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  1. 2d3c2a9 feat: Generate V6 from custom time (#172) by Nicu Micle · 2 weeks ago master
  2. 0e97ed3 feat: add error types for better validation (#166) by Jorge Massih · 4 months ago
  3. d55c313 docs: upd links to rfc9562 (#162) by Alex Bozhenko · 5 months ago
  4. e8d82d3 feat: add Compare function (#163) by MikeWang · 5 months ago
  5. 53dda83 fix: incorrect timestamp in uuid v6 (#161) by Youngjae Lee · 6 months ago


The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs based on RFC 9562 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.

This package is based on the package (previously named It differs from these earlier packages in that a UUID is a 16 byte array rather than a byte slice. One loss due to this change is the ability to represent an invalid UUID (vs a NIL UUID).

go get

Go Reference

Full go doc style documentation for the package can be viewed online without installing this package by using the GoDoc site here: