API Reference
API endpoint:
The JobScore Hire API v2 is a RESTful API designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs.
We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. We use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.
- JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.
- Lists of items are returned unsorted unless a sort order is explicitly stated in documentation below.
- We reserve the right to add more properties to objects, but will never change or remove them.
- All strings must be UTF-8 encoded.
- Dates are encoded as strings in the
format. - Timestamps are encoded using the ISO 8601 convention.
- All objects have an immutable 22 character unique identifier (uid) and immutable created_on and updated_on timestamps.
- All dates and timestamps are UTC and encoded in ISO 8601 format (e.g.
). Timestamp inputs with non-UTC timezones will be rejected.
If you want to report a bug, request a feature or ask a question about the JobScore Hire API & Webhooks, please go to this GitHub repository and open an issue.
The JobScore Hire API lets you build a variety of applications and integrations. However, the JobScore Hire API is not designed for you to build a customized careers site / jobs page. Please build your careers site using the Job Feed API.
Version 2 adds a number of PATCH and POST endpoints for create and update use cases, and is not backwards compatible with v1, which is deprecated.
The JobScore Hire API is available to Enterprise customers and select partners. Interested partners should contact [email protected].
Example request using Token Authentication:
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users/me \
-H "Authorization: Token token={your_token}"
You authenticate to our API by providing your Personal Access Token in the request. Your tokens carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret and secure!
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. You must authenticate for all requests.
You can generate an access token on the Integrations > JobScore API & Webhooks page.
HTTP Token Authentication
You can authenticate via HTTP Token Authentication by sending an Authorization header with the Token parameter.
Impersonation Example:
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users/me \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-On-Behalf-Of: {user_id}"
You can impersonate a different user by sending the X-On-Behalf-Of
Only tokens with the Account
access level can use such feature.
The content for the header must be a user’s unique identifier, which you can fetch using the List Users endpoint. Please refer to the example shown to the right.
Rate Limits
cURL uses the
flag to print return headers.
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users/me \
-H "Authorization: Token token={your_token}" \
Among other headers, you will find the following ones:
< Ratelimit-Limit: 3600
< Ratelimit-Remaining: 2891
< RateLimit-Reset: 1683576000
We rate limit by token. By default, we allow 3,600 requests/hour. On every
request, the HTTP headers RateLimit-Limit
, RateLimit-Remaining
will be returned.
We use a fixed window implementation, meaning that your number of requests
will be reset exactly 1 hour after you made the first request.
Required HTTP Headers
The Content-Type
header must be set on every POST
The Accept
header is not required, but is recommended.
HTTP Method | Headers |
GET | Accept: application/json |
POST | Content-Type: application/json (required)Accept: application/json |
PATCH | Content-Type: application/json (required)Accept: application/json |
DELETE | No specific headers required. |
Responses and Errors
We use HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of a request.
Response codes in the range 2xx
indicate a successful request; 4xx
indicates an error with your request (this could be an invalid Content-Type
missing or invalid parameters, etc), and 5xx
range indicates an error on our servers.
Code | Description |
200 | OK: If data was requested, it will be available in the data field at the top level of the response body. |
201 | Created: Resource was successfully created and information is available in the data field at the top level of the response body. |
400 | Bad Request: The request data is invalid in some way. |
401 | Unauthorized: You are not authorized to access a resource. Your authentication token is missing or is invalid. |
403 | Forbidden: You do not have permission to access that specific resource. |
404 | Not Found: The requested resource does not exist. |
405 | Method Not Allowed: You are using the wrong HTTP method. Use POST to create a resource, GET to get them and PATCH to update. |
406 | Not Acceptable: The Accept header you sent has not even one application/json media type without parameter. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type: The Content-Type header you sent is not application/json . |
422 | Unprocessable Entity: The request was formatted correctly but cannot be processed in its current form. Often used when the specified parameters fail validation errors. |
429 | Too Many Requests: You used more requests than you’re allowed to. Keep an eye on HTTP headers RateLimit-Limit RateLimit-Remaining and RateLimit-Reset to prevent that from happening again. |
500 | Internal Server Error: Houston, we have a problem. Please try again, and report continued problems to [email protected]. Include the error code in your message; it is returned in the X-ErrorCode HTTP header and also as error_code on the JSON response. |
503 | Service Unavailable: We’re offline for maintenance. Try again later. |
Example request:
curl -X https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates \
-H "Authorization: Token token={your_token}"
"items": ["REDACTED"],
"pagination": {
"current_page": 2,
"next_page": 3,
"total_pages": 27,
"total_records": 653,
"per_page": 25
< X-Current-Page: 2
< X-Next-Page: 3
< X-Total-Pages: 27
< X-Total-Records: 653
< X-Per-Page: 25
All resources with a list (candidates, jobs, etc) have pagination support.
We accept pagination as query parameters. The page
parameter denotes the page
number, starting from 1. The per_page
denotes the number of records shown in
each page. This number is 25 if omitted. The maximum is 100.
In order to help navigation, we return a pagination
object in the JSON body
response with information about pages, like: current page, next page,
and total number of pages and records. This information is also returned on
HTTP headers.
Lists of items are returned unsorted unless a sort order is explicitly stated in documentation below.
Date filter example:
curl -X https://api.jobscore.com/v2/jobs?created_after=2023-01-01&created_before=2023-12-31 \
-H "Authorization: Token token={your_token}"
Filters are available on all list endpoints. The filters available on each endpoint are documented on the endpoint itself. They should always be given via query string parameters.
Date filters are available via {attribute}_after
and {attribute}_before
parameters. You can specific one of them or both. The date format should be
a valid ISO 8601 date, like
When the time part is not specified, these dates are inclusive for both the
“after” and “before” parameters, which means that ?created_before=2023-12-31
will include records within that date, for example.
UTC is assumed.
Array filter example:
curl -X "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates?job_statuses[]=open&job_statuses[]=internal" \
-H "Authorization: Token token={your_token}"
Filter parameters will be ANDed together. When a filter is array of OR options for the same parameter, you should append []
to the parameter name.
An application represents your consideration of a candidate for a job.
- Every application is in a workflow stage. All candidates start out in the
workflow stage. - Each candidate in the system may have multiple applications, or none at all. This means a single candidate may have multiple applications and be
for one role whileinterviewing
for another, for example. - There are several ways an application can be created in JobScore:
- A candidate can apply directly for a job;
- A user (employee) can assign them to a job. Employees often assign candidates to roles when making referrals and in-house recruiters usually do this when sourcing passive candidates;
- An external search firm recruiter can submit them for a specific job opportunity.
The Application Object
- status string
Candidate status. One of:
. - stage object
Current workflow stage this application is in.
- id string
- Stage’s unique identifier.
- name string
- Stage name.
- candidate object
Candidate associated with the application.
- id uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
- first_name string
- Candidate’s first name.
- last_name string
- Candidate’s last name.
- job object
Job associated with the application.
- id uid
- Job’s unique identifier.
- title string
- Job title.
- internal_title string
- Internal job title.
- requisition_number string
- Job requisition number.
- status string
- Job’s status.
- documents list
- Documents attached to this application.
- offer_id
- If present, represents the unique identifier for an offer associated with the application.
- disposition_code string
- Disposition code name.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Application creation date.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Application most recent update date.
List Applications
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/applications \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of applications for a candidate.
"items": [
"id": "dgG_37Xa1jS4dUN-9PB8hc",
"status": "new",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips"
"job": {
"id": "ckLb8Jhtfa-BvKpmMLlFyV",
"title": "Software Engineer",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"status": "open"
"documents": [
"id": "akfCdQ15boJOZRj2Gc_87P",
"type": "cover_letter",
"filename": "Cover Letter text added on 2023-04-12.html"
"offer_id": null,
"disposition_code": null,
"created_on": "2023-04-12T15:58:11Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-24T13:26:11Z"
"id": "bdLMkbgj9g3Qg7mCg-oSUT",
"status": "hired",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips"
"job": {
"id": "cHP1ehgaTpJk7OtRndxGm5",
"title": "QA Tester",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0002",
"status": "open"
"documents": [],
"offer_id": "cyJmjqoULmAztSu60WgpgC",
"disposition_code": null,
"created_on": "2023-04-11T17:52:27Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-18T11:47:25Z"
"id": "auZUyIchLpcljbrWCLG-7e",
"status": "withdrawn",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips"
"job": {
"id": "b5gW8AbWPa-RINe8is3Zc1",
"title": "Database Administrator",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0003",
"status": "open"
"documents": [],
"offer_id": null,
"disposition_code": "Not interested in Job",
"created_on": "2023-04-04T11:34:25Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-24T13:27:38Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 3,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/applications
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by applications created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by applications created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by applications updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by applications updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Application
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/applications/{application_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing application.
"id": "auZUyIchLpcljbrWCLG-7e",
"status": "withdrawn",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips"
"job": {
"id": "b5gW8AbWPa-RINe8is3Zc1",
"title": "Database Administrator",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0003",
"status": "open"
"documents": [],
"offer_id": "bp_xVqJF5lM4OZHDKBqV4L",
"disposition_code": "Not interested in Job",
"created_on": "2023-04-04T11:34:25Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-24T13:27:38Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/applications/{application_id}
- application_id required, uid
- Application’s unique identifier.
Create Application
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/applications \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"job_id": "{job_id}",
"cover_letter": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum gravida metus non dui dictum, vitae fermentum lectus facilisis. Praesent aliquam in lacus sit amet tempus."
Create new application for a candidate.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/applications
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Request Body
The application’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- job_id required, uid
- Unique identifier of the job associated with the application.
- cover_letter string
- Application’s cover letter. Must have at least 100 characters.
Update Application
curl -X PATCH https://api.jobscore.com/v2/applications/{application_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"status": "active",
"stage_id": "{sub_stage_id}"
Update the status, active stage, and/or disposition code on a candidate application.
HTTP Request
PATCH /v2/applications/{application_id}
- application_id required, uid
- Applications’s unique identifier.
Request Body
The application’s data you are about to update must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- status required, string
Must be one of:
. (hired
is not allowed in this action). - stage_id uid
A workflow stage‘s unique identifier. Only applicable (and required) if
. - disposition_code uid
Disposition code’s unique identifier. Required if workflow status is either
and your account has disposition codes enabled.
Candidates represent specific people you are trying to hire right now — or at some point in the future.
- Candidates can add themselves to your account by applying, added by your team as referrals, added as part of sourcing/research efforts, or be submitted by search firm recruiters.* Candidate records include personally identifiable information like name, phone number, email, address, work experience and education history.
- Candidates may be associated with documents (resumes, cover letters), notes, emails and tasks.
- Candidates are connected to jobs through applications. Each application has a workflow stage (e.g. interviewing).
- Candidates have a Source. It is how you originally found / came into contact with a candidate. Each candidate has only one source.
The Candidate Object
- first_name string
- First name.
- last_name string
- Last name.
- address object
- country string
- 2 letter ISO country code.
- state string
State name. If country is
, must be a valid 2 letter USPS abbreviation. Outside the US this is handled as free text. - city string
- City name.
- postal_code number
- Postal code or Zip code.
- street1 string
- Street address, line 1.
- street2 string
- Street address, line 2.
- tags list
- Tags provide additional context or information about candidates. They are a great way to group or categorize candidates with specific attributes.
- phone_numbers list
- type string
- Phone type.
- number number
- Phone number.
- email_addresses list
- type string
- Email address type.
- address string
- Email address.
- profile_links list
- type string
- Profile link type.
- url string
- Profile URL.
- employment list
- employer string
- Employer name.
- positions list
- title string
- Job title name.
- start_date string
Start date in
format. For most records, the day part will be truncated to the 1st day of the month. - end_date string
End date in
format. For most records, the day part will be truncated to the 1st day of the month.
- education list
- school_name string
- School or college name.
- graduation_date string
Graduation date in
format. For most records, the day part will be truncated to the 1st day of the month. - degree string
- Degree type.
- degree_major string
- Degree description.
- application object
- job_id string
- The ID of the job. Read the Jobs section to see how you can fetch a list of existing jobs.
- source_type string
Source type.
Can be one of:network
. - source_detail object
- <additional fields>
- Specific sources accept, and in some cases require specific additional fields. See the Candidate Source Detail Object section for details.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
The Candidate Source Detail Object
Candidate source represents who “gets credit” for finding a candidate. A source may include up to three parts:
- Source type which explains how the candidate was added to your JobScore account. For example, someone may have applied because they found one of your jobs on a job board, a sourcer may have done research and found them using Google, or an employee may have added a friend’s resume directly into the system as a referral.
- Source detail provides more detail about the primary source. For instance, a candidate who found your job on a job board would have the primary source “Job Board” and the secondary source “Indeed” where a resume found on Google would have the primary source “Database” and secondary source “Google.”
Each primary source has customizable source detail attributes. Learn more about sources in JobScore.
This object represents all possible candidate source and source detail values configured for your JobScore account.
Some sources have additional fields that can be assigned and are documented below.
If no source is set, Other
will be assigned by default with API
as the detail.
"source_type": "company_website"
"source_type": "job_board",
"source_detail": {
"job_board": "Job Board Name"
"source_type": "referral",
"source_detail": {
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"source_type": "social",
"source_detail": {
"social_network": "LinkedIn",
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"source_type": "email",
"source_detail": {
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"source_type": "event",
"source_detail": {
"social_network": "Event Name",
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"source_type": "user",
"source_detail": {
"user_id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"source_type": "internal"
"source_type": "database",
"source_detail": {
"database": "Database Name"
"source_type": "search_firm",
"source_detail": {
"search_firm_id": "aGr7vFMY9gm5TMFt2XECpW",
"search_firm_recruiter_id": "cDrry0X1HdBy5LcxgKlF8n"
"source_type": "other",
"source_detail": {
"detail": "Any information about the source."
