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toolpath planning for additive manufacturing and CNC milling


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A Classical Toolpath and Optimization-Based Non-Equidistant Toolpath Planning Library (In C++)


The NEPath library plans toolpaths for [additive manufacturing (AM, 3D printing)](3D printing - Wikipedia) and CNC milling. Toolpath planning is to generate some 1D toolpaths to filling given 2D slices. The NEPath library is able to plan the following toolpaths:

  • Optimization-based non-equidistant toolpath:
    • Isoperimetric-Quotient-Optimal Toolpath (IQOP). (Recommended)
    • Variants of IQOP, like toolpaths that minimizing the perimeter, the isoperimetric quotient, and the area.
  • Classical toolpath:
    • Contour-Parallel Toolpath (CP).
    • Zigzag Toolpath.
    • Raster Toolpath.
  • Toolpath connection:
    • Connected Fermat Spiral (CFS). (Recommended)
    • Depth First Search (DFS).
  • Other functions:
    • Tool Compensating.
    • Calculating underfill rate.
    • Determining sharp corners.

Among them, the IQOP is proposed by Wang et al., with a journal article, i.e.,

Wang Y, Hu C, Wang Z, et al. Optimization-based non-equidistant toolpath planning for robotic additive manufacturing with non-underfill orientation[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2023, 84: 102599.

or in BiBTeX:

  title={Optimization-based non-equidistant toolpath planning for robotic additive manufacturing with non-underfill orientation},
  author={Wang, Yunan and Hu, Chuxiong and Wang, Ze and Lin, Shize and Zhao, Ziyan and Zhao, Wenxiang and Hu, Kehui and Huang, Zhongyi and Zhu, Yu and Lu, Zhigang},
  journal={Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing},



Statement and Dependence

About Citing

If you need to use the NEPath project, please cite "Wang Y, Hu C, Wang Z, et al. Optimization-based non-equidistant toolpath planning for robotic additive manufacturing with non-underfill orientation[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2023, 84: 102599."

Introduction to IQOP


IQOP is an optimization-based non-equidistant toolpath planning method for AM and CNC milling. IQOP tries to optimize the smoothness and material cost of the child toolpath from a parent toolpath. IQOP has the following advantages:

  • Compared with the equidistant toolpath, i.e., CP, IQOP can generate smooth toolpaths. Specially, toolpaths insides tends to transform into a smooth circle.
  • IQOP can be applied for slices with arbitrary shapes and topological holes. Extra toolpaths would be added if underfill with large area exists.
  • IQOP achieves obviously lower underfill rates, higher printing efficiency, and higher toolpath smoothness than CP.
  • A general framework of non-equidistant toolpath planning for complex slices is provided.


Figure. Some demos of IQOP.


Figure. Toolpaths generated by different object functions.


Figure. Toolpaths generated by different weighting coefficient.

More details of IQOP would be provided after the article is published.

Optimization Problem of IQOP

The toolpaths can be planned by offsetting non-equidistantly. The offsetting distances ( δ i ) i = 1 n can be seen as optimization variables. δ i is the offsetting distance at ( x i , y i ) .


Figure. Optimization variables.

Given $l$, the optimization problem for generating $\tilde{l}$ can be written as:


In our paper Optimization-Based Non-Equidistant Toolpath Planning for Robotic Additive Manufacturing with Non-Underfill Orientation, the above optimization problem is convexified, and the problem of self-intersection is solved. The above method can be applied for slices with arbitrary shapes and topological structures.



