Go to the demo.vtiger.com/vtigercrm system. Login and go to Add Event and use the Full Form. Check the Recurrence box. The second picklist which allows you to chose from Daily, weekly etc... Is empty. (The picklist table vtiger_recurringtype
is populated however - well it is on the system where I found this issue so I assume it the same on the demo).
We've just encountered the same issue with a couple of fields that weren't being calculated even though they had values, and traced it back to the field label. Our field labels contained £ symbols, which at some point appear to be url_encoded and then aren't being decoded later.
We're looking into a fix for this currently - maybe this is caused by a similar problem?
curl --data 'operation=revise&sessionName='$sessionName'&element=%7B%22id%22:%226x1059807%22,%22hdnDiscountAmount%22:%2227.270%22%7D' https://${crmsite}/webservice.php
{"success":true,"result":{"id":"6x1059807","hdnDiscountAmount":"0.00000000","conversion_rate":"1.000","salesorder_no":"SO212624" [...] }}
and inspection via the UI confirms that the overall discount remains at 0.0. It should show "hdnDiscountAmount":"27.270"
@prasad Why did you add this? In 8.3.0 if you now go to a record in DetailView from a Listview where there are multiple records, then the forward and back buttons disappear in the Detail View? Confirmed on your demo system too.
@prasad any thoughts on this issue?
I tried updating the library but couldn't get it to work. I tried in 8.3 where I had to make some changes to the core but it still doesn't work.
Yes, I have created events in the past without issues using vtlib. Before the calls to the registration add:
require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
require_once 'include/utils/VtlibUtils.php';
require_once 'config.inc.php';
require_once 'includes/Loader.php';
require_once 'modules/Emails/mail.php';
require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Mailer.php';
vimport ('includes.runtime.EntryPoint');
$current_user = Users::getActiveAdminUser();
$db = PearDatabase::getInstance();
That will give you debug informatin for queries execution. If the query fails, it will throw an exception and a message about the error.
about this, i tried to use the script to create the events of version 7.3 and it doesn't work. i solved it by inserting it into the db did you create the event with a script?
this is the script i used
if(Vtiger_Event::hasSupport()) {
'EventsHandler', 'vtiger.entity.beforedelete',
'EventsHandler', 'modules/Events/EventsHandler.php'
'EventsHandler', 'vtiger.entity.afterdelete',
'EventsHandler', 'modules/Events/EventsHandler.php'
echo 'Eventi aggiunti con successo';
Well, yes. You need to configure it. When a field is created certain columns and relationships are set up in the database...
This method might help you get started:
I try to change the uitype to 15 but the whole field seems like not working. I can assigned the role to the option but when I log to the role, I totally cannot see any of the option.
Try it :-) In vtiger_field
@vincenzo.bruno @Ralph.Kretzschmar @lord_alan - thank you for digging specifics. Please review last commit.
Dear vtiger-Team,
i install the latest version. setup is running smooth without any errors.
issue example: it is not possible for non CEO Users to assign a company to an organisation because the user receives:
the problem exists on several modules when trying to search for organisation or searching for organisation on project level etc.
Best regrads Ralph
Prasad (3ef60ec5) at 19 Nov 03:46
Fixes #1934: Logical correction to compare allowed ref module
Dear vtiger-Team,
i install the latest version. setup is running smooth without any errors.
issue example: it is not possible for non CEO Users to assign a company to an organisation because the user receives:
the problem exists on several modules when trying to search for organisation or searching for organisation on project level etc.
Best regrads Ralph
I found that picklist with uitype 15 can assigned role while uitype 16 cannot. Is there a way we can change this?