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Can't Enable any Anthropic Models

I'm unable to enable any of the Anthropic models (we are able other models like Llama), getting the error:

An error occurred while submitting the request. Please check if you have selected a valid GCP project & the Marketplace & Vertex AI API have been enabled for the project.
However, having issues with the last point around with enabling:
  • Commerce Agreement API -
We can't find the API to enable it nor can we find any documentation for it. Is this the correct API?
Solved Solved
8 14 584

Received confirmation its an issue with GCP. Just tried again and was able to enable.

Upon thorough review, I've identified multiple reports regarding this specific issue. Our research indicates that a fix is scheduled to be rolled out today, November 22nd, by 5:00 PM PST. However, while I was redacting this email I got the confirmation that the issue has been fixed, could you please confirm if the issue persists on your end? 

View solution in original post


I am getting the same error when trying to enable Sonnet 3.5 new and Haiku. I have previously enabled the v3 versions and they still work.

the problem with submitting the form does seem to be fixed.

Now I have a quota issue.

 Quota exceeded for with base model: anthropic-claude-3-5-haiku.

The quota is 0 and the form does not allow the value to be changed. 

Hi  @zuyezheng

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

To request access to Anthropic’s Claude models on Vertex AI, you’ll need to fill out a form with details like your Google account and Google Cloud project ID. According to the request form access to Anthropics’s Claude models on Vertex AI is subject to approval by Anthropic.

See image below for reference: 

Screenshot 2024-11-21 12.11.25 AM.png

You can also check the following consideration that might help you resolve the error: 

  1. Check GCP Project - Ensure that you have selected the correct GCP project in the Vertex AI console. 
  2. Marketplace API - Ensure the Google Cloud Marketplace API ( ) is enabled for your project. You can do this in the Google Cloud Console under APIs & Services > Library .
  3. Permissions - Make sure you have the necessary permissions to enable and use partner models. 

For more information about using Anthropic’s Claude models, you can read this documentation.

If the issue persists, I suggest contacting Google Cloud Support as they can provide more insights to see if the behavior you've encountered is a known issue or specific to your project.

I hope the above information is helpful.

Please understand that the error occurs after form submission. Telling us to fill out the form is like telling us to try again only to encounter the same error, which leads to nowhere.

Kindly tell us what is really happening behind the scenes.

As @pseudokid mentioned, this is after submitting the form that is brought up after "Enable" is clicked on the model card. Al the instructions have been followed except that "Commerce Agreement API -" does not seem to exist. Are the instructions correct?

Same problem here. I've double checked all requirements:

GCP project: There's only one project and it already has claude v3 models enabled.

Marketplace API: I've enabled Cloud Commerce Consumer Procurement API under APIs & Services > Library according to above guidance. (And waited 10 mins and logged out then logged in to ensure the change has taken effect)

Permissions: I have the owner role.

But I still get "An error occurred while submitting the request. Please check if you have selected a valid GCP project & the Marketplace & Vertex AI API have been enabled for the project." And the page says "You cannot access the purchasing summary page without completing the required questionnaire. Please go to the product details page and click "Enable" to complete the questionnaire and access the purchasing summary page." even I've filled out every blank of the questionnaire.

same issue. it says "An error occurred while submitting the request. Please check if you have selected a valid GCP project & the Marketplace & Vertex AI API have been enabled for the project" everytime I submit the form and I can't enable the model

Same issue here. I've enabled, aiplatform.endpoints.predict, etc, but face the same error after filling out the agreement form.

same here


I encountered the same problem and entered the information multiple times to no avail.

Facing the same problem as well when enabling the claude sonnet 3.5 new model.

Entendo que você está enfrentando problemas para habilitar os modelos
antrópicos Claude v3 no Google Cloud Platform, mesmo após verificar os
requisitos. Isso pode ser frustrante, mas vamos tentar resolver juntos!

Aqui estão algumas etapas adicionais e verificações que podemos fazer para
solucionar o problema:

1. Verifique se a API Anthropic está habilitada:

- Acesse o Console do Google Cloud.
- Navegue até APIs e Serviços > Biblioteca.
- Pesquise por "Anthropic" e verifique se a API "API Anthropic" está
habilitada. Se não estiver, habilite-a.

2. Verifique as cotas:

- Acesse o Console do Google Cloud.
- Navegue até IAM e administração > Cotas.
- Na lista de serviços, procure por "Anthropic".
- Verifique se você tem cotas suficientes para usar os modelos Claude.
Se necessário, solicite um aumento de cota.

3. Verifique a região:

- Os modelos antrópicos podem não estar disponíveis em todas as regiões
do Google Cloud. Tente usar uma região como us-central1. Você pode
especificar a região ao fazer a chamada à API.

4. Experimente usar outro navegador ou limpe o cache do seu navegador:

- Às vezes, problemas de cache ou cookies podem interferir no
funcionamento do Console do Google Cloud.

5. Crie um novo projeto GCP:

- Se possível, tente criar um novo projeto GCP e siga as etapas para
habilitar os modelos Claude. Isso pode ajudar a identificar se o problema
está relacionado ao seu projeto atual.

6. Contate o suporte do Google Cloud:

- Se nenhuma das etapas acima resolver o problema, entre em contato com
o suporte do Google Cloud para obter assistência. Eles podem ajudar a
identificar a causa raiz do problema e fornecer uma solução.

Informações adicionais que podem ser úteis:

- ID do projeto GCP: Certifique-se de estar usando o ID do projeto
correto ao fazer chamadas à API.
- Chave de API: Verifique se você está usando uma chave de API válida.
- Formato da solicitação: Certifique-se de que sua solicitação à API
esteja formatada corretamente. Consulte a documentação da API Anthropic
para obter mais informações.

Lembre-se de fornecer o máximo de detalhes possível ao entrar em contato
com o suporte do Google Cloud, incluindo capturas de tela de quaisquer
mensagens de erro e as etapas que você já executou.

Espero que essas sugestões ajudem você a resolver o problema! 🤞

Received confirmation its an issue with GCP. Just tried again and was able to enable.

Upon thorough review, I've identified multiple reports regarding this specific issue. Our research indicates that a fix is scheduled to be rolled out today, November 22nd, by 5:00 PM PST. However, while I was redacting this email I got the confirmation that the issue has been fixed, could you please confirm if the issue persists on your end?