Happy birthday, Matt!

VIP on a boat, February 2012

Happy birthday, Matt! Thank you for your dedication to WordPress over the years. It has enabled my entire career, allowed me to raise a family I love, and connected me to people all around the globe.

WordPress helped Andrew Witherspoon and I launch a website for the Whitman Pioneer:

… In the meantime, though, why don’t you check out the Whitman Pioneer? It’s a project I’m working on actively, and I would love any feedback you can give me!

Yo yo yo, I have a site

Spittle eventually took that over.

I was apparently really into open source right away, too:

This is the first in what I hope to be a series of articles on applying the concept of “open-source” to a non-profit organization. 

A month or so ago, I was hit with the notion that the open-source movement might be applicable to systems beyond software…

Components of an open-source organization: Part one

A year later, I thought WordPress would be a great fit for the Daily Emerald:

…While I recognize there are already many content management systems on the market, my paradoxical goal is for a platform as easy to use and install as WordPress, which also offers advanced management features…

One case against College Publisher

And so the story goes.

In any case, I hope you have a great birthday and an excellent year ahead of you. 😊 Thanks for everything you’ve helped make possible!

2 responses

  1. I really like the logo on Whitman, but I would try something different with how the three column stories line up, it feels disjointed.

    1. Newspack for student newspapers…

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