Disney's Magic Bake-Off is a Disney Channel baking competition television series about complicated challenges and fun games as contestants shape and bake extravagant Disney-inspired cakes. The series is hosted by Dara Reneé and Issac Ryan Brown. It premiered on August 13, 2021 and ended on December 3, 2021.[1]
Aimed at kids age 6-14 and marking a partnership between the cabler and Tastemade, Disney’s Magic Bake-Off cooks up complicated challenges and fun games as contestants shape and bake extravagant Disney-inspired cakes. Production is currently underway with an eye on a summer premiere. Contestants will compete on three teams of two, and design elaborate cakes using Tastemade’s recipe videos and a pantry brimming with “exciting and unexpected ingredients.” Hosts Brown and Renee, along with the help of Disneyland Resort pastry chef Graciela Gomez, will assist the li’l bakers while sparking their imaginations and elevating their skill sets.
- Dara Reneé
- Issac Ryan Brown
- Graciela "Gracie" Gomez
- The first season had a 13-episode order, but only 12 episodes have aired.
- Episodes 2-7 had an 8pm timeslot on Fridays, but moved to Fridays at 7pm, starting with episode 8.
- There was supposed to be a Marvel themed episode, but it never ended up happening.[2]
- The series premiered alongside Toy Story 4, Spin, and Descendants: The Royal Wedding as apart of the "Friday the 13th Just Got FUN-Lucky" event on Disney Channel on August 13, 2021.
- The final episode premiered right after the Disney Channel Original Movie, Christmas...Again?!.