! -- Google Tag Manager --> <! -- End Google Tag Manager -->
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
import {ResultsConsumer} from "./ResultsConsumer.sol";
import {NativeTokenSender} from "./ccip/NativeTokenSender.sol";
import {AutomationCompatibleInterface} from "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/AutomationCompatible.sol";
struct Config {
address oracle;
address ccipRouter;
address link;
address weth9Token;
address exchangeToken;
address uniswapV3Router;
uint64 subscriptionId;
uint64 destinationChainSelector;
uint32 gasLimit;
bytes secrets;
string source;
contract SportsPredictionGame is ResultsConsumer, NativeTokenSender, AutomationCompatibleInterface {
uint256 private constant MIN_WAGER = 0.00001 ether;
uint256 private constant MAX_WAGER = 0.01 ether;
uint256 private constant GAME_RESOLVE_DELAY = 2 hours;
mapping(uint256 => Game) private games;
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Prediction[])) private predictions;
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) private pendingRequests;
uint256[] private activeGames;
uint256[] private resolvedGames;
struct Game {
uint256 sportId;
uint256 externalId;
uint256 timestamp;
uint256 homeWagerAmount;
uint256 awayWagerAmount;
bool resolved;
Result result;
struct Prediction {
uint256 gameId;
Result result;
uint256 amount;
bool claimed;
enum Result {
event GameRegistered(uint256 indexed gameId);
event GameResolved(uint256 indexed gameId, Result result);
event Predicted(address indexed user, uint256 indexed gameId, Result result, uint256 amount);
event Claimed(address indexed user, uint256 indexed gameId, uint256 amount);
error GameAlreadyRegistered();
error TimestampInPast();
error GameNotRegistered();
error GameIsResolved();
error GameAlreadyStarted();
error InsufficientValue();
error ValueTooHigh();
error InvalidResult();
error GameNotResolved();
error GameNotReadyToResolve();
error ResolveAlreadyRequested();
error NothingToClaim();
Config memory config
ResultsConsumer(config.oracle, config.subscriptionId, config.source, config.secrets, config.gasLimit)
function predict(uint256 gameId, Result result) public payable {
Game memory game = games[gameId];
uint256 wagerAmount = msg.value;
if (game.externalId == 0) revert GameNotRegistered();
if (game.resolved) revert GameIsResolved();
if (game.timestamp < block.timestamp) revert GameAlreadyStarted();
if (wagerAmount < MIN_WAGER) revert InsufficientValue();
if (wagerAmount > MAX_WAGER) revert ValueTooHigh();
if (result == Result.Home) games[gameId].homeWagerAmount += wagerAmount;
else if (result == Result.Away) games[gameId].awayWagerAmount += wagerAmount;
else revert InvalidResult();
predictions[msg.sender][gameId].push(Prediction(gameId, result, wagerAmount, false));
emit Predicted(msg.sender, gameId, result, wagerAmount);
function registerAndPredict(uint256 sportId, uint256 externalId, uint256 timestamp, Result result) external payable {
uint256 gameId = _registerGame(sportId, externalId, timestamp);
predict(gameId, result);
function claim(uint256 gameId, bool transfer) external {
Game memory game = games[gameId];
address user = msg.sender;
if (!game.resolved) revert GameNotResolved();
uint256 totalWinnings = 0;
Prediction[] memory userPredictions = predictions[user][gameId];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < userPredictions.length; i++) {
Prediction memory prediction = userPredictions[i];
if (prediction.claimed) continue;
if (game.result == Result.None) {
totalWinnings += prediction.amount;
} else if (prediction.result == game.result) {
uint256 winnings = calculateWinnings(gameId, prediction.amount, prediction.result);
totalWinnings += winnings;
predictions[user][gameId][i].claimed = true;
if (totalWinnings == 0) revert NothingToClaim();
if (transfer) {
_sendTransferRequest(user, totalWinnings);
} else {
emit Claimed(user, gameId, totalWinnings);
function _registerGame(uint256 sportId, uint256 externalId, uint256 timestamp) internal returns (uint256 gameId) {
gameId = getGameId(sportId, externalId);
if (games[gameId].externalId != 0) revert GameAlreadyRegistered();
if (timestamp < block.timestamp) revert TimestampInPast();
games[gameId] = Game(sportId, externalId, timestamp, 0, 0, false, Result.None);
emit GameRegistered(gameId);
function _requestResolve(uint256 gameId) internal {
Game memory game = games[gameId];
