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Tag: Weblog

In Response to NFT Debate

Better Internet, Open Creativity

On Wednesday, November 24, Creative Commons (CC) shared an article on our social media channels from Cuseum titled How 21 Museums & Cultural Organization Engaged with NFTS in 2021. At CC, we pride ourselves on raising issues thoughtfully and often share articles on our platforms about the digital space where we work. Many times CC…

Los Angeles: CC and a panel of VR experts tackle the issue of social change in emerging media

Events, Open Culture, Technology

Watch or listen to the recording on Vimeo, YouTube, or Soundcloud. On February 15, Creative Commons hosted an evening of demos, discussion, and drinks in Los Angeles called, “CC as a Vehicle for Social Change in Emerging & Immersive Media.” With 200 guests registered, the evening featured demos of three virtual reality social impact projects. They were:…

Our Proposal to add CC Symbols to Unicode, Round 2

Technology, Uncategorized

Last October we submitted an initial proposal to get CC license symbols into Unicode. Since then we’ve gotten some feedback from them, incorporated that into our thinking, and submitted an updated application. Here is the new proposal. (The old one for reference here.) The new proposal presents the CC license icons as graphic symbols. We’ve…

The Platform Cooperatives Movement Helps Light up the Commons

About CC, Events

The Creative Commons upcoming Global Summit is the first major opportunity to introduce our community to the newly-born Platform Cooperatives Consortium and to look for ways our two movements, which share many core values, can collaborate. We have just entered a time of potentially enormous social turmoil. Like the 1960’s, it could also set the…