  • (struct)path is a struct to store information of toolpaths. (double*)path::x and (double*)path::y are waypoints of a toolpath.
  • paths is a vector of path, i.e., typedef vector<path> paths;


The package NEPathPlanner.h include the key class of NEPath, i.e., NEPathPlanner. All operations on toolpath planning is based on NEPathPlanner. The API of NEPathPlanner is as follows:

  • (void)NEPathPlanner::set_contour(): Set the contour, i.e., the outer boundary, of the slice. Every slice only have one closed contour. The start point and the end point of the contour are connected by default. If you want to set the outmost toolpath has a distance from the actual outer boundary, you can call NEPathPlanner::tool_compensate() with a negative distance to obtain the outmost toolpath firstly, and set the obtained outmost toolpath as the boundary of a new slice. See the example of Zigzag and CP for details.
    • (const double*)x, (const double*)y, (int)length: The number of waypoints is length. The i-th waypoint is (x[i],y[i]). It can be substituted as (const path&)contour_new.
    • (bool)wash, (double)wash_dis, (int)num_least: If wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than num_least. By default, wash=true, washdis=0.2, num_least=50 .
    • The contour is stored in a public member variable (path)contour.
  • (void)NEPathPlanner::addhole(): Add a new hole, i.e., the inner boundaries, onto the slice. The start point and the end point of every hole are connected by default. A slice is allowed to have no holes. The same as (void)NEPathPlanner::set_contour(), you can call NEPathPlanner::tool_compensate() to offset the added hole.
    • (const double*)x, (const double*)y, (int)length: The number of waypoints is length. The i-th waypoint is (x[i],y[i]). It can be substituted as (const path&)hole_new.
    • (bool)wash, (double)wash_dis, (int)num_least: If wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than num_least. By default, wash=true, washdis=0.2, num_least=50 .
    • The holes are stored in a public member variable (paths)holes.
  • (void)NEPathPlanner::addholes(): Add some new holes, i.e., the inner boundaries, onto the slice. The start point and the end point of every hole are connected by default. A slice is allowed to have no holes. The same as (void)NEPathPlanner::set_contour(), you can call NEPathPlanner::tool_compensate() to offset the added hole.
    • (const paths&)holes_new: Add paths in holes_new onto the slice.
    • (bool)wash, (double)wash_dis, (int)num_least: If wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than num_least. By default, wash=true, washdis=0.2, num_least=50 .
    • The holes are stored in a public member variable (paths)holes.
  • (paths)NEPathPlanner::tool_compensate(): Offset the contour and holes of the slice with a distance, i.e., tool compensating.
    • (const ContourParallelOptions&)opts:
      • The offsetting distance is If>0, the contour will be offset outside and the holes will be offset inside. If<0, the contour will be offset inside and the holes will be offset outside.
      • If opts.wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than opts.wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than opts.num_least.
    • The order of outputs is the offsetting results of contour, holes[0], holes[1], ..., holes[holes.size()-1]. Note that the offsetting results of each toolpath can be one, serval, or even zero toolpath.
    • (paths)NEPathPlanner::tool_compensate() is achieved based on AngusJohnson/Clipper2.
  • (paths)NEPathPlanner::IQOP(): Generate the IQOP toolpath of a slice. The optimization problem of IQOP is provided above. If you don't need IQOP and other optimization-based toolpaths, you can comment out #define IncludeGurobi in NEPath-master/setup_NEPath.h to avoid the dependence on Gurobi.
    • (const NonEquidistantOptions&)opts:
      • is the maximum distance between toolpaths. opts.alpha the scale of the minimum distance. The distances between toolpaths at every point are between opts.alpha* and, i.e., i , δ i (opts.alpha*, opts.dot_delta is δ ˙ m , i.e., the upper bound of d δ d s . opts.dot_delta is δ ¨ m , i.e., the upper bound of d 2 δ d s 2 .
      • opts.optimize_Q is true if Q is in the objective function. opts.optimize_S is true if S is in the objective function. opts.optimize_L is true if L is in the objective function. opts.lambda_Q, opts.lambda_S, and opts.lambda_L are λ Q , λ S , λ L , respectively.
      • opts.epsilon is the upper bound of error in | | . opts.set_max is the maximum iteration steps.
      • If opts.wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than opts.wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than opts.num_least.
      • If opts.connect is none, then toolpaths are not connected. If opts.connect is cfs/dfs, then toolpaths are connected into a continuous one based on CFS/DFS.
  • (paths)NEPathPlanner::Raster(): Generate the Raster toolpath of a slice.
    • (const DirectParallelOptions&)opts: is the distance between toolpaths. opts.angle is the angle between Raster toolpaths and the x -axis. The unit of opts.angle is rad, and you can use acos(-1.0) to obtain a accurate π = 3.1415926 .
    • Every Raster toolpath has two waypoints, i.e., the start point and the end point.
  • (paths)NEPathPlanner::Zigzag(): Generate the Zigzag toolpath of a slice.
    • (const DirectParallelOptions&)opts: is the distance between toolpaths. opts.angle is the angle between Zigzag toolpaths and the x -axis. The unit of opts.angle is rad, and you can use acos(-1.0) to obtain a accurate π = 3.1415926 .
    • Every Zigzag toolpath has an even numbers of waypoints.
  • (paths)NEPathPlanner::CP(): Generate the CP toolpath of a slice.
    • (const ContourParallelOptions&)opts: is the distance between toolpaths. If opts.wash==true, the contour would be resampled with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than opts.wash_dis, and the number of waypoints are no less than opts.num_least.
    • (paths)NEPathPlanner::CP() is achieved based on AngusJohnson/Clipper2.
    • If opts.connect is none, then toolpaths are not connected. If opts.connect is cfs/dfs, then toolpaths are connected into a continuous one based on CFS/DFS.
  • Other toolpath generation algorithms and toolpath connection algorithm will be added into NEPathPlanner latter.


