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ME 522 - Thermal Radiation

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Fundamentals of radiant-energy transport in absorbing and nonabsorbing media; pyrometry; applications to selected problems involving combined energy-transport mechanisms. Course Information: Prerequisite: ME 420.

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Detailed Course Description

Fundamentals of radiant energy transport in absorbing and nonabsorbing media; pyrometry; and applications to selected problems involving combined energy transport mechanisms. Prerequisite: ME 420 or consent of instructor. 4 hours.

TEXTBOOK: Thermal Radiative Transfer & Properties, Quinn Brewster, Wiley, Publishing

Thermal RadiationK42958LCD41300 - 1450 T R  410B1 Engineering Hall M Quinn Brewster
Thermal RadiationONL63836ONL4 -    M Quinn Brewster