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Sigh In My Ear

by claire rousay

  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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      $2 USD  or more


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    The 18th installment of Saddle Creek’s Document series comes from experimental artist claire rousay. The two tracks, Sigh in My Ear and Your First Armadillo are the latest release from this Los Angeles based artist, adding to her extensive discography.

    claire rousay’s music zeroes in on personal emotions and the minutiae of everyday life—voicemails, haptics, environmental recordings, stopwatches, whispers and conversations—layering them with electronics in patient, poetic arrangements and exploding their significance.

    Rousay’s collection of field recordings are layered with broad strings, midi instruments, piano and vocals to create abstracted environments. Melancholic autotune and harmonized vocals melt into the first track, Sigh in My Ear. While Your First Armadillo enters like the sun rising over a hill on a summer day.

    Listening to claire rousay’s collages of everyday life archives pertinent everyday experiences that weave our human experience together.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Sigh In My Ear via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
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    ships out within 1 day
    Purchasable with gift card

      $11 USD or more 


I wish i was dying laughing On your bedroom floor Just one more time Hearing you sigh in my ear Telling me tonight is all you need “Doesn’t matter what’s outside of here” I can still hear you sigh in my ear What was it that I stopped myself from saying What was it that I stopped myself from saying I can’t recall Now it’s four in the morning And I’m running through the old times Before you bled out your arms Leaving scissors on the floor Doesn’t matter cause you’re outside of here Fuck what you did there What was it that I stopped myself from saying What was it that I stopped myself from saying I can’t recall


The 18th installment of Saddle Creek’s Document series comes
from experimental artist claire rousay. The two tracks, "Sigh In My Ear" and "Your First Armadillo" are the latest release from this Los Angeles based artist, adding to her extensive discography.

claire rousay’s music zeroes in on personal emotions and the minutiae of everyday life—voicemails, haptics, environmental recordings, stopwatches, whispers and conversations—layering them with electronics in patient, poetic arrangements and exploding their significance.

rousay’s collection of eld recordings are layered with broad strings, midi instruments, piano and vocals to create abstracted environments. Melancholic autotune and harmonized vocals melt into the rst track, "Sigh In My Ear." While "Your First Armadillo" enters like the sun rising over a hill on a summer day.

Listening to claire rousay’s collages of everyday life archives pertinent everyday experiences that weave our human experience together.


released August 11, 2023

Produced and Engineered by Claire Rousay and Bennett Littlejohn
Vocals by Helena Deland (Track 1)
Mixed by Bennett Littlejohn
Mastered by Andrew Weathers
Writen, Composed, and Lyrics by Claire Rousay




claire rousay Los Angeles, California

claire rousay is a singular artist.

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