Curve.h has some fundamental methods on geometry.

  • Underfill. For a slice D R 2 and some toolpaths $\left{l_i\right}{i=1}^N$, underfill is defined as $D\bigcap\left(\bigcup\limits{i=1}^n B_{\frac{\delta}2}\left(l_i\right)\right)^C$, where δ > 0 is the line width.

    • (static UnderFillSolution)Curve::UnderFill(): API of calculate underfill. Return a UnderFillSolution.

      • (const path&)contour: the contour of slice.
      • (const paths&)holes: the holes of slice. If the slice has no hole, you can input paths() as an empty set of holes.
      • (const paths&)ps: the toolpaths planned before.
      • (double)delta: the line width δ . Note that for every toolpath, only a width of δ 2 on each side is determined as fill.
      • (double)reratio: the resolution ratio. xs and ys are sampled with a distance of reratio between 2 points.
    • (struct)UnderFillSolution is a struct to store information of underfill.

      • (double*)xs and (double*)ys are discrete points on x -axis and y -axis.
      • (int)nx and (int)ny are the lengths of xs and ys.
      • (bool**)map_slice stores information of slice D . map_slice[i][j]==true if and only if the point (xs[i],ys[j]) D .
      • (bool**)map_delta stores information of neighborhood of toolpaths i = 1 n B δ 2 ( l i ) . map_delta[i][j]==true if and only if the point (xs[i],ys[j]) i = 1 n B δ 2 ( l i ) .
      • (double)underfillrate is the underfill rate, i.e.,


  • Sharp corner. To avoid computational sensitivity, sharp corners are determined by area invariant (Helmut Pottmann, et al. 2009).
  • (static SharpTurnSolution)Curve::SharpTurn_Invariant(): determine sharp corners on a toolpath: + (const path&)p: the input toolpath. + (double)radius: the radius of the rolling circle. + (double)threshold: the threshold to determine a sharp corner. + (bool)close: close is true if and only if the toolpath is closed. + (bool)washdis: sharp corners would be determined with a uniformly-distributed distance no more than washdis.
    • (struct)SharpTurnSolution is a struct to store information of sharp corners for a toolpath p.
      • (int)length: length of the toolpath.
      • (double)radius: the radius of the rolling circle.
      • (double)threshold: the threshold to determine a sharp corner.
      • (double*)AreaPercent: AreaPercent[i] is the percent of area on one side of the toolpath at (p.x[i],p.y[i]).
      • (bool*)SharpTurn: SharpTurn[i]==ture if and only if AreaPercent[i]>threshold.
      • (bool)close: close is true if and only if the toolpath is closed.