- Company Website
- source_type
- source_detail
- None
- Job Board
- source_type
- source_detail
- job_board required, string
- Job board name. Check out the Job Boards section to see how you can fetch a list of existing job boards.
- Referral
- source_type
- source_detail
- referral_first_name required, string
- Referrer first name.
- referral_last_name required, string
- Referrer last name.
- referral_email required, string
- Referrer email address.
- Social Network
- source_type
- source_detail
- social_network required, string
One of:
- referral_first_name string
- Referrer first name.
- referral_last_name string
- Referrer last name.
- referral_email string
- Referrer email address.
- source_type
- source_detail
- referral_first_name required, string
- Referrer first name.
- referral_last_name required, string
- Referrer last name.
- referral_email required, string
- Referrer email address.
- Event
- source_type
- source_detail
- event required, string
- Event name. Check out the Events section to see how you can fetch a list of existing events.
- referral_first_name string
- Referrer first name.
- referral_last_name string
- Referrer last name.
- referral_email string
- Referrer email address.
- User
- source_type
- source_detail
- user_id required, uid
- User ID. Check out the Users section to see how you can fetch a list of existing users.
- referral_first_name string
- Referrer first name.
- referral_last_name string
- Referrer last name.
- referral_email string
- Referrer email address.
- Internal
- source_type
- source_detail
- None
- Database
- source_type
- source_detail
- database required, string
- Database name. Check out the Databases section to see how you can fetch a list of existing databases.
- Search Firm
- source_type
- source_detail
- search_firm_id required, uid
- Search Firm ID. Check out the Search Firms section to see how you can fetch a list of existing search firms.
- search_firm_recruiter_id required, uid
- Search Firm Recruiter ID. Check out the Search Firm Recruiters section to see how you can fetch a list of existing search firm recruiters.
- Other
- source_type
- source_detail
- detail required, string
- Free text. Use to add any description about this candidate source.
List Candidates
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"items": [
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips",
"source_type": "email",
"source_detail": {
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"tags": [
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "California",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "123 Main St",
"street2": "Apt 1",
"latitude": 37.7864,
"longitude": -122.3892
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "+55 99720-0001"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "+55 99720-0002"
"type": "other",
"number": "+55 99720-0003"
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"type": "work",
"address": "[email protected]"
"profile_links": [
"type": "github",
"url": "https://github.com/timothyphilips12345"
"type": "linked_in",
"url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-philips-12345"
"type": "twitter",
"url": "https://twitter.com/timothyphilips12345"
"employment": [
"id": "bpbREEkHTgSkQO382NO103",
"employer": "Revel",
"positions": [
"id": "asGdoXTA1eeyb8kfd2zGbr",
"title": "Senior Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2019-01-01",
"end_date": "2019-12-31"
"id": "dDd0-Q-RvbY5lE110tq0V1",
"title": "Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2018-01-01",
"end_date": "2018-12-31"
"id": "aaM-99b79fjz5lG6V26V_u",
"title": "Intern",
"start_date": "2017-01-01",
"end_date": "2017-12-31"
"id": "bsw47qSPLaeR5mQMxiBnhX",
"employer": "YourCompany",
"positions": []
"education": [
"id": "bCLMQzRTbjsjGuPIHa6yqM",
"school_name": "UFPR",
"graduation_date": "2016-12-31",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Science of Computing"
"id": "aTGq4hU19ayP07mwP-st2D",
"school_name": "UDESC",
"graduation_date": "2015-12-31",
"degree": "Bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"applications": [
"id": "ck5QkojinaJ6sPbmgFzYqB",
"status": "new",
"stage": null,
"job": {
"id": "deuV1SSDfag4xah7Hi3evR",
"title": "Senior Software Engineer",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0004",
"status": "open"
"created_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z"
"created_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:39Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 1,
"per_page": 25
Get list of candidates.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates
These parameters should be given via query string.
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - job_statuses[]
Filter by candidates assigned to jobs in specific job statuses.
This must be:
. - job_ids[]
- Filter by candidates assigned to specific jobs. Check out the Jobs section to see how to fetch the list of available jobs.
- statuses[]
Filter by candidates assigned to specific statuses.
This must be:
. - stage_ids[]
- Filter by candidates assigned to specific stages. This must be a Workflow Stage ID as returned by List Workflow Stages.
- tags[]
- Filter by candidates with specific tags.
- sources[]
Filter by candidates with specific sources.
This must be:
. - received_after
- Filter by candidates received starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - received_before
- Filter by candidates received before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by candidates updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by candidates updated before a given date. Should be on
format. - email_addresses[]
- Filter candidates by email addresses.
Filter examples
Filtering by candidates on open and internal job statuses:
curl "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates?job_statuses[]=open&job_statuses[]=internal" \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Filtering by candidates statuses:
curl "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates?statuses[]=new&statuses[]=action" \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Filtering by tags:
curl "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates?tags[]=ruby&tags[]=golang" \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Filtering by email addresses:
curl "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates?email_addresses[][email protected]&email_addresses[][email protected]" \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
See some filtering examples on the right panel.
Get Candidate
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"id": "cbxucKTqLiTQiFQDGiieVw",
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips",
"source_type": "email",
"source_detail": {
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"tags": [
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "California",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "123 Main St",
"street2": "Apt 1",
"latitude": 37.7864,
"longitude": -122.3892
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "+55 99720-0001"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "+55 99720-0002"
"type": "other",
"number": "+55 99720-0003"
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"type": "work",
"address": "[email protected]"
"profile_links": [
"type": "github",
"url": "https://github.com/timothyphilips12345"
"type": "linked_in",
"url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-philips-12345"
"type": "twitter",
"url": "https://twitter.com/timothyphilips12345"
"employment": [
"id": "bpbREEkHTgSkQO382NO103",
"employer": "Revel",
"positions": [
"id": "asGdoXTA1eeyb8kfd2zGbr",
"title": "Senior Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2019-01-01",
"end_date": "2019-12-31"
"id": "dDd0-Q-RvbY5lE110tq0V1",
"title": "Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2018-01-01",
"end_date": "2018-12-31"
"id": "aaM-99b79fjz5lG6V26V_u",
"title": "Intern",
"start_date": "2017-01-01",
"end_date": "2017-12-31"
"id": "bsw47qSPLaeR5mQMxiBnhX",
"employer": "YourCompany",
"positions": []
"education": [
"id": "bCLMQzRTbjsjGuPIHa6yqM",
"school_name": "UFPR",
"graduation_date": "2016-12-31",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Science of Computing"
"id": "aTGq4hU19ayP07mwP-st2D",
"school_name": "UDESC",
"graduation_date": "2015-12-31",
"degree": "Bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"applications": [
"id": "ck5QkojinaJ6sPbmgFzYqB",
"status": "new",
"stage": null,
"job": {
"id": "deuV1SSDfag4xah7Hi3evR",
"title": "Senior Software Engineer",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"status": "open"
"created_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z"
"created_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:39Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-03T18:38:40Z"
Get an existing candidate.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}
- candidate_id required, string
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Create Candidate
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"first_name": "Timothy",
"last_name": "Philips",
"source_type": "email",
"source_detail": {
"referral_first_name": "John",
"referral_last_name": "Doe",
"referral_email": "[email protected]"
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "California",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "123 Main St",
"street2": "Apt 1"
"email_addresses": [
{ "type": "personal", "email": "[email protected]" },
{ "type": "work", "email": "[email protected]" }
"phone_numbers": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "+55 99720-0001" },
{ "type": "mobile", "number": "+55 99720-0002" },
{ "type": "other", "number": "+55 99720-0003" }
"tags": ["golang", "ruby", "typescript"],
"profile_links": [
{ "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-philips-12345" },
{ "url": "https://github.com/timothyphilips12345" },
{ "url": "https://twitter.com/timothyphilips12345" }
"employment": [
"employer": "Revel",
"positions": [
"title": "Intern",
"start_date": "2017-01-01",
"end_date": "2017-12-31"
"title": "Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2018-01-01",
"end_date": "2018-12-31"
"title": "Senior Software Engineer",
"start_date": "2019-01-01",
"end_date": "2019-12-31"
{ "employer": "YourCompany" }
"education": [
"school_name": "UDESC",
"graduation_date": "2015-12-31",
"degree": "bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"school_name": "UFPR",
"graduation_date": "2016-12-31",
"degree": "masters",
"degree_major": "Science of Computing"
"application": { "job_id": "deuV1SSDfag4xah7Hi3evR" }
Create a new candidate profile. See an example of the request on the right.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/candidates
It’s possible to assign a candidate to a job on the same request by populating
. It’s also possible to do it in a separate request by
using the Create Application endpoint.
To attach a resume, a second request should be made to the Upload Document endpoint.
Note that there is no uniqueness validation for candidates added through the
API. JobScore will aynchronously check if the candidate is a duplicate and show
a warning message to the users asking whether they want to merge the duplicates
or not. If you want to check whether a candidate is a duplicate before adding
them, we suggest using the Candidate List endpoint
filtering by email_addresses[]
Request Body
The candidate’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- first_name required, string
- First name.
- last_name required, string
- Last name.
- source_type
Source type.
Can be one of:network
If omitted,other
will be assigned by default, withAPI
as the detail. - source_detail object
- <additional fields>
- Specific sources accept, and in some cases require specific additional fields. See the Candidate Source Detail Object section for details.
- address object
- country string
- Country code, 2 letters.
- state string
State name. If country is
, must be a valid 2 letters state, otherwise it is free text. - city string
- City name.
- postal_code number
Postal code or Zip code. If country is
, must be Zip-5 or Zip-9. - street1 string
- Street address, line 1.
- street2 string
- Street address, line 2.
- email_addresses required, list
- type string
Email address type. Can be
. Only a single email address of each type is allowed. - address string
- Email address.
- phone_numbers list
- type string
Phone type. Can be
. Only a single phone number of each type is allowed. - number number
- Phone number.
- tags list
- Tags provide additional context or information about candidates. They are a great way to group or categorize candidates with specific attributes. To add a tag to a candidate, the tag has to be previously created in the employer account. To get a list of available tags see the List Tags endpoint.
- profile_links list
- url string
- Profile URL.
- employment list
- employer string
- Employer name.
- positions list
- title string
- Job title name.
- start_date string
Start date in
format. - end_date string
End date in
- education list
- school_name string
- School or college name.
- graduation_date string
Graduation date in
format. - degree string
Degree type. Must be one of:
. - degree_major string
- Degree description.
- application object
- job_id string
- The job ID to assign this candidate into. Check out the Jobs section to see how you can fetch a list of existing jobs.
Update Candidate
curl -X PATCH https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"first_name": "Timothy",
"email_addresses": [
{ "type": "personal", "email": "[email protected]" },
{ "type": "work", "email": null }
Update a candidate profile. See an example of the request to the right.
HTTP Request
PATCH /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}
Use this endpoint to update a given candidate.
Please note some differences compared to the Create Candidate endpoint:
- Only the attributes included in the JSON request body will be updated. Omitted attributes will be left untouched.
- If
(for lists) is passed for a given attribute, the attribute will be cleared (unless if required, in which case you get a validation error). - For attributes which are lists, like
, the entire list will be replaced by the new one passed in the body.email_addresses
are exceptions to this rule (only the corresponding email or phone type will be replaced, as only one value per type is allowed). - It’s not possible to assign a candidate to a job via the update candidate call. To do so, use the Create Application endpoint.
Request Body
The candidate’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- first_name string
- First name.
- last_name string
- Last name.
- source_type
Source type.
Can be one of:network
If omitted,other
will be assigned by default, withAPI
as the detail. - source_detail object
- <additional fields>
- address object
- country string
- Country code, 2 letters.
- state string
State name. If country is
, must be a valid 2 letters state, otherwise it is free text. - city string
- City name.
- postal_code number
Postal code or Zip code. If country is
, must be Zip-5 or Zip-9. - street1 string
- Street address, line 1.
- street2 string
- Street address, line 2.
- email_addresses list
- type string
Email address type. Can be
. Only a single email address of each type is allowed. - address string
- Email address.
- phone_numbers list
- type string
Phone type. Can be
. Only a single phone number of each type is allowed. - number number
- Phone number.
- tags list
- Tags provide additional context or information about candidates. They are a great way to group or categorize candidates with specific attributes. To add a tag to a candidate, the tag has to be previously created in the employer account. To get a list of available tags see the List Tags endpoint.
- profile_links list
- url string
- Profile URL.
- employment list
- employer string
- Employer name.
- positions list
- title string
- Job title name.
- start_date string
Start date in
format. - end_date string
End date in
- education list
- school_name string
- School or college name.
- graduation_date string
Graduation date in
format. - degree string
Degree type. Must be one of:
. - degree_major string
- Degree description.
Candidate EEO
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting is required of every business with 15+ employees in the USA. You can use this endpoint to retrieve EEO information provided by candidates when applying. Read more about EEO here.
The Candidate EEO Object
For every attribute below, an object will be returned with id
properties, with the possible values describe below.
will be returned if the information is unavailable
(EEO is disabled in the account or job, or candidate was entered manually by an
employee, for example).
- candidate_id string
- The candidate ID.
