can be detained, Night Light creates constructs in the air to escape, and Fizaan and the others cheer for her victory.[3]

Fizaan later makes a recording on social media, in regards to events thats transpired between Night Light and Damage Control, and shares with his viewers, how he was part of history.[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 "Crushed", Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 2. (June 15, 2022). Disney+
  2. "Destined", Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 3. (June 22, 2022). Disney+
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "No Normal", Ms. Marvel, Season 1, Episode 6. (July 13, 2022). Disney+

v - e - d
Ms. Marvel Transparent Logo
Show: Ms. Marvel (soundtrack)

Documentaries: Marvel Studios: AssembledMPowerMarvel Studios: Legends
Books: Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official TimelineMs. Marvel: The Art of the Series

Ms. MarvelBruno CarrelliNakia BahadirMuneeba KhanYusuf KhanAamir KhanKamranHasanWaleedAishaSana AliZoe ZimmerAgent ClearyFarihaAgent DeeverNajafSheikh AbdullahNajmaTyesha HillmanRed DaggerMr. WilsonAuntie RubyAuntie ZaraShawnPaulShakatMiguelHameedZaynayaUncle RasheedAuntie HumairaFizaanAadamSaleemAuntie ShirinGabe HillmanMr. and Mrs. HillmanZainabOwaisRukhsana AuntieFaizaanRohanRichardsonAgent BarrieCaptain Marvel
"Generation Why" • "Crushed" • "Destined" • "Seeing Red" • "Time and Again" • "No Normal"
"Star Spangled Man" • "X-Men Theme"
Kamala's Bangle
MutantsDamage ControlDjinnClandestinesOrder of the Red Daggers
United StatesNew JerseyNew YorkNew York CityKhan ResidenceNoor DimensionBritish Occupied India
See Also
The Marvels