I am an overseas user. When I learned about Daimaou’s store, I spent a day browsing the original products. I was deeply attracted by the Succubus series products, so I bought three of them in one go. I was full of expectations. The mood is waiting! Finally it came to my arms, I like it very much, I will buy the Experience Goddess series, but I can't put it down for almost all the original products of Da Mo Wang. It has a cute and compact shape, almost no smell, very soft, and the printed box is very elegant for me. Love them!
私は海外のユーザーです。大魔王ストアの存在を知り、1日かけてオリジナル商品を見て回りました。サキュバスシリーズに深く惹かれ、一気に3本購入。期待に胸が膨らんだ。気分は待ち遠しい!やっと私の腕に届きました!とても気に入りました!Experience Goddessシリーズも買いますが、Da Mo Wangのオリジナル商品はほとんど全部手放せません。形もコンパクトで可愛いし、匂いもほとんどないし、柔らかいし、箱も上品だし。愛用しています!