Pricing that scales to fit your needs
Google Maps Platform offers a Note that the Maps Embed API, Maps SDK for Android, and Maps SDK for iOS currently have no usage limits and are at no charge (usage of the API or SDKs is not applied against your Google Maps Platform offers a Note that the Maps Embed API, Maps SDK for Android, and Maps SDK for iOS currently have no usage limits and are at no charge (usage of the API or SDKs is not applied against your The The monthly Google Maps Platform credit does not apply to Mobility services, Asset Tracking, or Navigation SDK. Yes, you can (see Billing Account Credits). For other credits, restrictions may apply (see Google Maps Platform Billing). We ask for your credit card or billing account to cover any amount you spend over the $200 monthly credit. You can set quotas or limits on your daily requests to ensure sudden increased usage doesn't exceed your budget or cause an unexpected bill. To learn how to set daily limits, see Google Maps Platform Billing. The Requests can either be calls to the API, or load events of maps or panoramas. User interactions like zooming or panning are not charged. See Google Maps Platform Billing Detailed pricing information for Maps, Routes, and Places is available at Google Maps Platform Billing. Usage above 100K requests per API per month is automatically discounted by 20%. Businesses with high-volume usage over 500K requests per API per month should contact us for volume pricing discounts, enterprise-grade customer support, and/or offline contracts. Google Maps Platform credits are available for eligible nonprofit, startup, crisis response, and news media organizations. Learn how to apply. See Google Maps Platform Billing or look up your current usage in the Google Cloud Platform Console. All prices are shown in USD. The price will be converted to your local currency for billing. See a list of supported local currencies. Click the Get started button and complete the flow to get your API key. Your API key will work for any of the APIs in any of the products (Maps, Routes or Places) you've enabled. You can also get an API key using the Google Cloud Platform console. Please visit our API Picker for a list of the most common use cases, and to determine the best API for your use case.
*Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost