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Дѣло:Flag of Tbilisi.svg

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Википєдїѩ · отврьстꙑ єнкѷклопєдїѩ · страница

источьнъ дѣла обраꙁъ (дѣло SVG · обꙑчьнъ обраꙁъ : 1.360 × 760 п҃ѯ · дѣла мѣра : 126 Х҃Б)

Wikipedia Commons Сь видъ Викикладѣ (Wikimedia Commons) съхранѥнъ ѥстъ ⁙ Cѥ ѥгожє опьсаниѥ ѥстъ


Polski: Flaga miasta Tbilisi
English: Tbilisi City Flag
ქართული: თბილისის გერბი
врѣмѧ сътворѥниꙗ (UTC)
(Reusing this file)
w:en:Creative Commons
attribution share alike
сѥ́ дѣ́ло по́дъ прощє́ниѥмь Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported положєно ѥ́стъ
тꙑ можєши :
  • прострѣти – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • прѣвращати – прѣтворити дѣло
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – ащє жє сѥ дѣло иꙁмѣниши · прѣвратиши или ѥгожє основѣ нѣчьто сътвориши · тъ авлѥно слѣдьствиѥ подъ самомь тѣмь прощєниѥмь или подобьномь ѥмоу положити длъжєнъ ѥси
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This flag was created with Inkscape…important.
This flag is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Traced. The original can be viewed here: Flag of Georgian Orthodox Church.svg. Modifications made by Gaeser.


Public domain
This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of Georgia No. 2388-Is of September 9, 1999 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights

Article 5. Subject Matter Of Copyright

Copyright does not apply to ideas, methods, processes, systems, means, concepts, principles, discoveries and facts, even if they are expressed, described, explained, illustrated or embodied in a work

Article 8. Works To Which Copyright Does Not Apply

  1. Copyright does not apply to the following works:
    a) official documents (laws, decisions of courts, other texts of administrative and normative character), as well as their official translations;
    b) official symbols of state (flag, emblem, anthem, award, monetary symbols, other official signs and symbols of state);
    c) information of events and facts.
  2. When using the works mentioned in subparagraph "b" of this Article under the other persons name, it is possible to protect the right of author's name.
Full text of the Law: in English, in Georgian, in Russian.

Comment – According to interstate and international compacts, Georgia is the legal successor of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; therefore, this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Georgian SSR.

Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

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Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.

Original upload log

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Tbilisi City Seal.svg licensed with PD-GE-exempt
    • 2010-05-03T17:49:51Z McSush 387x387 (103257 Bytes) redrawn with Inkscape instead a traced raster graphic.
    • 2010-04-26T18:22:52Z Nesnad 250x240 (876049 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=[[Tbilisi]] City Seal}} {{ka|1=[[:ka:თბილისი|თბილისის]] გერბი}} |Source=*[[:File:Tbilisi_City_Seal.PNG|]] |Date=2010-04-26 18:22 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File
  • File:Flag of Georgian Orthodox Church.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0, GFDL
    • 2010-06-05T20:22:07Z Fry1989 1200x600 (2605 Bytes) colours
    • 2010-04-25T18:44:34Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1264 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 17:09, 25 April 2010
    • 2010-04-25T18:44:02Z Gaeser 1200x600 (2435 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T17:09:21Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1264 Bytes) ,minor
    • 2010-04-25T17:08:23Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1253 Bytes)
    • 2010-04-25T17:07:59Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1002 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:58, 25 April 2010
    • 2010-04-25T17:07:40Z Gaeser 1200x600 (996 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:58:46Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1002 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:57:40Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1014 Bytes) Minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:55:24Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1080 Bytes) Minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:51:14Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1134 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:41:40Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1176 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:40:56Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1212 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:39:38Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1253 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:38:32Z Gaeser 1200x600 (1813 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:35:55Z Gaeser 1200x600 (2061 Bytes) minor
    • 2010-04-25T16:30:37Z Gaeser 1200x600 (2115 Bytes) Minior
    • 2010-04-25T16:22:35Z Gaeser 1200x600 (2325 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=The coat of arms of Goergian orthodox Church. Dates back to middle ages.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=[[User:Gaeser|Gaeser]] |Date=April 25, 2010 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:G

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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Flag of Tbilisi

Items portrayed in this file

depicts а҆нглі́йскїй

flag of Tbilisi а҆нглі́йскїй

copyright status а҆нглі́йскїй

copyrighted а҆нглі́йскїй

copyright license а҆нглі́йскїй

26 їоулїи 2010

дѣла їсторїꙗ

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

дьнь / врѣмѧмалъ обраꙁъмѣрапольꙃєватєл҄ьопьсаниѥ
нꙑнѣщьн҄ь обраꙁъ06:58, ноємврїꙗ 8 числа, 2018Thumbnail for version as of 06:58, ноємврїꙗ 8 числа, 20181.360 × 760 (126 Х҃Б)Sshu94Redrawn for more accuracy.
01:58, їоулїꙗ 4 числа, 2018Thumbnail for version as of 01:58, їоулїꙗ 4 числа, 20181.200 × 600 (105 Х҃Б)Andrew J.Kurbikocolors from http://www.tbilisi.gov.ge/pages/symbols
17:44, ноємврїꙗ 30 числа, 2012Thumbnail for version as of 17:44, ноємврїꙗ 30 числа, 20121.200 × 600 (105 Х҃Б)McZusatz(stars were replaced by 7-pointed instead of 8-pointed) // Edited by Winiar !!
14:41, їоулїꙗ 26 числа, 2010Thumbnail for version as of 14:41, їоулїꙗ 26 числа, 20101.200 × 600 (106 Х҃Б)DerFuchs{{Information |Description={{en|1=Tbilisi City Seal}} {{ka|1=თბილისის გერბი}} {{en|1=The coat of arms of Goergian orthodox Church. {{ka|ქართული ეკლესიის გერ�

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