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  1. 31e674c Update Chrome (for Testing) PIN by devtools-ci-autoroll-builder · 13 hours ago main
  2. 4e9829b Update DevTools DEPS (trusted) by devtools-ci-autoroll-builder · 22 hours ago chromium/6871
  3. cbfbb9b Update Chrome (for Testing) PIN by devtools-ci-autoroll-builder · 22 hours ago
  4. ca54cef Update Chrome (for Testing) PIN by devtools-ci-autoroll-builder · 2 days ago chromium/6870
  5. f2124d6 Update Chrome (for Testing) PIN by devtools-ci-autoroll-builder · 3 days ago chromium/6868 chromium/6869

Chrome DevTools frontend

npm package

The client-side of the Chrome DevTools, including all TypeScript & CSS to run the DevTools webapp.

Source code and documentation

The frontend is available on Check out the Chromium DevTools documentation for instructions to set up, use, and maintain a DevTools front-end checkout, as well as design guidelines, and architectural documentation.

Source mirrors

DevTools frontend repository is mirrored on GitHub.

DevTools frontend is also available on NPM as the chrome-devtools-frontend package. It's not currently available via CJS or ES modules, so consuming this package in other tools may require some effort.

The version number of the npm package (e.g. 1.0.373466) refers to the Chromium commit position of latest frontend git commit. It's incremented with every Chromium commit, however the package is updated roughly daily.

Getting in touch

There are a few options to keep an eye on the latest and greatest of DevTools development: