Mixed Media/Medios Enteros

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Description - click on title for web version� MS Word�
Final Document (English)
Documento Final (Espa�ol)
Report delivered to the closing plenary of the 31st annual conference of the International Institute of Communication
Theme paper (English)
Theme paper (Espa�ol)�
Final agenda (MS Word download only)
Participant list
All seminar documentation in MS Word format including reports, papers, summaries and other documents in a zip file (450 KB) - Updated 12/10/00. See index.doc for a list of contents

    Papers presented at the seminar (MS Word)
Original document� English�
en Espa�ol
Trascendiendo Fronteras: Mujeres en las Nuevas Tecnolog�as de la Informaci�n y la Comunicaci�n - Katerina Anfossi, Radio Internacional Feminista - FIRE, Costa Rica
Transcending Borders: Women and New Information and� Communication� Technologies - Katerina Anfossi, Feminist International Radio Endeavour , Costa Rica
A Cultural Revolution - Radio/Broadcasting in the Mix - Joan Belfon, VTDI, Jamaica
Radio en Internet y Migraci�n en Ecuador - Gustavo Cardoso, Radio Ondas Azuayas, Ecuador�
Broadcasting and the Internet: Competing or complementing - Patrick Cozier, Caribbean Broadcasting Union, Barbados
ALRED: Red y tecnolog�a al servicio de los m�s pobres - Luis D�vila, ALER, Ecuador
Mixing Media: Broadcasting and the Internet for development and democracy - Bruce Girard, Comunica, The Netherlands
Mixing Media: La radiodifusi�n e Internet para el desarrollo y la democracia - Bruce Girard, Comunica, The Netherlands
El Secreto SIPAZ: La comunicaci�n local un aporte global - Alirio Gonz�lez y Mauricio Beltran, SIPAZ, Colombia
Internet, Radio, Communication globale et populations marginalis�es en Ha�ti - Pierre Gotson, Haiti
Farm Radio Network and New Media - Mary Hanson, Developing Countries Farm Radio Network, Canada
Community Broadcasting in the Caribbean: Collaboration and exchange via the Internet - Jocelyne Josiah, UNESCO, Jamaica
La Radiodifusi�n Comunitaria en el Caribe: Colaboraci�n e intercambio via Internet - Jocelyne Josiah, UNESCO, Jamaica
Pensar la tecnolog�a como relaci�n social - Ernesto Lamas, FM La Tribu, Argentina
P�gina web CNR: Una ventana al mundo - Miguel L�pez, CNR, Per�
Globalizaci�n y medios de comunicaci�n: el impacto en los medios independientes - Gonzalo Ortiz Crespo, Ecuador
MoebiuS - Planeta Radio: Una radio para todas las radio por Internet - Lorencita Pinto, AMARC, Canada
Pueblos ind�genas, radio e Internet: De lo local a lo global en un di�logo intercultural - Margarita Plaza, Corresponsal de la Agencia Informativa P�lsar, M�xico
Informaci�n, Internet y Radios Rurales: Una apuesta para el desarrollo rural - Miguel Saravia, Intermediate Technology Development Group, Per�
InterWorld Radio: how the Internet strengthens broadcasting - Francesca Silvani, InterWorld Radio, UK
Democracia y poder de la sociedad civil en el ciberespacio - Dafne Sabanes Plou, APC, Argentina

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Friedrich Ebert StiftungMixed Media/Medios Enteros - Broadcasting and the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean is sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and organised by Comunica.