The Right of Publicity
Privacy Reimagined for a Public World
Event Description
Who controls how one's identity is used by others? This legal question, centuries old, demands greater scrutiny in the Internet Age. Jennifer Rothman uses the right of publicity - a little-known law, often wielded by celebrities - to answer that question not just for the famous, but for everyone. Rothman challenges the conventional story of the right of publicity's development, and questions its transformation of people into intellectual property. This shift and the right's subsequent expansion undermine individual liberty, restrict free speech, and suppress artistic works.
Notes from the Talk
In today’s world where little remains private, Jennifer E. Rothman, Professor of Law and Joseph Scott Fellow at Loyola Law School, sees the right of publicity as something that could provide relief where today’s version of the right of privacy has failed to do so. The right of publicity, which typically protects the defendant, stops others from using a person’s name, likeness, or certain additional aspects of their identity.
A myth exists that the right of publicity began in “opposition” to the right of privacy. Based on archival research, Rothman has found that this is not true. Rather, Rothman claims, publicity did privacy’s work right from the very beginning. The central difference between the two concepts is the fact that the right of privacy was transferable, which benefitted corporations and third parties, whereas the right of publicity originally was not.
However, the right of publicity “lost its way” when its focus shifted from the individual and towards an intellectual property frame. Thus, Rothman recognizes three dangers to the right of publicity, describing it in its current state as a “bloated monster.” The first is that like the right of privacy, the right of publicity has become transferable. As she explains, “we’ve created a bizarre world in which our names and likenesses can be owned by someone other than ourselves.” The second danger is that it may shut down free speech; Rothman has observed an increasing conflict between the first amendment and right of publicity. The third danger is that the right of publicity represents a collision with federal copyright law. The latter two dangers have concerning implications when thinking about creative artistic expression and news reporting.
Overall, Rothman is optimistic about the right of publicity, explaining that “in the years ahead, if we can solve these three major problems, the right of publicity should be a tool to protect both public and private figures.”
notes by Donica O'Malley
About Jennifer
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