- gender object
- decline_to_identify
- “I don’t wish to answer”
- female
- “Female”
- male
- “Male”
- race object
- decline_to_identify
- “I don’t wish to answer”
- white
- “White (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- black
- “Black or African American (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- hispanic
- “Hispanic or Latino”
- asian
- “Asian (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- pacific_islander
- “Pacific Islander (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- american_indian
- “American Indian (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- native_alaskan
- “Native Alaskan (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- native_hawaiian
- “Native Hawaiian (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- two_or_more
- “Two or more races (Not of Hispanic Origin)”
- veteran object
- decline_to_identify
- “Decline to Identify”
- disabled_vet
- “Disabled Veteran”
- separated_vet
- “Recently separated Veteran”
- active_duty_vet
- “Active duty, wartime, or campaign badge Veteran”
- medal_vet
- “Armed Forces service medal Veteran”
- one_or_more_vet
- “One or more classifications of protected Veterans listed above”
- other_protected_vet
- “Other protected Veteran”
- not_vet
- “I am not a Protected Veteran”
- disability object
- decline_to_identify
- “I do not want to answer”
- disabled
- “Yes, I have a disability, or have had one in the past”
- not_disabled
- “No, I do not have a disability and have not had one in the past”
List Candidate EEO
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/eeo \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"items": [
"candidate_id": "d0_8lowYWr67Y-dK3BIXoC",
"gender": {
"id": "male",
"response": "Male"
"race": {
"id": "black",
"response": "Black or African American (Not of Hispanic Origin)"
"veteran": {
"id": "disabled_vet",
"response": "Disabled Veteran"
"disability": {
"id": "disabled",
"response": "Yes, I have a disability, or have had one in the past"
"candidate_id": "cMCMDr1tjl_QJq7wO_dH_-",
"gender": null,
"race": null,
"veteran": null,
"disability": null
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 2,
"per_page": 25
EEO information for candidates.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/eeo
These parameters should be given via query string.
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - job_statuses[]
Filter by candidates assigned to jobs in specific job statuses.
This must be:
. - job_ids[]
- Filter by candidates assigned to specific jobs. Check out the Jobs section to see how to fetch the list of available jobs.
- statuses[]
Filter by candidates assigned to specific statuses.
This must be:
. - stage_ids[]
- Filter by candidates assigned to specific stages. This must be a Workflow Stage ID as returned by List Workflow Stages.
- tags[]
- Filter by candidates with specific tags.
- sources[]
Filter by candidates with specific sources.
This must be:
. - received_after
- Filter by candidates received starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - received_before
- Filter by candidates received before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by candidates updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by candidates updated before a given date. Should be on
format. - email_addresses[]
- Filter candidates by email addresses.
Get Candidate EEO
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/eeo \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"candidate_id": "d0_8lowYWr67Y-dK3BIXoC",
"gender": {
"id": "male",
"response": "Male"
"race": {
"id": "black",
"response": "Black or African American (Not of Hispanic Origin)"
"veteran": {
"id": "disabled_vet",
"response": "Disabled Veteran"
"disability": {
"id": "disabled",
"response": "Yes, I have a disability, or have had one in the past"
"candidate_id": "d0_8lowYWr67Y-dK3BIXoC",
"gender": null,
"race": null,
"veteran": null,
"disability": null
Get EEO information for a candidate.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/eeo
- candidate_id required, string
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Departments in JobScore represent the different parts of your organization. Departments are a way to classify and group jobs so job seekers can easily find the jobs appropriate for them. Typical department names include Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, etc.
The Department Object
- name string
- Department name.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last update time.
List Departments
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/departments \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of departments.
"items": [
"id": "bBkaNsvgCr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Customer Success",
"created_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:28Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-04T14:24:02Z"
"id": "agHLvoZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Engineering",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z"
"id": "dNF4xI9Dqr3lVuaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Marketing",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T15:45:59Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-21T15:45:59Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 3,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/departments
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isname
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by departments created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by departments created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by departments updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by departments updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Department
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/departments/{department_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing department.
"id": "agHLvoZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Engineering",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/departments/{department_id}
- department_id required, uid
- Department’s unique identifier.
Create Department
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/departments \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"name": "Sales"
Create new department.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/departments
Request Body
The department’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- name required, string
- Department name.
Disposition Codes
A disposition code is the reason a candidate didn’t work out. Disposition codes are required for OFCCP compliance and each code represents a granular, specific reason why your company chooses to decline (reject) someone for a specific job (e.g. doesn’t meet minimum qualifications) or why a candidate chooses chooses to withdraw from your interview process (e.g. didn’t want to travel).
The Disposition Code Object
- id uid
- Disposition code’s unique identifier.
- name string
- Disposition code name.
- type string, readonly
Disposition code type.
Can be
. - created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
List Disposition Codes
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/disposition_codes \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"items": [
"id": "ahA_S0vTjgZjqKpJPUhUJr",
"name": "Accepted another job",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "aDgjEuVhDh5lqH-Atyqx3R",
"name": "Applied after offer was extended",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "bz1PvuKaPiHy8A8dKv1pfU",
"name": "Doesn't meet minimum qualifications",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "dFjGsHpJ5jCBxZKyAeIE9E",
"name": "Failed to show for interview",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "ct6E-GOOzl6lSlqbyjEpqX",
"name": "More qualified candidate selected",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "dOh_ne_1TkfQW51T9zd54B",
"name": "No Disposition",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "a9c8zdXiDiPQTGLs4j0j_M",
"name": "No Disposition",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "dsLnUdU2LeNlKnkEpkuulZ",
"name": "Not Considered",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "bwsb925-zgKPcZlW6kbJEY",
"name": "Not interested in Job",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "akOZ94Lljjb6XVHvK4_8PD",
"name": "Not interested in salary (too low)",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "bb2uDObLbjAQtfbyUmGjoF",
"name": "Offer rejected by candidate",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "cN3EgLpxrkwOd0ef4Nskac",
"name": "Position on hold / cancelled / not filled",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "c5x4DB5rnoYOBkfxeQ-ZTy",
"name": "Salary Requested is too high",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "dO88oQCFzhnkhRkykT1SQe",
"name": "Unable to contact",
"type": "withdrawn",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"id": "cQ58gfnI9hFBGYLfNL4Iez",
"name": "Unable to work in the United States",
"type": "declined",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 15,
"per_page": 25
Get list of disposition codes for a specific type.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/disposition_codes
These parameters should be given via query string.
- type string
Filter for type. Can be
. - page number
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page number
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isname
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by disposition code created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by disposition code created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by disposition code updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by disposition code updated before a given date. Should be on
Documents can represent candidates’ resumes, cover letters, offer letters, note attachments, task attachments or email attachments. They are always associated with a candidate. Resumes and cover letters may be added to applications.
A candidate may have more than one resume attached, but has only one primary resume.
The Document Object
- type string
Document type. Can be one of:
. - filename string
- The document file name.
- content_type string
- The file content type.
- filesize object
- bytes number
- The file size in number of bytes.
- filesize string
- The file size in human readable format.
- is_private string
- Whether the document is private or not.
- job_id uid
- Unique identifier for the job associated with this document.
- application_id uid
- Unique identifier for the application associated with this document.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Document creation timestamp.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Document update timestamp.
List Documents
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/documents \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"items": [
"id": "aZ-N5f7PbcdRtmwENGhfye",
"type": "resume",
"filename": "resume.pdf",
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"filesize": {
"bytes": 4911,
"human": "4.91 kB"
"is_private": false,
"job_id": null,
"application_id": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z"
"id": "aZ-N5f7PbcdRtmwENGhfyf",
"type": "cover_letter",
"filename": "cover_letter.txt",
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"filesize": {
"bytes": 4911,
"human": "4.91 kB"
"is_private": false,
"job_id": "aZ-N5f7PbcdRtmwENGhfyh",
"application_id": "aZ-N5f7PbcdRtmwENGhfyg",
"created_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 2,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/documents
- candidate_id required, string
- The ID for the candidate which you want to see documents for.
- include_private boolean
Include documents from private notes and private emails. Default is
. - page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by documents created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by documents created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by documents updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by documents updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Document
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/documents/{document_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"id": "aZ-N5f7PbcdRtmwENGhfye",
"type": "resume",
"filename": "resume.pdf",
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"filesize": {
"bytes": 4911,
"human": "4.91 kB"
"is_private": false,
"job_id": null,
"application_id": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-10T17:34:27Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/documents/{document_id}
- document_id required, uid
- The ID for the document which you want to fetch.
- include_private boolean
Include documents from private notes and private emails. Default is
Download Document
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/documents/{document_id}/download \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
--output {file_path}
Use this endpoint to download a document. The actual binary content of the file
will be returned. The Content-Type
header will be set according the file type.
To see more information about this file, use the
Get Document endpoint.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/documents/{document_id}/download
- document_id required, uid
- The ID for the document which you want to download.
Upload Document
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/documents \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
"candidate_id": "{candidate_id}",
"type": "resume",
"filename": "resume.pdf",
"content": "{file_content}"
Use this endpoint to upload a document to a candidate or candidate note.
We automatically detect the content type of the file, and it must match the
filename extension. For example, if you’re sending a file of type
and filename must end with .pdf
HTTP Request
POST /v2/documents
Request Body
The document’s data you are about to upload must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- candidate_id required, string
- The ID for the candidate which you want to upload the document to.
- type required, string
Document type. Must be one of:
. - note_id string
The candidate note ID. Required if the document type is
. - filename required, string
- The document file name.
- content required, string
- The document content encoded in base64.
Jobs represent specific roles you are trying to hire candidates for.
In JobScore there are 6 different job statuses: draft
, internal
, open
, on_hold
, closed
and filled
- Draft Jobs are jobs that are not ready to start receiving candidate applies.
- Internal Jobs are roles you are trying to fill with current company employees. They are not displayed in your public careers site, but are live on your internal job board if you have set one up, and can applied to by anyone with the URL.
- Open Jobs are roles you are actively trying to fill, and will appear publicly on your careers site.
- On Hold Jobs are roles that you are not working on yet or that you have paused working on for a while.
- Closed Jobs are roles that you tried to fill but have stopped working on and don’t plan to reopen or work on anymore.
- Filled Jobs are roles where you have successfully hired a candidate.
The Job Object
- title string
- Publicly displayed job title.
- internal_title string
- Optional internal job title, as displayed in JobScore employer UI and reports.
- requisition_number string
- Job requisition number.
- description_text string, readonly
- Job description in text form.
- description_html string
- Job description in HTML form.
- status string
Job status. One of:
. - job_types list
List of job types.
List of job types. Can be one or more of:
. - remote_type string
Can be one of:
(must work onsite),yes
(can work entirely remotely),hybrid
(can work remotely sometimes). - desired_experience object
Desired career level of applicants for this job.
Can be one of:
,senior executive
. - openings object
Object representation of job’s current openings.
- number_of_openings integer
- openings list
- compensation object
- currency string
- Currency is represented by its ISO 4217 code format.
- public_salary_minimum_in_cents integer
- Public salary minumum in cents.
- public_salary_maximum_in_cents integer
- Public salary maximum in cents.
- public_compensation_interval string
The payrate for this job, visible on your careers site and job boards. Can be one of:
per hour
,per day
,per week
,per month
andper year
. - private_salary_minimum_in_cents integer
- Private salary minumum in cents.
- private_salary_maximum_in_cents integer
- Private salary maximum in cents.
- private_compensation_interval string
The payrate for this job, used for internal purposes only. It is only visible by users with confidential access to this job. Valid options are:
per hour
,per day
,per week
,per month
andper year
- location object
- The location for this job.
- department object
- The department for this job.
- custom_fields list
List of custom field values for this job.
- id string
- type string
- Custom job field name.
- value string
- String representation of custom job field value.
- type string
Custom job field type. Can be one of:
- workflow_stages list
- List of workflow stages for this job.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
List Jobs
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/jobs \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of jobs.
"items": [
"id": "cHpvBM9EWr3lkFaaWPX6Zm",
"title": "Account Executive",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"description_text": "About us:\n\nAt Revel, we believe there is a better way to do marketing. Marketing that adds value, and is enjoyable, not invasive. We're passionate about it, and our mission is to help companies achieve it.",
"description_html": "<h3>About us:</h3><p>At Revel, we believe there is a better way to do marketing. Marketing that adds value, and is enjoyable, not invasive. We're passionate about it, and our mission is to help companies achieve it.</p>",
"status": "closed",
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"remote_type": "no",
"desired_experience": "experienced",
"openings": {
"number_of_openings": 1,
"openings": [
"opening_id": "0007a",
"reason_for_hire": null,
"budget_id": "",
"hired_candidate": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"target_start_date_on": null,
"created_on": "2022-04-21T15:48:54Z"
"compensation": {
"currency": null,
"public_salary_minimum_in_cents": 70000,
"public_salary_maximum_in_cents": 100000,
"public_compensation_interval": "per year",
"private_salary_minimum_in_cents": 70000,
"private_salary_maximum_in_cents": 100000,
"private_compensation_interval": "per year"
"location": {
"id": "agHFVAZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94111",
"street1": "12 Singular Rd."
