The 2025 application period is closed. Watch this space for news about our 2026 session.

HPC Cluster Engineer Academy is a 9-week paid internship that will give you direct experience with running and maintaining high performance computing (HPC) systems.

Livermore Computing invites you to apply to our HPC Cluster Engineer Academy for next summer. Although it doesn’t get much attention in traditional academic coursework, cluster engineering is a main focus of HPC centers around the world.

For every software developer or computational scientist who enjoys a fast, reliable, and up-to-date computer system, there’s a cluster engineer who maintains it. As an HPC Academy intern, you’ll learn the basics of cluster engineering and system installation under the guidance of our experts. This internship provides practical, real-world application of knowledge no HPC center—like LLNL—can live without.

A cluster is a system of interconnected computers called nodes. They are connected through a high speed network and generally use the same hardware and operating system. Clusters enable computer scientists to run their code more quickly than on a single computer—the more nodes in the cluster, the higher the computing capacity. A cluster with thousands of processing nodes is a supercomputer, like the systems we operate at LLNL. We are home to some the world’s fastest supercomputers including El Capitan.

HPC Academy 2024 in front of El Capitan

HPC Cluster Engineer Academy 2024 Presentations

  • HPC GitOps Automation
  • Green Data Oasis Access Tracker
  • Trino Deployment on Clusters
students and mentors posed as a group in the machine room

HPC Cluster Engineer Academy 2023 Presentations

  • Account and Authorization Management System
  • CerebrasGPT Web Application
  • Flux RestAPI
Supercomputer photo overlaid with the words "this is a supercomputer"

What Is a Supercomputer?

Supercomputing, scientific computing, and HPC are cool buzzwords, but what do they actually mean? What is a supercomputer? How does it work? And why do we use them?

aerial photo of LLNL

What If...?

At LLNL, the realm of what’s possible is only bounded by the questions we’re willing to ask. Our multidisciplinary teams pursue big ideas using innovative science and technology to make the world a better place.