if (pendingRequests[gameId] != 0) revert ResolveAlreadyRequested();
if (game.externalId == 0) revert GameNotRegistered();
if (game.resolved) revert GameIsResolved();
if (!readyToResolve(gameId)) revert GameNotReadyToResolve();
pendingRequests[gameId] = _requestResult(game.sportId, game.externalId);
function _processResult(uint256 sportId, uint256 externalId, bytes memory response) internal override {
uint256 gameId = getGameId(sportId, externalId);
Result result = Result(uint256(bytes32(response)));
_resolveGame(gameId, result);
function _resolveGame(uint256 gameId, Result result) internal {
games[gameId].result = result;
games[gameId].resolved = true;
emit GameResolved(gameId, result);
function _removeFromActiveGames(uint256 gameId) internal {
uint256 index;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < activeGames.length; i++) {
if (activeGames[i] == gameId) {
index = i;
for (uint256 i = index; i < activeGames.length - 1; i++) {
activeGames[i] = activeGames[i + 1];
function getGameId(uint256 sportId, uint256 externalId) public pure returns (uint256) {
return (sportId << 128) | externalId;
function getGame(uint256 gameId) external view returns (Game memory) {
return games[gameId];
function getActiveGames() public view returns (Game[] memory) {
Game[] memory activeGamesArray = new Game[](activeGames.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < activeGames.length; i++) {
activeGamesArray[i] = games[activeGames[i]];
return activeGamesArray;
function getActivePredictions(address user) external view returns (Prediction[] memory) {
uint256 totalPredictions = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < activeGames.length; i++) {
totalPredictions += predictions[user][activeGames[i]].length;
uint256 index = 0;
Prediction[] memory userPredictions = new Prediction[](totalPredictions);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < activeGames.length; i++) {
Prediction[] memory gamePredictions = predictions[user][activeGames[i]];
for (uint256 j = 0; j < gamePredictions.length; j++) {
userPredictions[index] = gamePredictions[j];
return userPredictions;
function getPastPredictions(address user) external view returns (Prediction[] memory) {
uint256 totalPredictions = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < resolvedGames.length; i++) {
totalPredictions += predictions[user][resolvedGames[i]].length;
uint256 index = 0;
Prediction[] memory userPredictions = new Prediction[](totalPredictions);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < resolvedGames.length; i++) {
Prediction[] memory gamePredictions = predictions[user][resolvedGames[i]];
for (uint256 j = 0; j < gamePredictions.length; j++) {
userPredictions[index] = gamePredictions[j];
return userPredictions;
function isPredictionCorrect(address user, uint256 gameId, uint32 predictionIdx) external view returns (bool) {
Game memory game = games[gameId];
if (!game.resolved) return false;
Prediction memory prediction = predictions[user][gameId][predictionIdx];
return prediction.result == game.result;
function calculateWinnings(uint256 gameId, uint256 wager, Result result) public view returns (uint256) {
Game memory game = games[gameId];
uint256 totalWager = game.homeWagerAmount + game.awayWagerAmount;
uint256 winnings = (wager * totalWager) / (result == Result.Home ? game.homeWagerAmount : game.awayWagerAmount);
return winnings;
function readyToResolve(uint256 gameId) public view returns (bool) {
return games[gameId].timestamp + GAME_RESOLVE_DELAY < block.timestamp;
function checkUpkeep(bytes memory) public view override returns (bool, bytes memory) {
Game[] memory activeGamesArray = getActiveGames();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < activeGamesArray.length; i++) {
uint256 gameId = getGameId(activeGamesArray[i].sportId, activeGamesArray[i].externalId);
if (readyToResolve(gameId) && pendingRequests[gameId] == 0) {
return (true, abi.encodePacked(gameId));
return (false, "");
function performUpkeep(bytes calldata data) external override {
uint256 gameId = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
function deletePendingRequest(uint256 gameId) external onlyOwner {
delete pendingRequests[gameId];
See how Chainlink CCIP, Functions, and Automation combine to power a prediction dApp that uses real-time sports data to trigger automatic payouts.
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