"department": {
"id": "dIQRXw9EOr3lVuaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Sales"
"job_field_answers": [
"id": "bPMJAMDF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJma2YkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Bonus"
"id": "bPLVoCDF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "number",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJnIQYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "number",
"question": "Stock Options"
"id": "bPL05UDF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJpdIYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Relocation Assistance"
"id": "bPL58IDF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJqGwYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Commission"
"id": "bPL_igDF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "multiple_choice",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "aCBqFEh9Or6O-9dGB-6ByU",
"type": "multiple_choice",
"question": "Bonus Interval"
"id": "bPMEtADF4r6PpadK3BIXoC",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJsc8YkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Sign On Bonus"
"workflow_stages": [
"id": "dsMGYmvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Schedule Recruiter Screen"
"id": "dzvE_Wvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Recruiter Screen"
"id": "bucPaiEXGr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Schedule Manager Interview"
"id": "bIIKoEEXGr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Manager Interview"
"id": "dG4lTcvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Schedule Onsite Interview"
"id": "agCOiMZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Onsite Interview"
"id": "aRgKeAEXKr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Check References"
"id": "aGgzfevgCr3Pp_eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Offer"
"id": "c_KkaGXyyr3Bq_aaWPjCfa",
"name": "On Hold"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 1,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/jobs
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default istitle
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by jobs created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by jobs created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by jobs updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by jobs updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Job
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/jobs/{job_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing job.
"id": "aHa5OmZFWr3i5taaWPX6Zm",
"title": "Software Engineer",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0002",
"description_text": "About us:\n\nAt Revel, we believe there is a better way to do marketing. Marketing that adds value, and is enjoyable, not invasive. We're passionate about it, and our mission is to help companies achieve it.",
"description_html": "<h3>About us:</h3><p>At Revel, we believe there is a better way to do marketing. Marketing that adds value, and is enjoyable, not invasive. We're passionate about it, and our mission is to help companies achieve it.</p>",
"status": "closed",
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"remote_type": "no",
"desired_experience": "experienced",
"openings": {
"number_of_openings": 1,
"openings": [
"opening_id": "0001a",
"reason_for_hire": null,
"budget_id": "",
"hired_candidate": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"target_start_date_on": null,
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:53:17Z"
"compensation": {
"currency": "USD",
"public_salary_minimum_in_cents": 70000,
"public_salary_maximum_in_cents": 100000,
"public_compensation_interval": "per year",
"private_salary_minimum_in_cents": 70000,
"private_salary_maximum_in_cents": 100000,
"private_compensation_interval": "per year"
"location": {
"id": "agHFVAZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94111",
"street1": "12 Singular Rd."
"department": {
"id": "agHLvoZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Engineering"
"job_field_answers": [
"id": "cuQdH42byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "number",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJnIQYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "number",
"question": "Stock Options"
"id": "cuQjBy2byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJpdIYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Relocation Assistance"
"id": "cuQphs2byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJqGwYkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Commission"
"id": "cuQu2Y2byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "multiple_choice",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "aCBqFEh9Or6O-9dGB-6ByU",
"type": "multiple_choice",
"question": "Bonus Interval"
"id": "cuQDME2byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJsc8YkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Sign On Bonus"
"id": "cuQJq-2byr6ROsdSk8YT7m",
"type": "currency",
"answer": null,
"job_field": {
"id": "bSJma2YkGr6jjNeJii1Cgg",
"type": "currency",
"question": "Bonus"
"workflow_stages": [
"id": "dsMGYmvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Schedule Recruiter Screen"
"id": "dzvE_Wvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Recruiter Screen"
"id": "bucPaiEXGr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Schedule Manager Interview"
"id": "bIIKoEEXGr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Manager Interview"
"id": "dG4lTcvgyr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Schedule Onsite Interview"
"id": "agCOiMZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"name": "Onsite Interview"
"id": "aRgKeAEXKr4P0EiGakhiyv",
"name": "Check References"
"id": "aGgzfevgCr3Pp_eJe4aGWH",
"name": "Offer"
"id": "c_KkaGXyyr3Bq_aaWPjCfa",
"name": "On Hold"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}
- job_id required, uid
- Job’s unique identifier.
Locations are where a job is located. It’s where a candidate will work when you hire them.
- Locations require a street address and postal code. This information is required because some job boards require it to post on their site.
- Locations may have an external name. When you add an external name this is what job seekers will see when they view and apply to jobs. External names are very useful when you need to publish a job as remote / work from home.
- Locations may also have an internal name. This is what your team will see when they use the application. Internal names are very useful when you have more than one office or store in the same city.
The Location Object
- country string
- Country code, 2 letters.
- state string
- State name. If country is “US”, must be a valid 2 letters state, otherwise it is free text.
- city string
- City name.
- postal_code string
- Postal code or Zip code. If country is “US”, must be Zip-5 or Zip-9.
- street1 string
- Street Address 1.
- street2 string
- Street Address 2.
- latitude float, readonly
- Location’s latitude (in degrees).
- longitude float, readonly
- Location’s longitude (in degrees).
- internal_name string
Internal nickname for the location. This is what employees see in filters and reports. Customizing the internal name of a location overrides the standard “city, state” location display inside of JobScore for your employees. Most employers only customize the internal name if they have more than one location in the same city. If left
, it will show “city, state”. - external_name string
Public nickname for the location. This is what job seekers see when they apply. Customizing the external name of a location overrides the standard “city, state” location display on your careers site seen by job seekers. Most employers customize the external name if they want to publish a job with “no location” where candidates can work remotely from anywhere. If left
, it will show “city, state”. - created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last update time.
List Locations
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/locations \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
List all locations in your company.
"items": [
"id": "apEdAGvgGr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"country": "US",
"state": "NY",
"city": "New York",
"postal_code": "10018",
"street1": "24 West 40th Street",
"street2": "11th floor",
"latitude": 40.755101,
"longitude": -73.99337,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:32Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:32Z"
"id": "aXfyqeJVCr6PardK3BIXoC",
"country": "US",
"state": "MI",
"city": "Novi",
"postal_code": "48375",
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"latitude": 42.4604,
"longitude": -83.4577,
"internal_name": "Novi branch",
"external_name": "Novi Branch",
"created_on": "2022-05-03T21:17:13Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-03T21:17:13Z"
"id": "agHFVAZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "San Francisco",
"postal_code": "94111",
"street1": "12 Singular Rd.",
"street2": "",
"latitude": 37.798228,
"longitude": -122.40027,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-21T14:31:04Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 3,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/locations
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isaddress
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by locations created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by locations created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by locations updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by locations updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Location
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/locations/{location_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing location.
"id": "apEdAGvgGr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"country": "US",
"state": "NY",
"city": "New York",
"postal_code": "10018",
"street1": "24 West 40th Street",
"street2": "11th floor",
"latitude": 40.755101,
"longitude": -73.99337,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:32Z",
"updated_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:32Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/locations/{location_id}
- location_id required, uid
- Location’s unique identifier.
Notes are how your team enters information about candidates and discusses them.
- Candidate notes are stored as HTML so your team can use bolding, bullet points, numbered lists and more when they add feedback. Notes can also have attached documents.
- The ability to read a candidate note may be restricted by making it private. A private note is only visible to its author and users who have been granted access.
- A candidate note record may represent a simple note added by an employer user, or can contain interview feedback from an empoyer user including their candidate ratings.
The Note Object
- content_html string
- Note’s content in HTML format.
- is_private boolean
Whether or not this note is private. Default is
. - job_id uid
- Unique identifier for the job associated with this note, when applicable.
- application_id uid
- Unique identifier for the application associated with this note, when applicable.
- type string
Note type. Can be either
. - ratings list
Ratings information. Only applicable when
.- name string
- Rating name.
- description string
- Rating description.
- score float
Rating score. Ranges from
- author object
Note’s creator.
- first_name string
- Creator’s first name.
- last_name string
- Creator’s last name.
- documents list
- Documents attached to this note.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last update time.
List Notes
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/notes \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of notes for a single candidate.
"items": [
"id": "atu_NUEoir6Qd-dK3BIXoC",
"content_html": "<p>What do you think of this candidate? Please decline or move to offer</p>",
"is_private": false,
"job_id": "b5gW8AbWPa-RINe8is3Zc1",
"application_id": "auZUyIchLpcljbrWCLG-7e",
"type": "note",
"ratings": [],
"user": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"documents": [],
"created_on": "2022-05-03T14:05:50Z",
"updated_on": "2022-10-20T13:41:52Z"
"id": "dad8YwC1Kr6OE-dK3BIXoC",
"content_html": "<p>What do you think of this candidate? Please decline or move to schedule recruiter screen.</p>",
"is_private": false,
"job_id": "b5gW8AbWPa-RINe8is3Zc1",
"application_id": "auZUyIchLpcljbrWCLG-7e",
"type": "note",
"ratings": [],
"user": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"documents": [],
"created_on": "2022-05-03T12:17:46Z",
"updated_on": "2022-10-20T13:41:52Z"
"id": "dba_zICPWr6Rq4dK3BIXoC",
"content_html": "<p>I've already reached out to this candidate to screen them. Please reply to this email if you have any specific questions you'd like me to ask them.</p>",
"is_private": false,
"job_id": null,
"application_id": null,
"type": "interview_feedback",
"ratings": [
"name": "Overall Recommendation",
"description": "Overall impression - how good is this candidate",
"score": 2.5
"name": "Communication skills",
"description": "Answers with the appropriate level of detail and concision",
"score": 3.2
"user": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"documents": [],
"created_on": "2022-05-03T12:03:20Z",
"updated_on": "2022-10-20T13:41:52Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 3,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/notes
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- include_private boolean
Include private notes. Default is
. - type string
Filter by note type. Must be one of:
. All note types are returned by default. - sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by notes created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by notes created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by notes updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by notes updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Note
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/notes/{note_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing note.
"id": "d_n09kmOjcWRLfvpuEvJKc",
"content_html": "Interview notes, see attachment",
"is_private": false,
"job_id": "b5gW8AbWPa-RINe8is3Zc1",
"application_id": "auZUyIchLpcljbrWCLG-7e",
"type": "note",
"ratings": [],
"user": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki"
"documents": [
"id": "bIHBea2mjnliyhXvxKUmMR",
"type": "note",
"filename": "file.pdf"
"created_on": "2023-04-18T10:27:59Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-18T10:27:59Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/notes/{note_id}
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
- note_id required, uid
- Note’s unique identifier.
- include_private boolean
Include private notes. Default is
Create Note
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/notes \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"content_html": "<p>Interview notes, see attachment</p>",
"creator_id": "{user_id}",
"attachments": [{ "filename": "notes.pdf", "content": "{file_content}" }],
"visibility": {
"private": "true",
"user_ids": ["{user_id_1}", "{user_id_2}"],
"send_email_alerts": "true"
Create new note for a candidate.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/notes
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Request Body
The note’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- content_html required, string
Contents of the note. HTML is expected. You may opt to send plain text, but it might present formatting issues.
Allowed HTML tags are:<a>
Allowed tag attributes are:alt
. - creator_id required, uid
- Creating user’s unique identifier.
- job_id uid
- Unique identifier of the job you want to associate with the note.
- attachments list
List of documents to attach to this note. Maximum of three attachments per note.
- filename required, string
- The name you want to have on this attachment. Extension must be accordingly to the file content.
- content required, base64-encoded string
- The contents of the file.
- visibility object
Note’s visibility attributes.
- private boolean
Whether or not this note is private. Default is
. - user_ids list
- Users’ unique identifiers which you want this note to be visible by.
- send_email_alerts boolean
- Whether you want or not to send email alerts to the users the note is shared with.
When you decide you want to hire a candidate, JobScore can help you create and send them an offer letter to review and sign.
The Offer Object
- id uid
- Offer’s unique identifier.
- offer_accepted_on timestamp
- Offer acception date.
- offer_extended_on timestamp
- Offer extension date.
- start_date_on timestamp
- Date in which the candidate started the position.
- status string
Offer status. One of:
. - application object
Application related to the offer.
- id uid
- Application unique identifier.
- status string
Application status. One of:
. - stage string
- Current workflow stage this application is in.
- job object
Job related to the application.
- id uid
- Job unique identifier.
- title string
- Job title.
- internal_title string
- Job internal title.
- requisition_number string
- Job requisition number.
- status string
Job status. One of:
- candidate object
Candidate related to the application.
- id uid
- Candidate unique identifier.
- first_name string
- Candidate first name.
- last_name string
- Candidate last name.
- fields list
Offer fields.
- name string
- Offer field name.
- value string
- Offer field value.
- type string
Offer field type. Can be one of:
- created_on timestamp
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp
- Record last update time.
List Offers
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/offers \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of offers.
"items": [
"id": "c_EzwOknGr6P4wdK3BIXoC",
"offer_accepted_on": "2022-05-02T12:56:51Z",
"offer_extended_on": "2022-05-02T11:55:27Z",
"start_date_on": "2022-05-02T15:15:01Z",
"status": "accepted",
"application": {
"id": "aMA-wkvgOr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"status": "hired",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cxTu8__JzghODU3KzP-Oq2",
"first_name": "Robert",
"last_name": "Jennings"
"job": {
"id": "anOh8-vgar3PNeeJe4aGWH",
"title": "Marketing Manager",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0009",
"status": "filled"
"values": [
"name": "Today's Date",
"value": "12/27/2019"
"name": "Anticipated Start Date",
"value": "12/28/2019"
"name": "Candidate Full Name",
"value": "Robert Paulson"
"name": "Job Title",
"value": "Marketing Manager"
"name": "Hiring Manager",
"value": "Jack Kennedy"
"name": "Hiring Manager Title",
"value": "Director of Marketing"
"name": "Office Location - City, State",
"value": "New York, NY"
"name": "Compensation Interval",
"value": "per day"
"name": "Compensation Amount",
"value": "$ 40.00"
"name": "Headquarter Location - State",
"value": "CA"
"name": "Company Name",
"value": "Revel"
"created_on": "2022-05-02T12:02:19Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-02T12:02:25Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 1,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/offers
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by offers created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by offers created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by offers updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by offers updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Offer
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/offers/{offer_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing offer.
