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- org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/PDMCreative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse English Plates depicting ''Barbeya oleiodes'' determination method or standard: SHA-1...(2,295 × 3,420 (459 KB)) - 13:41, 30 October 2023
- DescriptionBarbeya plates (page 1 crop).jpg English: Plates depicting Barbeya oleiodes, from the original protologue. Date 1891 Source https://www.biodiversitylibrary...(3,835 × 5,204 (1.58 MB)) - 13:41, 30 October 2023
- File:Die Vegetation der Erde. Sammlung pflanzengeographischer Monographien. Bd. 09 (Bd. III, Heft 1) 1915 (IA mobot31753002290093).pdf (matches file content)Q Blätter gegenständig, lanzettlich, ganz- Unterfam. Barbeyoideae. Barbeya. • randie Celtis (Tourn.) L. Trema. Chaetaeme. Staubblättern, Carpell...(5,262 × 7,989 (174.83 MB)) - 13:05, 27 January 2024
- File:Service and regulatory announcements (IA serviceregulato121unit).pdf (matches file content)including the genera Uhnus, Ceitis, Zelkova, Ampelocera, Aphananthe, Barbeya, Chaetachne, Chaetoptelea, Gironniera, Holoptelea, Lozanella, Parasponia...(795 × 1,320 (3.76 MB)) - 17:30, 18 August 2024
- File:Service and regulatory announcements (IA serviceregulato117unit).pdf (matches file content)including the genera Ulmus, Celtis, Zelkova, Ampelocera, Aphanantlic, Barbeya, Chaetachnc, Chaetoptelea, August SERVICE AND REGULATORY 1933] ANNOUNCEMENTS...(783 × 1,320 (5.52 MB)) - 14:47, 27 January 2022
- File:Federal Register 1947-10-02- Vol 12 Iss 193 (IA sim federal-register-find 1947-10-02 12 193).pdf (matches file content)compris¬ ing all species of the following genera: Ampelocera, Aphananthe, Barbeya, Celtis, Chaetachne, Chaetoptelca, Gironniera, Holoptelea, Lozanella, Parasponia...(1,377 × 1,808 (2.97 MB)) - 01:39, 15 October 2024
- File:Notizblatt des Königl. Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin (IA notizblattdesk01engl).pdf (matches file content)Gegend von Dschebel und Saganeiti, in Höhen von 1800—2500 m verbreitet ist. Barbeya oleoides Schweinf. in Malpighia 1891 p. 332. Diese interessante Ulmacee...(868 × 1,366 (22.25 MB)) - 16:58, 4 December 2022
- File:Service and regulatory announcements (IA serviceregulato169unit).pdf (matches file content)plants. all species of the following genera: Ampelocera, Aphanarithe, Barbeya, Celtis, Chaetachne, Chaetoptelea, Gironniera, Holoptelae, Lozanella, Parasponia...(816 × 1,343 (5.41 MB)) - 18:49, 16 August 2024
- File:Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie Bd. 015 (IA mobot39088011693546).pdf (matches file content)Agyptens auswiirUge Beziehungen hinsicbtlich der Culturgewachse, S. 51; Barbeya, S etchc 11 W. A.: Preliminary Notes on the genus novurn^ UrWcacearMm,...(4,437 × 6,822 (292.16 MB)) - 17:32, 11 December 2023
- File:PL Jarry - Ubu-Król.djvu (matches file content)o młodej Francji, o Huysmansie; węgierska hrabina zaszczepia mu kult Barbeya d’Aure- villy, z przekładu Dehmela poznaję, wśród obfitych libacyj, poezję...(1,692 × 2,340 (97.24 MB)) - 04:17, 5 February 2025
- File:Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie (IA botanischejahrbu1518engl).pdf (matches file content)Cornu, S. 121. So 1 A.: H.: Das Buch der K.: n i f urth G.: , Barbeya, S. 51; Preliminary Notes on the m s- L aub ach , H. Graf zu Über...(752 × 1,270 (74.9 MB)) - 17:31, 11 December 2023
- File:Handbook and price list - rare and interesting plants (IA CAT31292344).pdf (matches file content)plant AZARA MICROPHYLLA Chile. 50 12 . |AUCUBA JAPONICA . can pot BARBEYA OLEOIDES pot sack . 50 . 50 o O pot A ft $25 1 ! *!x * ! ...(1,162 × 1,612 (3.32 MB)) - 12:55, 16 December 2024
- Plant' & Kew Gardens 'World Checklist' & NCBI & Tropicos, 4 April 2014): Barbeya APWebsite link: Barbeyaceae (+genera in KewGarden 'Vascular Plant') GRIN...2 members (0 subcategories, 2 files) - 00:46, 10 December 2019