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Error 403 when Create Sales Order using API_SALES_ORDER_SRV

Hi everyone, I need help. I face issues creating Sales Orders using API_SALES_ORDER_SRV from an External Application (in this case, Dynamics 365 Business Central).I am trying to create a new sales order from an external application built in Microsoft...

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Direct link to a SAP Enable Now Glossary

Is there a way to get a Direct link to a SAP Enable Now Glossary so it can be accessed directly.  If i obtain the published Glossary object URL it does not take me to the Glossary directly which would then present the content.  In the attached image ...

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Andrew86 by Participant
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Integration Suite Trace Level is not working

After the most recent update, I've noticed there are strange behaviours coming from activating trace in IS, in particular, I can't seem to activate Trace level logs in the following iFlow. It remains as Log Level: Info for any runs that I do:even if ...

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