"id": "c_EzwOknGr6P4wdK3BIXoC",
"offer_accepted_on": "2022-05-02T12:56:51Z",
"offer_extended_on": "2022-05-02T11:55:27Z",
"start_date_on": "2022-05-02T15:15:01Z",
"status": "accepted",
"application": {
"id": "aMA-wkvgOr3OP1eJe4aGWH",
"status": "hired",
"stage": null,
"candidate": {
"id": "cxTu8__JzghODU3KzP-Oq2",
"first_name": "Robert",
"last_name": "Jennings"
"job": {
"id": "anOh8-vgar3PNeeJe4aGWH",
"title": "Marketing Manager",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0009",
"status": "filled"
"values": [
"name": "Today's Date",
"value": "12/27/2019"
"name": "Anticipated Start Date",
"value": "12/28/2019"
"name": "Candidate Full Name",
"value": "Robert Paulson"
"name": "Job Title",
"value": "Marketing Manager"
"name": "Hiring Manager",
"value": "Jack Kennedy"
"name": "Hiring Manager Title",
"value": "Director of Marketing"
"name": "Office Location - City, State",
"value": "New York, NY"
"name": "Compensation Interval",
"value": "per day"
"name": "Compensation Amount",
"value": "$ 40.00"
"name": "Headquarter Location - State",
"value": "CA"
"name": "Company Name",
"value": "Revel"
"created_on": "2022-05-02T12:02:19Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-02T12:02:25Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/offers/{offer_id}
- offer_id required, uid
- Offer’s unique identifier.
List Candidate Offers
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/offers \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of offers for a specific candidate.
"items": [
"id": "btcu0HCBDhCO3Y8-NHwlaI",
"offer_accepted_on": "2023-05-23T04:00:00Z",
"offer_extended_on": "2023-05-22T04:00:00Z",
"start_date_on": "2023-09-30T04:00:00Z",
"status": "draft",
"values": [
"name": "Today's Date",
"value": "09/29/2022"
"name": "Candidate Full Name",
"value": "Darwin Eisner"
"name": "Company Name",
"value": "Revel"
"name": "Job Title",
"value": "Truck Driver"
"name": "Hiring Manager",
"value": "title"
"name": "Hiring Manager Title",
"value": "manager"
"name": "Anticipated Start Date",
"value": "09/30/2022"
"name": "Compensation Amount",
"value": "$0.04"
"name": "Compensation Interval",
"value": "per week"
"name": "Headquarter Location - State",
"value": "NY"
"created_on": "2022-09-29T13:17:53Z",
"updated_on": "2022-09-29T13:17:53Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 1,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/offers
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Get Candidate Offer
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/applications/{application_id}/offer \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"id": "btcu0HCBDhCO3Y8-NHwlaI",
"offer_accepted_on": "2023-05-23T04:00:00Z",
"offer_extended_on": "2023-05-22T04:00:00Z",
"start_date_on": "2023-09-30T04:00:00Z",
"status": "draft",
"values": [
"name": "Today's Date",
"value": "09/29/2022"
"name": "Candidate Full Name",
"value": "Darwin Eisner"
"name": "Company Name",
"value": "Revel"
"name": "Job Title",
"value": "Truck Driver"
"name": "Hiring Manager",
"value": "title"
"name": "Hiring Manager Title",
"value": "manager"
"name": "Anticipated Start Date",
"value": "09/30/2022"
"name": "Compensation Amount",
"value": "$0.04"
"name": "Compensation Interval",
"value": "per week"
"name": "Headquarter Location - State",
"value": "NY"
"created_on": "2022-09-29T13:17:53Z",
"updated_on": "2022-09-29T13:17:53Z"
Get existing offer to a specific candidate.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/applications/{application_id}/offer
- application_id required, uid
- Application’s unique identifier.
Tags are an easy way to organize candidates into groups during pre-interview sourcing and post-interview candidate relationship management.
Each of your candidates can have multiple tags (e.g. future prospects
, intern
, sales
), but your company shares a single set of tags which are visible by and usable by everyone.
The Tag Object
- name string
- Tag name.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
List Tags
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/tags \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of tags.
"items": [
"name": "admin",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "branch",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "flash",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "front end",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "java",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "junior",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "marketing",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "no travel",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "recruiting",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"name": "sales",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 10,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/tags
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isname
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by tag created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by tag created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by tag updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by tag updated before a given date. Should be on
Add Tag to Candidate
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tags \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"tags": ["developer", "intern"]
Adds tag(s) to a candidate.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tags
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate’s unique identifier.
Request Body
The tags you are about to add must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- tags required, list
- List of tag names. Tags must already exist in the system. By convention, tags must be all lowercase.
A task is the best way to signal that a user needs to take action on a candidate at a specific time.
For instance, a task might be a reminder to call someone, to schedule a follow-up appointment, or even to participate in a meeting. All JobScore users can assign tasks to each other. All Tasks have a due date, and can be completed, deleted, edited and re-assigned.
The Hire API does not support creating tasks that are published as events to Google Calendar or Microsoft Office.
The Task Object
- id uid
- Task unique identifier.
- type string
Task type. One of:
, - start_date timestamp
- Task start date.
- end_date timestamp
- Task end date.
- duration_in_minutes integer
- Task duration. Must be divisible by 15.
- title string
- Task title.
- timezone string
- Task timezone. See this list of database time zones for possible values.
- video_conference_url string
- Task video conference URL, if present.
- external_event object
Task calendar event information.
- id uid
- Event unique external identifier.
- rooms[] list
- Event room(s), if present.
- candidate object
Candidate associated with the task.
- id uid
- Candidate unique identifier.
- first_name string
- Candidate first name.
- last_name string
- Candidate last name.
- attendees[] list
Task attendees.
- assignee object
Assigned user.
- type string
Assignee type. One of:
. - status string
Assignment status. One of:
. - record object
Assignee information.
- id uid
- Assignee unique identifier.
- first_name string
- Assignee first name.
- last_name string
- Assignee last name.
- created_on timestamp
- Task creation time.
- updated_on timestamp
- Task last update time.
List Tasks
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/tasks \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of tasks.
"items": [
"id": "atlAYJ5o9jCRPH7jXr1W62",
"type": "meet_in_person",
"start_date": "2024-01-23T00:30:00Z",
"end_date": "2024-01-23T01:00:00Z",
"duration_in_minutes": 30,
"title": "On-site Meeting",
"timezone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"video_conference_url": null,
"external_event": {
"id": null,
"rooms": []
"candidate": {
"id": "cl9xbsD6ji4kMu5Go-q0CP",
"first_name": "Cooper",
"last_name": "Smith"
"attendees": [
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki"
"status": "assigned"
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"status": "assigned"
"created_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": 2,
"total_pages": 13,
"total_records": 13,
"per_page": 1
HTTP Request
GET /v2/tasks
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default iscreated_on
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isdesc
. - created_after
- Filter by tasks created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by tasks created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by tasks updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by tasks updated before a given date. Should be on
Get Task
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/tasks/{task_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing task.
"id": "atlAYJ5o9jCRPH7jXr1W62",
"type": "meet_in_person",
"start_date": "2024-01-23T00:30:00Z",
"end_date": "2024-01-23T01:00:00Z",
"duration_in_minutes": 30,
"title": "On-site Meeting",
"timezone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"video_conference_url": null,
"external_event": {
"id": null,
"rooms": []
"candidate": {
"id": "cl9xbsD6ji4kMu5Go-q0CP",
"first_name": "Cooper",
"last_name": "Smith"
"attendees": [
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki"
"status": "assigned"
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"status": "assigned"
"created_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/tasks/{task_id}
- task_id required, uid
- Task unique identifier.
Create Task
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"timezone":"Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"attendee_ids":["{user_id_1}", "{user_id_2}"],
"title":"On-site Meeting"
Create new task.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate unique identifier.
Request Body
The task’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- type required, string
- Task type. Refer to the Task Object section for a list of possible values.
- timezone required, string
- Task timezone. Refer to the Task Object section for a list of possible values.
- start_time required, timestamp
- Task start date and time. Must use the ISO 8601 standard. The total task duration in minutes must be divisible by 15.
- end_time required, timestamp
- Task end date and time. Must use the ISO 8601 standard. The total task duration in minutes must be divisible by 15.
- title required, string
- Task title.
- attendee_ids[] required, list
- List of user unique identifiers.
- job_id uid
- Job unique identifier to be associated with the task.
List Candidate Tasks
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of tasks from a specific candidate.
"items": [
"id": "atlAYJ5o9jCRPH7jXr1W62",
"type": "meet_in_person",
"start_date": "2024-01-23T00:30:00Z",
"end_date": "2024-01-23T01:00:00Z",
"duration_in_minutes": 30,
"title": "On-site Meeting",
"timezone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"video_conference_url": null,
"external_event": {
"id": null,
"rooms": []
"candidate": {
"id": "cl9xbsD6ji4kMu5Go-q0CP",
"first_name": "Cooper",
"last_name": "Smith"
"attendees": [
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki"
"status": "assigned"
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"status": "assigned"
"created_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": 2,
"total_pages": 13,
"total_records": 13,
"per_page": 1
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate unique identifier.
Get Candidate Task
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks/{task_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
"id": "atlAYJ5o9jCRPH7jXr1W62",
"type": "meet_in_person",
"start_date": "2024-01-23T00:30:00Z",
"end_date": "2024-01-23T01:00:00Z",
"duration_in_minutes": 30,
"title": "On-site Meeting",
"timezone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"video_conference_url": null,
"external_event": {
"id": null,
"rooms": []
"candidate": {
"id": "cl9xbsD6ji4kMu5Go-q0CP",
"first_name": "Cooper",
"last_name": "Smith"
"attendees": [
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki"
"status": "assigned"
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley"
"status": "assigned"
"created_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-19T16:56:03Z"
Get existing task from a specific candidate.
HTTP Request
GET /v2/candidates/{candidate_id}/tasks/{task_id}
- candidate_id required, uid
- Candidate unique identifier.
- task_id required, uid
- Task unique identifier.
Every team member that participates in the hiring process, including those who refer and interview candidates, is invited to use JobScore and added as a user.
The User Object
- first_name string
- First name.
- last_name string
- Last name.
- email string
- Email address.
- access_level string
User’s access level, must be one of:
. - created_on timestamp, readonly
- User creation date.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- User most recent update date.
List Users
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
List all users in your company.
"items": [
"id": "agHO1WZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Charlotte",
"last_name": "Friendly",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "admin",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z",
"updated_on": "2023-02-22T12:46:00Z"
"id": "ctr_o09der3j-maawpx6zm",
"first_name": "Buster",
"last_name": "Wegley",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "owner",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T15:45:44Z",
"updated_on": "2023-02-22T12:46:18Z"
"id": "cutslwanur3ysiaawptx0b",
"first_name": "Jeffrey",
"last_name": "Guzman",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "owner",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T19:52:40Z",
"updated_on": "2023-03-02T11:26:29Z"
"id": "cyrqqkvger3pneeje4agwh",
"first_name": "Wilbur",
"last_name": "Williamson",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "extended",
"created_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:02Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-04T00:59:59Z"
"id": "datu40vger3pneeje4agwh",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "Goodsmith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "limited",
"created_on": "2022-04-26T09:54:03Z",
"updated_on": "2022-05-04T01:00:01Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 5,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/users
- email_addresses[] list
- Filter by users’ emails.
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isfull_name
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by users created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by users created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by users updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by users updated before a given date. Should be on
Filter examples
Filtering by email addresses:
curl "https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users?email_addresses[][email protected]&email_addresses[][email protected]" \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
See some filtering examples on the right panel.
Get User
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users/{user_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get existing user.
"id": "agHO1WZFSr3lNCaaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Charlotte",
"last_name": "Friendly",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "admin",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T02:52:37Z",
"updated_on": "2023-02-22T12:46:00Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/users/{user_id}
- user_id required, uid
- User’s unique identifier.
Get Current User
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/users/me \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get current user.
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki",
"email": "[email protected]",
"access_level": "account",
"created_on": "2022-04-21T03:22:07Z",
"updated_on": "2023-04-24T17:55:03Z"
HTTP Request
GET /v2/users/me
List Databases
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/databases \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of databases to be used as sources.
"items": [
"name": "Google"
"name": "LinkedIn"
"name": "Zoominfo"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 3,
"per_page": null
HTTP Request
GET /v2/sources/databases
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
Create Database
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/databases \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"name": "Custom Database"
Create new source database.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/sources/databases
Request Body
The source database’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- name required, string
- The source database name.
List Events
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/events \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of events to be used as sources.
"items": [
"name": "Hackathon 2023"
"name": "San Francisco Hiring Event"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 2,
"per_page": null
HTTP Request
GET /v2/sources/events
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
Create Event
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/events \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"name": "Custom Event"
Create new source event.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/sources/events
Request Body
The source event’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- name required, string
- The source event name.
List Job Boards
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/job_boards \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of job boards to be used as sources.
