Welcome to the CVO Portal (CVOP). This is a free service provided by WYDOT to commercial vehicle operators traveling the state of Wyoming. The purpose of the portal is to provide commercial vehicle operators with road and travel information tailored to commercial vehicles. The portal includes a new tool developed specifically for commercial vehicles based on feedback we have received. This tool provides customized road weather forecasts that predict wind, visibility and surface impacts along Wyoming's three interstates (I-25, I-80 and I-90) and other routes most heavily travelled by truck traffic. Additional tools will be added to the site as the portal matures.
WYDOT is providing the commercial vehicle industry with road impact forecasts to assist in advanced awareness for driver safety and planning purposes. Please see our disclaimer.
If you would like more information regarding this product, please contact: [email protected]
These road impact forecasts are written and updated daily by WYDOT's on-site meteorologist. All forecasts are tailored specifically for commercial vehicles and the common challenges faced by commercial drivers in the state. Weather conditions in Wyoming can vary dramatically based on location and terrain. Hence, all routes have been divided into several forecast sections in order to expose common trouble spots and provide more accurate forecasts with more detail.
Forecasts are provided for a 72-hour period, in 12-hour increments for visibility and road surface conditions and in three-hour increments for wind. Each forecast has a specific impact level (low, moderate, or high). Definitions for each forecast type and impact level are provided on the forecast page.