# Storefront

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🚀 Modern and high performant headless eCommerce Storefront:

📃 Explore the docs (opens new window) · 🛍 Demo store (opens new window) · Report bug (opens new window) · Request feature (opens new window) · Forum (opens new window) 🇧🇷

# Quick start for merchants

⚡️ Take a look at the Storefront Starter (opens new window) if you just want to deploy your E-Com Plus (opens new window) store, or go to customization docs if you're searching for theming guides.

# Development

Open in Gitpod (opens new window)

Fork/clone this monorepo and install dependencies normally:

git clone https://github.com/ecomplus/storefront
cd storefront
npm i

Then you can edit source files at @ecomplus/* folders and test template locally with npm run serve.

As any project maintained with Lerna (opens new window), you should run commands from root directory.

# Packages

Official packages composing Storefront are listed here (opens new window) with respective description and latest version.

They're published for both npm (opens new window) and GPR (opens new window).

# Contributing

Please read the contribution guidelines.

Check some example useful commands

# Compile template for production

npm run build

# Compile all packages

npx lerna exec -- build

# Serve template locally

npm run serve

# Serve some specific package tests

lerna run --scope=@ecomplus/{pkg} serve --stream

# Lint changed files

npx lerna exec -- lint-staged

# Release and publish all changed packages

npm run release

E-Com Plus Storefront banner