"items": [
"name": "Craigslist"
"name": "Glassdoor"
"name": "Google For Jobs"
"name": "Indeed"
"name": "LinkedIn Limited"
"name": "ZipRecruiter"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 78,
"per_page": null
HTTP Request
GET /v2/sources/job_boards
Create Job Board
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/job_boards \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"name": "Custom Job Board"
Create new source job board.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/sources/job_boards
Request Body
The source job board’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- name required, string
- The source job board name.
List Search Firms
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/search_firms \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of search firms to be used as sources.
"items": [
"id": "aGr7vFMY9gm5TMFt2XECpW",
"name": "ABC Recruiting",
"created_on": 1683916410,
"updated_on": 1683916410
"id": "a245S8eKHa7iXh-sT5XONQ",
"name": "Revel Recruiting",
"created_on": 1683916448,
"updated_on": 1683916448
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 2,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/sources/search_firms
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isname
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
List Search Firm Recruiters
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/sources/search_firms/{search_firm_id}/recruiters \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of search firm recruiters to be used as sources.
"items": [
"id": "cDrry0X1HdBy5LcxgKlF8n",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Williams",
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_on": 1683916410,
"updated_on": 1683916410
"id": "dIFFDN2i5op5iuvbJV5t-3",
"first_name": "William",
"last_name": "Phelps",
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_on": 1683916410,
"updated_on": 1683916410
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 2,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/sources/search_firms/{search_firm_id}/recruiters
- search_firm_id
- The search firm ID for which you want to fetch recruiters for.
- page
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isfull_name
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
Workflow stages are the steps in your hiring process. All candidates that are assigned to a job have a workflow stage. Stages may be customized per-job.
- The first status for a candidate is always
; - Candidates can be moved through a configurable set of
stages likescreening
; - There are three “ending” statuses for candidates:
Workflow stages only indicate where a candidate is active in the hiring process right now. Candidate activity is recorded separately as emails (correspondence between your team and the candidate), tasks (for scheduled events like phone screens and interviews) and notes (feedback entered by users about the candidate).
The Workflow Stage Object
- id uid
- Workflow stage’s unique identifier.
- name string
- Workflow stage name.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
List Workflow Stages
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/jobs/{job_id}/workflow_stages \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of workflow stages. As stages may be customized per job, you must build a list of stages for a specific job.
"items": [
"id": "bRiUvssNjljzjMEMG2xS-r",
"name": "Schedule Recruiter Screen",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "azTLMW8Avgq4ZkYHwSCLLT",
"name": "Recruiter Screen",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "aXG9b1jdXgfkhLDYN7eDOo",
"name": "Schedule Phone Interview",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "dEepSdvBHfGB-AYZadBHzJ",
"name": "Phone Interview",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "bvgl82vxHgBR1w9eBZ7LG8",
"name": "Schedule Onsite Interview",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "coknBjNhLkWBra2ne35RaV",
"name": "Team Interview",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "cFz4jckCfhA47spn6x35Tx",
"name": "Check References",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "cCDMb3BPbhwjiToJggXouZ",
"name": "Offer",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"id": "d2aXOoPqji_z__xlMVGUDv",
"name": "On Hold",
"created_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_on": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 9,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/jobs/{job_id}/workflow_stages
- job_id required, uid
- Job’s unique identifier.
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- sort
Sort by attribute.
Must be one of:
. The default isposition
. - order
Order of the sorting.
Must be
. The default isasc
. - created_after
- Filter by stage created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by stage created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by stage updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by stage updated before a given date. Should be on
Webhooks allow you to listen for specific events in JobScore. Once the event happens, we’ll deliver a POST
HTTP request to a URL you’ve given to us.
Webhooks can be created and activated via API or in the JobScore web UI. Currently, you can create webhooks for the following events in JobScore:
: sent when a candidate applies for a job;candidated_hired
: sent when a candidate is hired.job_added
: sent when a job is added;job_status_changed
: sent when a job’s status is changed;task_added
: sent when tasks are created;candidate_stage_changed
: sent when a candidate’s workflow stage is changed;
Technical Details
Validating the Secret
request_signature = request.headers['X-Signature']
calculated_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', '{your_secret}', request.raw_post)
request_signature == calculated_signature
After creating a webhook endpoint, JobScore will return you a randomly generated secret associated with this webhook. It looks like this:
As an additional and optional security step, you can use this secret to
validate if the request originated from JobScore, and reject it otherwise.
To do so, calculate the HMAC digest and check if it’s equal to the one
informed on the X-Signature
HTTP header of the request.
See Ruby example on the right panel.
We’ll wait up to 10 seconds for a response from your server. If we don’t get a response within this time, we’ll consider the delivery as failed. It’s recommended that your system enqueue the events to process them asynchronously if possible.
Retry Policy
In case of failure, we retry each webhook until it succeedes up to 5 times, using an exponential back-off algorithm with the following intervals:
- 5 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
- 3 hours
- 6 hours
If it fails for the fifth time, we’ll send an email notifying the user that created the subscription about the failure, but we limit this email to one within 24 hours per subscription.
Disable Policy
If a webhook fails all delivery attempts for 60 days, we’ll automatically disable it. The user that created the webhook will be notified by email.
Also, if we receive a status code of 410 Gone
we’ll automatically
disable the webhook.
The Webhook Object
- id uid
- Webhook unique identifier.
- target_url string
- The target which JobScore is going to POST the events payload to.
- secret string, readonly
- Secret. This is only exposed upon creation.
- event_types list
- The event list which JobScore will notify you about.
- user object, readonly
Object representation of webhook’s creator.
- id uid
- User unique identifier.
- first_name string
- First name.
- last_name string
- Last name.
- email string
- Primary email.
- created_on timestamp, readonly
- Record creation time.
- updated_on timestamp, readonly
- Record last updated time.
List Webhooks
curl https://api.jobscore.com/v2/webhooks \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Get list of webhooks.
"items": [
"id": "akxBs3DfXiW6VOgLWIlhf8",
"target_url": "https://www.example.com/webhooks",
"event_types": [
"user": {
"id": "cQOc2oZ30r3l1_aaWPX6Zm",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Saluzki",
"email": "[email protected]"
"created_on": "2023-05-18T16:17:51Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:19:23Z"
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"next_page": null,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_records": 1,
"per_page": 25
HTTP Request
GET /v2/webhooks
- page integer
- Page number. Defaults to 1.
- per_page integer
- Number of records returned per page. Defaults to 25. Must be a maximum of 100.
- created_after
- Filter by webhooks created starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - created_before
- Filter by webhooks created before a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_after
- Filter by webhooks updated starting on a given date. Should be on
format. - updated_before
- Filter by webhooks updated before a given date. Should be on
Create Webhook
curl -X POST https://api.jobscore.com/v2/webhooks \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{json_body}'
Example representation of
"target_url": "https://www.example.com/webhooks",
"event_types": ["job_added", "job_status_changed"]
Create a new webhook.
HTTP Request
POST /v2/webhooks
Request Body
The webhook’s data you are about to create must be sent via Request Body as a JSON-formatted object.
- target_url required, string
- The target which JobScore is going to POST the events payload to.
- event_types required, list
- A list of event types which JobScore will notify you about. Refer to Webhooks section for a list of valid options.
Delete Webhook
curl -X DELETE https://api.jobscore.com/v2/webhooks/{webhook_id} \
-H 'Authorization: Token token={your_token}'
Deletes an existing webhook.
HTTP Request
DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id}
The Webhook Event Object
- event_type string
- Event type.
- detail object
- Event details, when applicable.
- job object
- Job related to the event, when applicable.
- candidate object
- Candidate related to the event, when applicable.
- task object
- Task related to the event, when applicable.
Candidate Stage Changed
"event_type": "candidate_stage_changed",
"detail": {
"previous_status": "new",
"previous_stage": null,
"new_status": "declined",
"new_stage": null
"job": {
"id": "aa1afdb40b33403ea8f747",
"title": "Software Architect",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-19T14:31:26Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-19T14:31:26Z"
"location": {
"id": "18ef0c992d7fdfbe63e56c",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Sunnyvale",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "701 First Avenue",
"street2": null,
"latitude": 34.07871,
"longitude": -118.2161,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-19T14:31:26Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-19T14:31:26Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:03-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:03-02:00"
"candidate": {
"id": "e1d048c34edc0d4f88bec8",
"first_name": "Tom",
"last_name": "Jamison",
"source_type": "website",
"source_detail": {},
"tags": [],
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Rohnert Park",
"postal_code": "94928",
"street1": "400 Sonoma Blvd.",
"street2": "BOX 123",
"latitude": 38.347,
"longitude": -122.6941
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"type": "work",
"address": "[email protected]"
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "707-756-1553"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "707-756-1552"
"profile_links": [
"type": "facebook",
"url": "http://www.facebook.com/tom_jobseeke"
"type": "twitter",
"url": "http://www.twitter.com/tom_jobseeke"
"employment": [
"id": "0000000000000000000003",
"employer": "Current Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"title": "Current Employer title One",
"start_date": "2004-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000005",
"title": "Current Employer Title Two",
"start_date": "2003-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"employer": "Previous Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000006",
"title": "Previous Employer Title One",
"start_date": "2000-01-01",
"end_date": "2002-12-31"
"id": "5cc17c0ecf503ac539d66e",
"employer": "Lotus Development Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "624db07c99287f5a2bfa21",
"title": "Sr. Product Planning Manager",
"start_date": "1998-01-01",
"end_date": "2000-12-31"
"id": "ca49ba5eb6b228d98407d7",
"employer": "InterGO Communications",
"positions": [
"id": "5ae6711b68c89caae00ea6",
"title": "Sr. Dir Product Management",
"start_date": "1995-01-01",
"end_date": "1998-12-31"
"id": "1761f46eb55c7e7b83812a",
"title": "Group Product Manager",
"start_date": "1993-01-01",
"end_date": "1994-12-31"
"id": "aec53185fa9e7af69d9793",
"employer": "Microsoft Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "b0a4916a388fd134ffac88",
"title": "Product Manager",
"start_date": "1989-01-01",
"end_date": "1992-12-31"
"id": "4d19157bc51e5585e002bf",
"employer": "Enfish Technology",
"positions": [
"id": "a5db8becd98449b6999a3d",
"title": "Product Planner",
"start_date": "1986-01-01",
"end_date": "1988-12-31"
"id": "ec5d915d3f74fb2fa48aae",
"title": "Channel Mkg Director",
"start_date": "1983-01-01",
"end_date": "1985-12-31"
"id": "4ecaf7334fdcabfcfe6370",
"title": "Channel Marketing Coordinator",
"start_date": "1980-01-01",
"end_date": "1982-12-31"
"education": [
"id": "56349356a880560ebb65c5",
"school_name": "Standford",
"graduation_date": "2000-12-15",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"id": "2810c7fef73659d2dcba1e",
"school_name": "Cal Poly San Luis Obispo",
"graduation_date": "1995-12-15",
"degree": "Bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"created_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z",
"updated_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z"
"task": null
- event_type string
. - detail object
- previous_status string
- The former candidate status.
- previous_stage object
- The former workflow stage.
- new_status string
- The updated candidate status.
- new_stage object
- The updated workflow stage.
- job object
- Job associated with the candidate.
- candidate object
- Candidate which the workflow stage was changed.
- task object
. Not applicable for this webhook.
Task Added
"event_type": "task_added",
"detail": {},
"job": {
"id": "307d86b7fe4234991026b5",
"title": "Release Engineer",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0005",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"location": {
"id": "66ef449af728c20b52a532",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "SF",
"postal_code": "94103",
"street1": "613 Main St.",
"street2": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:05-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:05-02:00"
"candidate": {
"id": "e1d048c34edc0d4f88bec8",
"first_name": "Tom",
"last_name": "Jamison",
"source_type": "website",
"source_detail": {},
"tags": [],
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Rohnert Park",
"postal_code": "94928",
"street1": "400 Sonoma Blvd.",
"street2": "BOX 123",
"latitude": 38.347,
"longitude": -122.6941
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"type": "work",
"address": "[email protected]"
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "707-756-1553"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "707-756-1552"
"profile_links": [
"type": "facebook",
"url": "http://www.facebook.com/tom_jobseeke"
"type": "twitter",
"url": "http://www.twitter.com/tom_jobseeke"
"employment": [
"id": "0000000000000000000003",
"employer": "Current Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"title": "Current Employer title One",
"start_date": "2004-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000005",
"title": "Current Employer Title Two",
"start_date": "2003-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"employer": "Previous Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000006",
"title": "Previous Employer Title One",
"start_date": "2000-01-01",
"end_date": "2002-12-31"
"id": "5cc17c0ecf503ac539d66e",
"employer": "Lotus Development Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "624db07c99287f5a2bfa21",
"title": "Sr. Product Planning Manager",
"start_date": "1998-01-01",
"end_date": "2000-12-31"
"id": "ca49ba5eb6b228d98407d7",
"employer": "InterGO Communications",
"positions": [
"id": "5ae6711b68c89caae00ea6",
"title": "Sr. Dir Product Management",
"start_date": "1995-01-01",
"end_date": "1998-12-31"
"id": "1761f46eb55c7e7b83812a",
"title": "Group Product Manager",
"start_date": "1993-01-01",
"end_date": "1994-12-31"
"id": "aec53185fa9e7af69d9793",
"employer": "Microsoft Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "b0a4916a388fd134ffac88",
"title": "Product Manager",
"start_date": "1989-01-01",
"end_date": "1992-12-31"
"id": "4d19157bc51e5585e002bf",
"employer": "Enfish Technology",
"positions": [
"id": "a5db8becd98449b6999a3d",
"title": "Product Planner",
"start_date": "1986-01-01",
"end_date": "1988-12-31"
"id": "ec5d915d3f74fb2fa48aae",
"title": "Channel Mkg Director",
"start_date": "1983-01-01",
"end_date": "1985-12-31"
"id": "4ecaf7334fdcabfcfe6370",
"title": "Channel Marketing Coordinator",
"start_date": "1980-01-01",
"end_date": "1982-12-31"
"education": [
"id": "56349356a880560ebb65c5",
"school_name": "Standford",
"graduation_date": "2000-12-15",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"id": "2810c7fef73659d2dcba1e",
"school_name": "Cal Poly San Luis Obispo",
"graduation_date": "1995-12-15",
"degree": "Bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"created_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z",
"updated_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z"
"task": {
"id": "e3fb7358a8265aae934859",
"title": "Example Task",
"category": "Call",
"assignee": {
"type": "user",
"record": {
"id": "78e5caeb1ad414ff5540bc",
"first_name": "Margaret",
"last_name": "Cho"
"due_on": "2023-01-01T09:00:00Z",
"duration_in_minutes": "30",
"timezone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"created_on": "2023-01-01T09:00:00Z"
- event_type string
. - detail object
. Not applicable for this webhook. - job object
Job associated with the task, or
if not available. - candidate object
Candidate associated with the task, or
if not available. - task object
- Object representation of the added task.