Toolpath Generation

IQOP (Isoperimetric-Quotient-Optimal Toolpath, Wang Y et al., 2023)

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.1 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

	// The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
	NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
	ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
	opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
	paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	NonEquidistantOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.alpha = 0.5; // the scale of minimum distance
	opts.dot_delta = 1.0; // the upper bound of \dot{delta_i}
	opts.ddot_delta = 0.1; // the upper bound of \ddot{delta_i}

	opts.optimize_Q = true; // the isoperimetric quotient is in the objective function
	opts.optimize_S = false; // the area is not in the objective function
	opts.optimize_L = false; // the length is not in the objective function
	opts.lambda_Q = 1.0; // the weighting coefficient of the isoperimetric quotient

	opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts.washdis = 0.2;

	paths IQOP_paths = planner.IQOP(opts, true); // all IQOP paths
	cout << "There are " << IQOP_paths.size() << " continuous toolpaths in total." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. IQOP toolpath minimizing Q.


Figure. IQOP toolpath minimizing Q+1.0S.


Figure. IQOP toolpath minimizing L.

CP (Contour-Parallel)

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

	// The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
	NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
	ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
	opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
	paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	ContourParallelOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts.washdis = 0.2;

	paths CP_paths = planner.CP(opts); // all CP paths
	cout << "There are " << CP_paths.size() << " continuous toolpaths in total." << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < CP_paths.size(); ++i) {
		// CP_paths[i] is the i-th continuous toolpath
		cout << "Toopath " << i << " has " << CP_paths[i].length << " waypoints." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. CP toolpath.


#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Set the contour
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);
	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	DirectParallelOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.angle = pi / 3.0; // the angle of Zigzag toolpaths, unit: rad

	paths zigzag_paths = planner.Zigzag(opts); // all zigzag paths
	cout << "There are " << zigzag_paths.size() << " continuous toolpaths in total." << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < zigzag_paths.size(); ++i) {
		// zigzag_paths[i] is the i-th continuous toolpath
		cout << "Toopath " << i << " has " << zigzag_paths[i].length << " waypoints." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. Zigzag toolpath.


#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Set the contour
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);
	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	DirectParallelOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.angle = - pi / 3.0; // the angle of raster toolpaths, unit: rad

	paths raster_paths = planner.Raster(opts); // all raster paths
	cout << "There are " << raster_paths.size() << " continuous toolpaths in total." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. Raster toolpath.

Toolpath Connection

IQOP connected by CFS

CP can be connected by CFS in the same way.

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    NEPathPlanner planner;

    // Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
    path contour;
    contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
    contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
    contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
    const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
    for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
        double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
        double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.1 * cos(10.0 * theta));
        contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
        contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

    // The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
    NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
    ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
    opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
    // if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
    opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
    paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

    // or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

    // Set the toolpath parameters
    NonEquidistantOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
    opts.alpha = 0.5; // the scale of minimum distance
    opts.dot_delta = 1.0; // the upper bound of \dot{delta_i}
    opts.ddot_delta = 0.1; // the upper bound of \ddot{delta_i}

    opts.optimize_Q = true; // the isoperimetric quotient is in the objective function
    opts.optimize_S = false; // the area is not in the objective function
    opts.optimize_L = false; // the length is not in the objective function
    opts.lambda_Q = 1.0; // the weighting coefficient of the isoperimetric quotient

    opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
    // if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
    opts.washdis = 0.2;
    opts.connect = cfs; // select cfs as the connecting method

    paths IQOP_paths = planner.IQOP(opts, true); // IQOP with CFS
	return 0;


Figure. IQOP connected by CFS.

IQOP connected by DFS

CP can be connected by DFS in the same way.

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    NEPathPlanner planner;

    // Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
    path contour;
    contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
    contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
    contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
    const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
    for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
        double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
        double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.1 * cos(10.0 * theta));
        contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
        contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

    // The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
    NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
    ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
    opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
    // if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
    opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
    paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

    // or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

    // Set the toolpath parameters
    NonEquidistantOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
    opts.alpha = 0.5; // the scale of minimum distance
    opts.dot_delta = 1.0; // the upper bound of \dot{delta_i}
    opts.ddot_delta = 0.1; // the upper bound of \ddot{delta_i}

    opts.optimize_Q = true; // the isoperimetric quotient is in the objective function
    opts.optimize_S = false; // the area is not in the objective function
    opts.optimize_L = false; // the length is not in the objective function
    opts.lambda_Q = 1.0; // the weighting coefficient of the isoperimetric quotient

    opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
    // if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
    opts.washdis = 0.2;
    opts.connect = dfs; // select dfs as the connecting method

    paths IQOP_paths = planner.IQOP(opts, true); // IQOP with DFS
	return 0;


Figure. IQOP connected by DFS.


