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  • giant crab in Greek mythology; creatura della mitologia greca; pošastni rak v grški mitologiji, ki se je na pobudo Here oklenil Heraklejeve noge, ko...
    658 bytes (136 words) - 14:50, 2 October 2021
  • Thumbnail for File:Acmet el magnanimo - comedia heroyca en tres actos (IA A25012714).pdf
    una vez , su cordura , y sufrimiento. Rak. Ah quánto debo, amiga, á tu pru' -• delicia! conozco tu temor i pero no puedo por mas que en su presencia...
    (487 × 689 (3.15 MB)) - 07:20, 8 July 2023
  • Thumbnail for File:Vacas en Galicia.jpg
    Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English author name string: RakFM Wikimedia username: RakFM URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RakFM...
    (2,348 × 1,650 (2.44 MB)) - 22:48, 25 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Acmet el magnánimo - comedia heroyca en tres actos (IA acmetelmagnanimo00unse).pdf
    fin, y os dio su mano? (perio, no os veis querida de él y de su Ina¬ nias cada dia? . Rak. Si , si, yo ofendiera su generoso amor y el de su Pueblo, si negarlo...
    (1,400 × 2,054 (4.7 MB)) - 07:20, 8 July 2023
  • Thumbnail for File:Viet Nam Su Luoc.djvu
    DescriptionViet Nam Su Luoc.djvu English: Viet Nam Su Luoc by Tran Trong Kim Tiếng Việt: Việt Nam Sử lược của Trần Trọng Kim Date first pubished, 1919...
    (1,381 × 1,953 (8.36 MB)) - 13:59, 3 November 2021
  • Thumbnail for File:Notes on some officials of the Sargonid period (IA notesonsomeoffic00godbrich).pdf
    ameiRAKSU: amel rak-su, [709] 80-7-19, rv. 15; amel rak-su-mes, [W] K. 550, obv. 9, [154] K. 653, obv. 14, [242] K. 11148, obv. 12; ameirak-su-ti, [304] K...
    (1,291 × 1,866 (4.59 MB)) - 05:47, 7 November 2020
  • Thumbnail for File:Dr. Morten Luther ucceb Katekismusaš.djvu
    råk kadallat, ramedet ja gittet. Goalmad bakkom. Muite vuåigrjadam bæi ve, åtte dam bassen anak! Mi dat læ? Mi galggap ibmelest ballat ja su æccet...
    (1,908 × 2,217 (7.01 MB)) - 10:20, 8 September 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Hèrvatska pocetnica za pèrvi razred puckih ucionah .. (IA hrvatskapocetnic00aust).pdf
    ce a ne pi je, to je go rak sok, vo sak, vi so ka je na sa go ra, la si ca i li si ca na ho de se u su mi, ris Sum, su nia, su 28 je hud roral ...
    (547 × 947 (12.54 MB)) - 16:40, 30 June 2020
  • Thumbnail for File:Abbes ja Låkkam-girje.djvu
    File:Abbes ja Låkkam-girje.djvu (matches file content)
    je, gje, gjen, ba-gjen, 1/ ie, mie, smie, smiet, smiet-to. 2. Nak-ka-rak njalg-gak læk man nai-di ja vaib-bam olb-mui-di. Va -rin gul-10-jek skai-ga-sak...
    (1,374 × 2,292 (3.22 MB)) - 23:46, 4 November 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Ulus 1935 nisan 19.pdf
    File:Ulus 1935 nisan 19.pdf (matches file content)
    alamam. > Son olarak yu.kurulu goslav söz alabaşkanı Yugoslav delegesi rak şu söylevi vermiştir: c - Bize karşı gösterilmekte olan dostça eyi karşılamadan...
    (2,183 × 3,116 (7.43 MB)) - 09:18, 5 December 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Esquimaux and English vocabulary (microform) - for the use of the Arctic expedition (IA cihm 62463).pdf
    ser-nar-tok Always so-reng-i-iak Amber Amusement u-ya-rak kus-er-tak uyarak kaumayok aupa-luktak ku-vi-a-su-nek Anchor kis-sak And, tai-mak-tauk 16 Andromeda...
    (1,177 × 1,408 (8.22 MB)) - 12:57, 21 October 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:Parts List Model 40-70 Yuba Ball Tread Tractor (IA cua 000128).pdf
    rak e lever b r a c k e t ..........................................................C a stin g ........................................ L e ft b rak e...
    (1,181 × 975 (15.17 MB)) - 02:34, 13 December 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:La martir de su inocencia - drama en tres actos y en verso (IA lamartirdesuinoc17515fern).pdf
    La martir de su inocencia : drama en tres actos y en verso   (  ) Author Fernández y González, Esteban Title La martir de su inocencia : drama en tres...
    (693 × 1,106 (2.63 MB)) - 11:31, 25 February 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:Haying And Harvesting Machinery (IA cua 000176).pdf
    ) This rak e does th e w ork of all oth er rak es— w ire rakes, sulky rakes, re ­ volving rakes, buck rakes, and ‘ ‘ go'-devils. No oth er rak e need...
    (933 × 1,383 (9.47 MB)) - 06:08, 12 October 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Milliyet 1929 eylul 6.pdf
    File:Milliyet 1929 eylul 6.pdf (matches file content)
    SUYU MENBAI Taşdelen suyunun Alemdağ or· manı içinde bulnan menbaı bozula· rak su bulanık akmakta olduğundan bozuk kısmın tamirine karar veril· miştir. Keşfi...
    (2,616 × 3,533 (21.04 MB)) - 01:21, 4 January 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:PL Tripplin - Kalotechnika.pdf
    (756 × 1,166 (83.07 MB)) - 16:34, 5 November 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:Ulus 1935 ilkkanun 22.pdf
    File:Ulus 1935 ilkkanun 22.pdf (matches file content)
    Je kayıtlımtsınız:" . · bir miid· tler ceınıyetmı, "h . . M ·ıı ı e b k rak z1 nınıC evrede ıra a . ., det, en . . . t yare cenuyetı ~ zi ve g?~l~rı~K~l:Jctif...
    (2,175 × 3,108 (7.45 MB)) - 02:48, 27 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for File:Milliyet 1930 temmuz 8.pdf
    File:Milliyet 1930 temmuz 8.pdf (matches file content)
    bulu- rak uğraşmışlardır. Sahne pek rica ediyordu. Mehmet Alinin ! an ve nıhayet mıktan 900 <len kanlı bir harp sahnesi idi.Abdul oğlu buna şu cevabı...
    (2,637 × 3,458 (10.82 MB)) - 01:25, 4 January 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:Milliyet 1930 kanunusani 22.pdf
    ma hafilinde şu nıaınmat verilme-ktedir: muci-: b .. bince Fmanetin kontrol seliiOIPlSgon agun hiyeti yoktur .Ru iti arla mütoplanıyor rak -ı..e vr~·I~·...
    (2,552 × 3,472 (10.27 MB)) - 01:24, 4 January 2022
  • Thumbnail for File:Aksam 1936 eylul 29.pdf
    File:Aksam 1936 eylul 29.pdf (matches file content)
    iki bardak illk su ic;ine iki kahve ka.~ag1 tuz kan~tlra­ rak lavman yaplhrsa solucan ~er. Mayaslla, ayak s1Zllanna kaq1 tuz.. lu su ile ayaklara banyo...
    (2,210 × 3,122 (12.66 MB)) - 23:23, 27 July 2023
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