Cake package / Cafe WASUGAZEN, by Baca the Bacca
- Branding Design
- Concept Design
- Product Design
- Graphic Design
- Copywriting
- Package Design
- Space Design
- Web Design
- Naming
- Product Development
A cake box to tickle your sweet tooth even before first bite.
映画予告編製作会社「バカ・ザ・バッカ」が運営する「Cafe WASUGAZEN 」。そこで販売されている「畑うまれケーキ」と「カップオンコーヒー」のパッケージデザイン、ネーミング、コピーライティング、コミュニケーションプランニングを行いました。自然のあまみが口の中でひろがる野菜のケーキの名前は「畑うまれケーキ」。スポンジ部分も米粉でこしらえた、身体にも優しいスイーツ。食べている時はもちろん、食べる前からドラマチックにときめく仕掛けをパッケージに盛り込みました。箱全体に描かれたカラフルな円形のグラフィックパターンは、ニンジン、ごぼう、紫芋の断面。気分が上がるような華やかさを演出。また中央から伸びた長い取っ手は見た目のアクセントだけではなく、持ち運ぶ時の揺れを軽減する役割も兼ねており、台形型の本体は置いた時の安定感を確保します。ケーキの台座を箱から引き出せば、そのままお皿がわりのトレーに。また取っ手に付いた映写機型のミニリーフにスマホをかざすと、バカ・ザ・バッカが展開する最新映画情報webコンテンツも楽しめます。ケーキをパッケージングするだけではなく、映画と食をつなぐコミュニケーションツールとしての機能を併せ持っています。
The movie trailer production company Baca the Bacca runs a place known as Cafe WASUGAZEN. We designed the packaging for their “Hatake Umare Cake” (literally “cake born on the farm”) and single cup drip coffee. “Hatake Umare Cake” is a vegetable cake that slowly fills your mouth with natural sweetness.The sponge part is also made of rice flour so is gentle on the body. The package is designed to make your mouth water not only while eating it – but also before you eat it. The design elements aim to enhance the dramatic excitement for that moment leading up to the first bite. The colorful circular pattern across the whole box is a cross-section of carrots, burdock roots, and purple sweet potatoes, creating a festive atmosphere to give your spirits a lift. The long handle extending from the center of the box not only serves as a visual accent, but also stabilizes your grip when carrying it. And the trapezoidal shape of the body ensures that it rests steadily and securely when placed on the table. Instead of using a plate, you can pull out the base of the cake from the box and use it as a tray. When you hold the film projector-shaped miniature leaf attached to the handle up to your smartphone screen, Baca the Bacca’s latest movie information web content will be displayed. So it’s not only cake packaging, but also a communication tool for connecting movies and food.