Tool compensate

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

	// Obtain the hole
	double x_hole[] = { -5,5,5,0,-5 };
	double y_hole[] = { -5,-5,5,0,5 };
	planner.addhole(x_hole, y_hole, 5);

	// Tool compensate
	ContourParallelOptions opts; = -1.5; // the offset distance
	opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts.washdis = 0.2;
	paths ps_toolcompensate = planner.tool_compensate(opts); // Tool compensate

	cout << "There are " << ps_toolcompensate.size() << " continuous toolpaths in total." << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < ps_toolcompensate.size(); ++i) {
		// ps_toolcompensate[i] is the i-th continuous toolpath
		cout << "Toopath " << i << " has " << ps_toolcompensate[i].length << " waypoints." << endl;
	return 0;

Tool compensate

Figure. Tool compensate.


#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

	// The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
	NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
	ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
	opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
	paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	ContourParallelOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts.washdis = 0.2;

	paths CP_paths = planner.CP(opts); // all CP paths

	double delta_underfill =; // the line width for underfill computation
	double reratio = 0.03; // resolution ratio for underfill computation

	UnderFillSolution ufs = Curve::UnderFill(contour, paths(), CP_paths, delta_underfill, reratio); // Obtain the results of underfill

	cout << "The underfill rate is " << ufs.underfillrate * 100 << "%." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. Underfill. The underfill rate is 1.2401% in this example.

Sharp corner

#include "NEPath-master/NEPathPlanner.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	NEPathPlanner planner;

	// Obtain the contour of the outer boundary of slices
	path contour;
	contour.length = 1000; // the number of waypoints
	contour.x = new double[contour.length](); // x-coordinate of waypoints
	contour.y = new double[contour.length](); // y-coordinate of waypoints
	const double pi = acos(-1.0); // pi == 3.1415926...
	for (int i = 0; i < contour.length; ++i) {
		double theta = 2.0 * pi * i / contour.length;
		double r = 15.0 * (1.0 + 0.15 * cos(10.0 * theta));
		contour.x[i] = r * cos(theta);
		contour.y[i] = r * sin(theta);

	// The out boundary should be offset with half of the line width to obtain the outmost toolpath
	NEPathPlanner planner_toolcompensate;
	ContourParallelOptions opts_toolcompensate; = -1.0 * 0.5; // half of the line width of toolpaths
	opts_toolcompensate.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts_toolcompensate.washdis = 0.2;
	paths path_outmost = planner_toolcompensate.tool_compensate(opts_toolcompensate);

	// or `planner.set_contour(contour.x, contour.y, contour.length)`

	// Set the toolpath parameters
	ContourParallelOptions opts; = 1.0; // the line width of toolpaths
	opts.wash = true; // it is recommended to set opt.wash=true
	// if wash==true, then all toolpaths would have yniformly distributed waypoints, with a distance near opts.washdis
	opts.washdis = 0.2;

	paths CP_paths = planner.CP(opts); // all CP paths

	double radius = 1.0; // radius of the rolling circle
	double threshold = 0.3; // threshold of area on one side to determine a sharp corner

	// Obtain the results of underfill
	int num = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < CP_paths.size(); ++i) {
		SharpTurnSolution sol = Curve::SharpTurn_Invariant(CP_paths[i], radius, threshold, true, 0.5);
		for (int j = 0; j < sol.length; ++j) {
			num += sol.SharpTurn[j];

	cout << "There exist " << num << " sharp corners." << endl;
	return 0;


Figure. Sharp corners. There exist 44 sharp corners in this example.