Candidate Applied
"event_type": "candidate_applied",
"detail": {},
"job": {
"id": "aa1afdb40b33403ea8f747",
"title": "Software Architect",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"location": {
"id": "18ef0c992d7fdfbe63e56c",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Sunnyvale",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "701 First Avenue",
"street2": null,
"latitude": 34.07871,
"longitude": -118.2161,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:03-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:03-02:00"
"candidate": {
"id": "e1d048c34edc0d4f88bec8",
"first_name": "Tom",
"last_name": "Jamison",
"source_type": "website",
"source_detail": {},
"tags": [],
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Rohnert Park",
"postal_code": "94928",
"street1": "400 Sonoma Blvd.",
"street2": "BOX 123",
"latitude": 38.347,
"longitude": -122.6941
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"type": "work",
"address": "[email protected]"
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "707-756-1553"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "707-756-1552"
"profile_links": [
"type": "facebook",
"url": "http://www.facebook.com/tom_jobseeke"
"type": "twitter",
"url": "http://www.twitter.com/tom_jobseeke"
"employment": [
"id": "0000000000000000000003",
"employer": "Current Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"title": "Current Employer title One",
"start_date": "2004-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000005",
"title": "Current Employer Title Two",
"start_date": "2003-01-01",
"end_date": "to_present"
"id": "0000000000000000000004",
"employer": "Previous Employer",
"positions": [
"id": "0000000000000000000006",
"title": "Previous Employer Title One",
"start_date": "2000-01-01",
"end_date": "2002-12-31"
"id": "5cc17c0ecf503ac539d66e",
"employer": "Lotus Development Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "624db07c99287f5a2bfa21",
"title": "Sr. Product Planning Manager",
"start_date": "1998-01-01",
"end_date": "2000-12-31"
"id": "ca49ba5eb6b228d98407d7",
"employer": "InterGO Communications",
"positions": [
"id": "5ae6711b68c89caae00ea6",
"title": "Sr. Dir Product Management",
"start_date": "1995-01-01",
"end_date": "1998-12-31"
"id": "1761f46eb55c7e7b83812a",
"title": "Group Product Manager",
"start_date": "1993-01-01",
"end_date": "1994-12-31"
"id": "aec53185fa9e7af69d9793",
"employer": "Microsoft Corp",
"positions": [
"id": "b0a4916a388fd134ffac88",
"title": "Product Manager",
"start_date": "1989-01-01",
"end_date": "1992-12-31"
"id": "4d19157bc51e5585e002bf",
"employer": "Enfish Technology",
"positions": [
"id": "a5db8becd98449b6999a3d",
"title": "Product Planner",
"start_date": "1986-01-01",
"end_date": "1988-12-31"
"id": "ec5d915d3f74fb2fa48aae",
"title": "Channel Mkg Director",
"start_date": "1983-01-01",
"end_date": "1985-12-31"
"id": "4ecaf7334fdcabfcfe6370",
"title": "Channel Marketing Coordinator",
"start_date": "1980-01-01",
"end_date": "1982-12-31"
"education": [
"id": "56349356a880560ebb65c5",
"school_name": "Standford",
"graduation_date": "2000-12-15",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"id": "2810c7fef73659d2dcba1e",
"school_name": "Cal Poly San Luis Obispo",
"graduation_date": "1995-12-15",
"degree": "Bachelors",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"created_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z",
"updated_on": "2006-06-27T02:00:06Z"
"task": null
- event_type string
. - detail object
. Not applicable for this webhook. - job object
- Job to which this candidate applied.
- candidate object
- Candidate which applied.
- task object
. Not applicable for this webhook.
Job Added
"event_type": "job_added",
"detail": {},
"job": {
"id": "aa1afdb40b33403ea8f747",
"title": "Software Architect",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"location": {
"id": "18ef0c992d7fdfbe63e56c",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Sunnyvale",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "701 First Avenue",
"street2": null,
"latitude": 34.07871,
"longitude": -118.2161,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:03-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:03-02:00"
"candidate": null,
"task": null
- event_type string
. - detail object
. Not applicable for this webhook. - job object
- Object representation of the added job.
- candidate object
. Not applicable for this webhook. - task object
. Not applicable for this webhook.
Job Status Changed
"event_type": "job_status_changed",
"detail": {
"previous_status": "draft",
"new_status": "open"
"job": {
"id": "aa1afdb40b33403ea8f747",
"title": "Software Architect",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"location": {
"id": "18ef0c992d7fdfbe63e56c",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Sunnyvale",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "701 First Avenue",
"street2": null,
"latitude": 34.07871,
"longitude": -118.2161,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-18T17:36:13Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:03-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:03-02:00"
"candidate": null,
"task": null
- event_type string
. - detail object
- previous_status object
- The former job status.
- new_status object
- The updated job status.
- job object
- Job which the status was changed.
- candidate object
. Not applicable for this webhook. - task object
. Not applicable for this webhook.
Candidate Hired
"event_type": "candidate_hired",
"detail": {
"offer_extended_on": null,
"offer_accepted_on": null,
"start_date_on": null,
"offer": {
"id": "3ce6ca1ff1c639971d4bd4",
"status": "draft",
"values": [
"name": "Job Position",
"value": "Yahoo Job"
"name": "Salary",
"value": "$ 1,000.00"
"name": "Salary Frequency",
"value": "Monthly"
"name": "Offered Expiration Date",
"value": "10/05/2018"
"name": "Compensation Amount",
"value": "$2,500.00"
"name": "Recruiter Fee",
"value": "$3,150.50"
"name": "Start Date",
"value": "02/26/2018"
"name": "Offered Hours per week",
"value": "12345"
"name": "Bonus (percentage)",
"value": "50"
"created_on": "2018-01-28T15:00:00-02:00",
"updated_on": "2018-01-28T15:00:00-02:00"
"job": {
"id": "aa1afdb40b33403ea8f747",
"title": "Software Architect",
"internal_title": null,
"requisition_number": "0001",
"department": {
"id": "1234567890123456789002",
"name": "Administrative",
"created_on": "2023-05-22T16:52:26Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-22T16:52:26Z"
"location": {
"id": "18ef0c992d7fdfbe63e56c",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Sunnyvale",
"postal_code": "94105",
"street1": "701 First Avenue",
"street2": null,
"latitude": 34.07871,
"longitude": -118.2161,
"internal_name": null,
"external_name": null,
"created_on": "2023-05-22T16:52:26Z",
"updated_on": "2023-05-22T16:52:26Z"
"job_types": ["full_time"],
"status": "open",
"created_on": "2001-12-13T16:59:03-02:00",
"updated_on": "2001-12-15T00:59:03-02:00"
"candidate": {
"id": "31a2769f76ef537af2066a",
"first_name": "Harry",
"last_name": "Jobseeker",
"source_type": "website",
"source_detail": {},
"tags": [],
"address": {
"country": "US",
"state": null,
"city": null,
"postal_code": "94042",
"street1": null,
"street2": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null
"email_addresses": [
"type": "personal",
"address": "[email protected]"
"phone_numbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "415-756-1553"
"type": "mobile",
"number": "415-756-1552"
"profile_links": [],
"employment": [],
"education": [
"id": "2226dc23078f800e171499",
"school_name": "Standford",
"graduation_date": "1999-12-31",
"degree": "Masters",
"degree_major": "Computer Science"
"created_on": "2006-06-28T02:00:08Z",
"updated_on": "2006-06-28T02:00:08Z"
"task": null
- event_type string
. - detail object
- offer_extended_on timestamp
- Date which offer was extended to the candidate.
- offer_accepted_on timestamp
- Date which offer was accepted by the candidate.
- start_date_on timestamp
- Date which the candidate started working on the position.
- offer object
Offer associated with the candidate application.
- id uid
- Offer’s unique identifier.
- status object
Offer status.
- id integer
- Offer status’ unique identifier.
- name string
- Offer status’ name.
- values list
Offer values.
- name string
- Offer value name.
- value string
- Offer value input.
- created_on timestamp
- Offer creation date.
- updated_on timestamp
- Offer most recent update date.
- job object
- Job associated with the candidate.
- candidate object
- The hired candidate.
- task object
. Not applicable for this webhook.
Assessment Integrations
JobScore integrates with third-party platforms that help mutual customers assess candidates (coding tests, personality tests, skills tests, etc.), run background checks, run reference checks, and conduct asynchronous video interviews.
These integrations permit mutual customers to seamlessly use assessments as part of their recruiting workflow in the JobScore user experience. JobScore’s preferred integration method is to have the JobScore team build an integration on top of each partner’s API. Partner API requirements are documented below.
If you don’t have an API that meets the requirements described below, a limited integration where the partner codes on the JobScore Hire API is supported.
This involves creating a webhook to track when candidates enter a specific workflow stage (to start the assessment) and then adding information about completed assessments as candidate notes.
If you don’t have an API and would like to build this limited integration please contact [email protected].
Data Flow
Make a send test request. Assessment provider returns the unique partner candidate test ID.
The JobScore User Experience
Once an integration is activated, mutual customers can trigger assessments at any time for any candidate in their account. Here’s how active integrations work:
JobScore users select the type of assessment they want to run for a candidate, the provider, and a specific assessment
JobScore sends information about the candidate to the assessment provider. The assessment provider’s API returns a unique test ID that is stored in JobScore. The test requested will be shown on the candidate’s record in the JobScore user experience
The assessment provider will email the candidate to ask them to perform the assessment
The assessment provider will notify JobScore when the test is complete (or any test status change occurs). When the test is completed the assessment provider’s API will make data about the test available, including a URL where the mutual customer can review test results
JobScore will show updated test status, links to review test results, and optional additional metadata on the candidate’s record in the JobScore user experience
According to the mutual customer’s preferences in JobScore, tests may be associated with workflow stages. Starting tests may trigger workflow stage changes and/or test completion may trigger email alerts to JobScore users:
Once assessments are added to the workflow, they are prominently surfaced in the user experience. Mutual customers can start them with 1 click, and easily send them in bulk
For JobScore to build an assessment integration, the partner’s API must meet the following requirements:
Have a way for a mutual customer to generate an API key to power the integration for their account (that the mutual customer can paste into the JobScore user experience)
Permit JobScore to use the mutual customer’s API key to call the following partner endpoints:
Proactively notify JobScore when test status changes
- Send webhook POST requests when the test status is updated (secure authentication is preferred)
Integration Instructions
To deploy assessment integrations JobScore must access the partner’s API.
Step 1: JobScore codes on the partner’s API
- Send the following information to [email protected]
- Development sandbox credentials
- An API key to build the integration using the sandbox environment (if we can’t create an API key on our own in the sandbox user experience)
- Links to your API documentation for the list tests, send test, get test, and response error endpoints
- JobScore will code the integration and contact the partner once we can create and send tests
Step 2: Configure notifications
- JobScore will either:
- Create notification webhooks on the partner’s platform provided there is sufficient webhook coverage when test status changes occur
- Provide instructions on how the partner can securely send notifications when test status changes occur & the partner will notify JobScore when this work is completed
Step 3: Test & Launch
- JobScore will verify that mutual customers can install the integration, tests can be created, notifications are securely received when tests are completed, and test results appear in the JobScore user experience
- Once the integration is tested we will publish self-service installation instructions in the JobScore help center, and make the integration available for mutual customers to install from the integrations tab in the employer facing user experience
List Tests
JobScore will retrieve the list of tests for mutual customers from the partner using a List Tests endpoint. JobScore will show the list of tests to users, who will select the appropriate test to send to a candidate.
GET Request Format
The Assessment Partner’s response should include a JSON payload containing a list of test objects for the account.
Each test object should at least contain keys that can be mapped to partner_test_id
and partner_test_name
- partner_test_id required, string
- Identifies a test available to an account.
- partner_test_name required, string
- A friendly, human readable name for the test. We will show this value in the JobScore user experience as the test’s label.
Send Test
When a JobScore user requests a test for a candidate, JobScore will send a request to the Assessment Partner’s Send Test endpoint. The Assessment Partner will then email the specified candidate a link to complete the specified test.
POST Request Format
JobScore will send POST requests to the Send Test endpoint specified by the Assessment provider. The body of the POST request is a JSON payload with at least the following fields:
- partner_test_id string
- Identifies a test available to an account.
