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- File:Ghimpele 1874-08-04, nr. 31.pdf (matches file content)duel in fnga mare lie_ sermanulA de poison. Educatia strilink ucigasik destrii math, Ce sA tilt societAtel, de unA. timpA indelungatA! E prefetuni ce...(1,758 × 2,631 (5.61 MB)) - 09:38, 9 May 2023
- File:The church carried along, or, The opinions of a doctor of divinity on America slavery. (IA ASPC0001901900).pdf (matches file content)(iiicnrcs. ac(.-(^iiil)li.-luiiL' ul' cxcih siroiii,' haps to destrii' liuM til'.' o refer hope as a uieuns of it th any, or it now...(550 × 983 (1.44 MB)) - 06:07, 27 June 2022
- File:Botanisches Centralblatt. Bd. 079, 1899 (IA botanischeszentr79bota).pdf (matches file content)Pteridophytae .Japonicae iconibiis illustratae; or tigiire« with briet destrii»ti(.ns and remark.s of the tlowering |d)ints and Ferns of Japan. Vol...(918 × 1,406 (33.25 MB)) - 18:24, 11 December 2023
- File:Geschichte der deutschen sprache (IA bub gb VzZAAAAAYAAJ).pdf (matches file content)Erpel gilt (vgl. Arbala s. 521.) Bei Strabo stehn so viel enslellle namen; destrii literas responsum esse, um 2, Gandeslrius ich vor: fassen zu oder...(625 × 1,037 (36.67 MB)) - 22:43, 6 May 2024
- File:Travels in the great western prairies (microform) - the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon territory (IA cihm 16730).pdf (matches file content)clmn<(ed from a pirati to an honest irentlenian. of Indians llnni- destrii-lion of the selves as they should ili/ati'Xi. und, ai'cijiled deirrie...(1,122 × 1,339 (11.04 MB)) - 04:56, 30 March 2022
- File:Obres completes de Emili Vilanova. Volum V (1906).djvu (matches file content)traydor a la vegada, fent un embull d'aquella escena que no hi hà qui la destríi. Després de molts ensaigs y a forsa de compendre cada qual lo bocadillo...(1,260 × 2,540 (3.43 MB)) - 11:21, 10 October 2024
- File:De bon tremp (1911).djvu (matches file content)Queló. [Madroneta, Madroneta: Ara arriben en Rafel y el senyor Rector! Destrií it. (Apart.) jTot és perdut! Madroneta. <iAhontson? [Quins salts que'm...(1,640 × 2,800 (3.86 MB)) - 08:51, 15 November 2024
- File:A Matadegolla (18??).djvu (matches file content)estesa, ani reculant, reculant. Pere raig del sol, y fins los plomalls, destrií pel vent, pareiilan fets de plata. Lo p teig dels cab»lls y 'ls sotrachs...(685 × 962 (3.95 MB)) - 09:28, 22 June 2023
- File:De bon tremp - drama en tres actes (IA debontrempdramae1943folc).pdf (matches file content)Queló. [Madroneta, Madroneta: Ara arriben en Rafel y el senyor Rector! Destrií it. (Apart.) jTot és perdut! Madroneta. <iAhontson? [Quins salts que'm...(614 × 1,050 (3.81 MB)) - 08:52, 15 November 2024
- between vice and virtue. To so* parate thenseful fl:om that which leads to destriiKtioo is not the talent of every naan. The exsodple of others is the school...(1,000 × 1,277 (69.45 MB)) - 06:42, 8 August 2023
- File:Edip Rey - trajedia (IA edipreytrajedia509soph).pdf (matches file content)temple, n*he vingut ApoUus a donarte mos vots y mes garlandes, perqué destríis la feixuga boira que pesa sobre Edip, ans que la pena de véurel navegar...(560 × 1,008 (4.92 MB)) - 07:13, 25 October 2024