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Google TTS problem with pitch

I am having problem with wavenet-Japanese while adjusting pitch. No matter what pitch i choose the audio output always stays the same.
This only happens for wavenet but not with "basic" or "neural2". 

For example for voice type,

No matter what pitch I choose the audio output is same.

Can anyone from Google pls take a look and fix it?
0 4 223

Hi @saurabhadora,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

To ensure precise pitch adjustment for your request, please confirm that you are providing the pitch value in Hertz (Hz) accurately. Note that pitch adjustment may be restricted or not available for some WaveNet voices.

Regarding this issue, it has already been filed as a Feature Request. Please note that I can't provide any details or timelines at this moment. However, you may want to keep an eye on the release notes for the latest updates or new features.

I hope the above information is helpful.

I am correctly passing the pitch value as shown in the sample tts(a double value).
In fact as i said its not working on the official page as well

Hi @saurabhadora,

If the pitch adjustment issue persists even on the official page, it might be a limitation with the specific WaveNet voices you're using. Some WaveNet models do not fully support pitch adjustments, which could explain why the output remains the same. I recommend trying different voice models or checking this documentation for any known limitations. Additionally, keeping an eye on the release notes might give you insights into future updates or improvements.

I hope the above information is helpful.

Any updates?