- first_name string
- The first name of the candidate.
- last_name string
- The last name of the candidate.
- email string
- The candidate’s email address. The test should be sent to this address.
We will review your endpoint and try to map any additional candidate fields including phone numbers, URLs, and more.
If the provider requires anything other than the partner_test_id
to start a test, please share the endpoint in the partner API where JobScore can fetch this information from the mutual customer’s account.
It would be helpful if you could also share the field label names you’d prefer to be shown in the JobScore user experience.
POST Response Format
The response to the Send Test request should contain a JSON payload in its body. The payload should include a single object with a unique partner_candidate_test_id
- partner_candidate_test_id required, string
- Identifies a candidate’s test.
The partner_candidate_test_id
should not be confused with partner_test_id
While partner_test_id
identifies the test, partner_candidate_test_id
identifies an instance of the test that was sent to a candidate.
Test Updated Notification
When a test’s status is updated (a test is viewed, a test is completed), the partner will send a request to webhook url. Upon receipt, JobScore will either:
Parse the test status information included in the webhook (preferred) OR
Make a GET call to the Test endpoint
Test Endpoint
JobScore will retrieve information about a test from the partner. JobScore will show the status of the test and a link for the mutual customer to view test results in the partner’s user experience. The partner may choose to pass information with test results to display in the JobScore user experience. Depending on the user’s preferences, JobScore may notify user(s) that the test status has changed.
GET Request Format
JobScore will send a GET request to the Test endpoint provided by the Assessment Partner.
The GET request will contain a single partner_candidate_test_id
query string parameter:
- partner_candidate_test_id required, string
- Identifies a test instance for a candidate. Initially provided as a response to the Send Test request.
The partner_candidate_test_id
should not be confused with partner_test_id
While partner_test_id
identifies the test, partner_candidate_test_id
identifies an instance of the test that was sent to a candidate.
GET Response Format
The response to a Test request should contain a JSON object in its body with up to four keys: partner_test_status
, partner_candidate_url
, partner_test_score
, and metadata
- partner_test_status string
- Describes the current state of the test instance. If the test has been completed and results are available, this value should be “complete” or “completed”.
- partner_candidate_url string
- URL to the view candidate’s page on the Partner’s website. It is assumed that the mutual customer can see test results on this page. Required if the status is complete or completed.
- partner_test_score number
- Numerical score reflecting the candidate’s performance on the test.
- metadata object
- A non-nested object containing keys and values that will be displayed in our test results. All of the values must be Javascript primitives.
When JobScore makes a partner_test_status
request, we may only receive the numerical score of the test. To allow an organization to access more information about the test, we will link to the partner’s site using the partner_candidate_url
Get Started
To begin the integration process, please send the following information to [email protected]:
Your logo with a transparent background and your favicon
The name of your product as you’d like it to appear in the JobScore user experience
How to classify the integration in JobScore: as an assessment, background check, reference check, or video interview
A brief description of the solution(s) your organization provides to include in your marketplace listing (typically a few sentences)
Any screenshots or videos you’d like us to include in your marketplace listing
Login details for a developer sandbox account and an API key we can use to test the integration (or instructions on how to generate one)
If it’s not in your public API documentation, please include the technical information we’ll need to get started including:
The URL for your List Tests endpoint
The URL for your Send Test endpoint
The URL for your Test endpoint
The name, email address, and phone number of the technical contact who will set up secure authentication for PATCH requests
The JobScore team will reply with next steps only after accessing a Sandbox account to build and test the integration. Once the integration is complete, we will ask you to help us document the integration for a JobScore help center article and make it discoverable on the integrations page in the JobScore user experience.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with integration questions at [email protected].
Sourcing Integrations
JobScore integrates with third-party sourcing platforms where mutual customers find candidates for their jobs. Sourcing integrations allow mutual customers to add candidates to JobScore and drive the recruiting process without toggling back and forth to JobScore in a separate browser tab. Sourcing integrations empower mutual customers to:
- See which candidates in a 3rd party system are already in JobScore.
- See information in a 3rd party system about candidates in JobScore including job assignments, workflow stages, tags, notes, interviews, offers, and tasks.
- Add candidates to JobScore.
- Update candidates in JobScore with new information.
- Decorate candidates in JobScore by assigning them to jobs, updating workflow stages, adding tags, adding notes, and adding tasks from a 3rd party system.
The JobScore User Experience
Sourcing integrations do not change the JobScore user experience. The sole user experience impact of sourcing integrations is that data is created and updated. It’s normal for sourcing platforms to make meaningful changes to their user experience including functionality to review, create, and manipulate JobScore candidate records.
- Authenticate using HTTP basic authentication.
Generate an API key with the account access level in the mutual customer’s account to power the integration.
- Use user impersonation on all API calls (Users with the same work email address must exist in both systems and this way it will be clear who added candidates and made changes in reports).
- At a minimum, add candidates through the Create Candidate endpoint on behalf of specific users with your product listed as the candidate source (type & detail).
Integration Instructions
- Once you login to your sandbox account, generate an API key with the account access level to power the integration here.
- Create a database source for your platform (typically the name of your product) for the candidates you add to JobScore.
Make an API call to List Users.
Match user(s) based on email address and store the JobScore User ID for all users that can access your platform.
- To ensure proper attribution you will need to pass a JobScore User ID with every API call.
- Once the integration is active we recommend polling List Users to fetch JobScore User IDs every time you add, edit, or reactivate a user in your application.
We recommend initially running a batch job to synchronize all candidates and then create recurring jobs to:
- Connect candidates added to JobScore.
- Connect candidates added to your platform.
- Update the JobScore information in your platform about candidates that are already synchronized.
- Update your interface to display candidate information from JobScore.
- Update your interface to allow mutual customers to create candidates in JobScore. We recommend that you try to detect duplicates and assign your database source (from step 2) to get proper source attribution.
- Update your interface to allow mutual customers to update candidates in JobScore.
- Update your interface to allow mutual customers to decorate candidates in JobScore including assigning candidates to jobs, updating workflow stages, adding and removing tags, adding notes, and more.
To take your integration to the next level proceed to:
Synchronize Candidates
Keeping candidates up to date will require you to figure out which candidates are currently in the mutual customer’s JobScore account.
Fetch a list of candidates in an account using List Candidates.
- We recommend using the candidate’s email address as the unique identifier to synchronize candidates in JobScore with your application.
- We recommend storing the JobScore candidate ID value in your system so you can easily update candidates and decorate them without making additional API calls.
- List candidates returns most information about a candidate, but you’ll need to make an additional call to Get Notes and Get Documents if you want to store and display them in your interface.
After the initial poll use List Candidates to track updates and keep everything in sync.
Make calls using the
parameter to get a list of all newly created candidates. -
Make calls using the
parameter to get a list of all updated candidates. - All information for each candidate (the equivalent of Get Candidate) is returned in each List Candidate payload.
- If you want to synchronize notes & interviews, offers, and tasks you’ll need to perform additional API calls for each candidate.
- The JobScore Hire API has a rate limit of 3,600 calls per hour (1 per second). We recommend polling list candidates at least once per hour as each candidate returned may require additional calls to fully update your application.
Make calls using the
- JobScore also supports real-time synchronization with webhooks. Please contact [email protected] and we’ll schedule a time to work together to create custom webhooks and test them with you.
Fetch JobScore Information to Display on your Platform
If you need information on a single candidate, Get Candidate returns contact information, work experience, education, tags, job assignments, and workflow stages.
- We recommend using List Candidates to synchronize multiple candidates as it includes all of the same information as Get Candidate.
- You’ll need to make separate calls to Get Notes & Interviews, Get Offers, Get Tasks, for each candidate.
Detect Duplicates
- Building duplicate detection functionality is not required. If you don’t try to prevent duplicates, JobScore will auto-detect potential duplicate records after you create them and prompt mutual customers to merge them in JobScore.
To improve the user experience for mutual customers, we strongly recommend performing duplicate checks before adding candidates to JobScore.
This can be done by calling List Candidates and using the
parameter.- Candidates with matching emails or LinkedIn profile URLs are almost certainly duplicates, and we recommend using Update Candidate on the matching record instead of creating a new one.
- When candidate records are updated, all overwritten information is preserved so there’s no data loss.
- It’s likely candidates with an exact name match or LinkedIn profile URL match are also duplicates.
- You are more than welcome to use Get Candidate to fetch more detailed information from JobScore to show it in your user experience and give the mutual customer the option of whether to update an existing candidate record in JobScore or create a new one.
Create Candidates
Use Create Candidate to add candidates to JobScore.
Make sure to set the source to
Database > {Partner Name}
when candidates are created. - When you create candidates you can pass tags and job applications in the same call.
Make sure to set the source to
Use Upload Document to add a resume to a candidate.
- This endpoint will only work after successfully creating a candidate.
- If you’d like to add a cover letter for a specific job don’t use Create Candidate, instead make a separate call to Create Application to add a cover letter for a specific job after the candidate is created.
Important: The Create Candidate endpoint does not perform duplicate detection. Candidates are always added. After they are added, candidates may be flagged as potential duplicates according to JobScore’s duplicate detection logic which considers email, LinkedIn profile URL, name, phone number, and address.
Update Candidates
We anticipate that partners will often have more up-to-date information about candidates and mutual customers will want to update candidate information in JobScore.
- Use Update Candidate to replace the candidate’s contact information (name, phone, email, etc), work experience, or education history.
- Use Upload Document to add a new resume.
- Please review Decorate Candidates to assign candidates to jobs, update workflow stages, tag candidates, and more.
Decorate Candidates
In addition to adding and updating candidates, the Hire API makes it easy to manipulate candidate records - so you don’t just show if a candidate exists in JobScore, but you can empower mutual customers to take action on them inside your application without toggling to JobScore.
Allow users to add tags to candidates.
- You can fetch a list of tags using List Tags, for mutual customers to see and select which tags they’d like to add to the candidate.
Use the Add Tag to Candidate endpoint to add new tags to a candidate.
- For convenience, tags can also be adjusted using Create Candidate and Update Candidate.
- Only tags already in a JobScore account can be added to candidates. Tags cannot be added, edited, or removed from a mutual customer’s account through the Hire API. Tags can be managed by mutual customers on the Tag Manager in JobScore.
Allow users to set the candidate source.
Hopefully, all candidates you create will have the source
Database > {Partner Name}
and we can call it a day. If you must create a source pick list, or edit the source of existing candidates, get started by reading the Candidate Source Detail Object. Building a pick list will likely take some back and forth as you’ll need to pull data from multiple sources and write some client-side logic. - Sources cannot be added, edited, or removed from a mutual customer’s account through the Hire API. Sources can be managed by mutual customers on the Sources page in JobScore.
Hopefully, all candidates you create will have the source
Create a job application.
Allow users to select a job to assign the candidate to.
- You can fetch a list of jobs using List Job, for them to see and select from the list of open jobs.
- You can create a job application (assign a candidate to a job) using Create Application.
- Candidates can have multiple job applications, and each application has its own workflow stage.
- Job Applications can only be created for jobs in the open, on hold, and internal status. Please filter the list of jobs to only show the appropriate jobs in your user experience.
Allow users to select a job to assign the candidate to.
Update the workflow stage of a job application.
You can fetch a list of workflow stages for a job using List Workflow Stages.
- Important: Workflow stages are unique for each job, and you cannot pass a workflow stage that is not present for a job.
You can fetch a list of disposition codes for an account using List Disposition Codes.
- Some accounts require disposition codes when candidates are moved to the declined or withdrawn stage. You can determine if disposition codes are required, optional, or off for an account in the Disposition Codes page in JobScore.
- You can update the workflow stage of a job application using Update Application, passing a workflow stage and disposition code.
You can fetch a list of workflow stages for a job using List Workflow Stages.
Create a note.
- You can add notes to candidates using Create Note.
- The Hire API does not support the following actions: Update Note, Update Task, Create Email, and Update Email. Please let us know if customers request this functionality.
HRIS Onboarding
This section outlines the steps required to integrate an HRIS or onboarding system with JobScore.
JobScore’s API supports new-hire onboarding integrations with many leading HRIS and Onboarding platforms. Partner platforms receive real-time notification of, and detailed information about new hires by means of JobScore’s webhooks infrastructure. JobScore also provides multiple API endpoints for further lookup and action. This section outlines the basic steps to get a new-hire integration up and running, along with technical details required to connect your system.
Creating an API Key
The Integrations > JobScore API & Webhooks page is where customer admins configure everything API related inside their JobScore account. API keys and webhooks subscriptions can be created on this page. Webhook subscriptions can also be created via API for auto-provisioning cases, see Create Webhook and related endpoints above.
When a webhook subscription is created, the system will provide the creator with a secret
You may opt to save this value to perform validations on the webhook requests sent by JobScore, as an extra safety measure.
See Validating the Secret for more information.
Subscribing to a Webhook
To create webhook subscriptions, your organization must provide a secure HTTP POST endpoint, and select the event types for which the endpoint will receive notifications.
New hire onboarding systems will make use of the candidate_hired
Webhooks Workflow
Once subscribed to the candidate_hired
webhook, the subscribing system will be informed about your organization’s new hires within JobScore.
A webhook with this event is triggered every time a candidate inside JobScore is moved to the Hired stage.
Information about the candidate, job, offer, and other relevant aspects is contained inside the payload delivered. Refer to Candidate Hired for a full list of attributes in the payload.