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Everything (P-Money song)

"Everything" is a single released by New Zealand music producer P-Money. It features vocals by Vince Harder. It Was released to the UK market on 7 September 2009 on 3 Beat Blue.

Release and chart performance

The single was released in New Zealand in September 2008 debuting at #40 on the RIANZ New Zealand Singles Chart, and peaked at #1 on 13 October. Vince Harder, the vocalist of the song, is known for portraying the lead role of Simba in the Australian version of The Lion King stage production.

The song was certified Gold in New Zealand with sales of 7,500+ after eight weeks and has currently spent 23 weeks on the chart.

Music video

The music video was directed by Rebecca Gin and P-Money and was produced by Fish 'N' Clips.

The concept was that having music around is like having a 'shoulder buddy', and he feels like he has a friend, even if his real-life relationship failed to blossom. Unfortunately, his music player was stolen, taking his shoulder buddy away from him, and leaving P-Money alone in the middle of the alley with only his unplugged headphones on.

Everything (Jason McCoy album)

Everything is the sixth studio album by Canadian country music artist Jason McCoy. It was released by Open Road Recordings on March 1, 2011.

Everything was nominated for Country Album of the Year at the 2012 Juno Awards.

Track listing


External links

  • Everything at Allmusic
  • Everything (Buckcherry song)

    "Everything" is the eighth single by American rock band Buckcherry, and third from their third album, 15. The song is about a relationship that isn't working out as well as the two partners would want it to be, and they say if they had "everything", their problems may be solved. The song has received many plays on radio stations across Canada and the United States.

    Chart performance

    "Everything" was one of Buckcherry's best hits to date. It has reached No. 6 on Mainstream Rock Tracks, No. 23 on Modern Rock Tracks, No. 17 on Bubbling Under Hot 100, and No. 50 on Canadian Hot 100.


    External links

  • Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics

  • Sixology

    Sixology (Chinese: JJ陸) is Singaporean Mandopop Singer-songwriter JJ Lin's sixth Mandarin studio album. It was released on 18 October 2008 by the Ocean Butterflies Music and contains 14 tracks. It is called this because it is his sixth album. There are three versions for this album. The song "主角" is popular in China, with many performances recently and concerts in many cities.

    The album was awarded one of the Top 10 Selling Mandarin Albums of the Year at the 2009 IFPI Hong Kong Album Sales Awards, presented by the Hong Kong branch of IFPI.

    Track list

  • "Sixology"
  • "不潮不用花錢" High Fashion (Bù Cháo Bù Yòng Huā Qián)
  • "小酒窩" (feat. 蔡卓妍) Small Dimple (Xiǎo Jiǔ Wō)
  • "黑武士" Lord Vader (Hēi Wǔ Shì)
  • "醉赤壁" Tale Of The Red Cliff (Zùi Chì Bì)
  • "由你選擇" (feat. 農夫FAMA) The Choice Is Yours (Yóu Nǐ Xuǎn Zé)
  • "Always Online
  • "街道" The Streets (Jiē Dào)
  • "主角" (feat. Machi) Centerstage (Zhǔ Jiǎo)
  • "我還想她" I Still Miss Her (Wó Hái Xiáng Tā)
  • "點一把火炬" Light The Torch (Dián Yī Bá Huó Jù)
  • "期待愛" (feat. 金莎) Waiting For Love (Qī Dài Ài)
  • Land (The Comsat Angels album)

    Land, released in 1983 on Jive Records, was The Comsat Angels' fourth album. The album was reissued on CD in 2001 with five B-sides as bonus tracks for Jive's "Connoisseur Collection".

    The song "Independence Day," originally from their debut album, Waiting for a Miracle, was rerecorded for Land. "Will You Stay Tonight" and "Independence Day" received a reasonable amount of airplay and charted in the UK at No. 81 and No. 71, respectively. "Island Heart" was also released as a single.

    Land was the first of two albums for the Jive label and was viewed as a major departure from the Comsats' first three albums. Frontman Stephen Fellows looked back in a 2006 interview: "We made more commercial albums in the mid-'80s because the record company wanted us to do so. We were happy to find a new label after the commercially not-so-successful first albums." He regretted the result, but their options seemed limited because of the pop music world at the time. "Indie didn’t really exist, so we had no choice. But in retrospect we should have [stuck] to our early sound." Bass player Kevin Bacon put it this way: "The demos we did for Land were really good. It was a weird time for us – we felt deflated after being dropped after three albums by Polydor. Eighties pop values were rife; we didn’t naturally fit in, but were all into being popular (pop) and felt we could achieve it in a more damning way. We didn’t think Land was crap at the time, we just didn’t think it was us."

    Arithmetic progression

    In mathematics, an arithmetic progression (AP) or arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference between the consecutive terms is constant. For instance, the sequence 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 … is an arithmetic progression with common difference of 2.

    If the initial term of an arithmetic progression is a_1 and the common difference of successive members is d, then the nth term of the sequence (a_n) is given by:

    and in general

    A finite portion of an arithmetic progression is called a finite arithmetic progression and sometimes just called an arithmetic progression. The sum of a finite arithmetic progression is called an arithmetic series.

    The behavior of the arithmetic progression depends on the common difference d. If the common difference is:

  • Positive, the members (terms) will grow towards positive infinity.
  • Negative, the members (terms) will grow towards negative infinity.
  • Sum

    Computation of the sum 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + 14. When the sequence is reversed and added to itself term by term, the resulting sequence has a single repeated value in it, equal to the sum of the first and last numbers (2 + 14 = 16). Thus 16 × 5 = 80 is twice the sum.

    Build (developer conference)

    Build is an annual conference event held by Microsoft, aimed towards software and web developers using Windows, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure and other Microsoft technologies. First held in 2011, it serves as a successor for Microsoft's previous developer events, the Professional Developers Conference (an infrequent event which covered development of software for the Windows operating system) and MIX (which covered web development centering on Microsoft technology such as Silverlight and ASP.net).



    Build 2011 was held from September 13 to September 16, 2011 in Anaheim, California. The conference heavily focused on Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and Visual Studio 2012; their Developer Preview versions were also released during the conference. Attendees also received a Samsung tablet shipping with the Windows 8 "Developer Preview" build.


    Held on Microsoft's campus in Redmond from October 30 to November 2, 2012, the 2012 edition of Build focused on the recently released Windows 8, along with Windows Azure and Windows Phone 8. Attendees received a Surface RT tablet with Touch Cover, a Nokia Lumia 920 smartphone, and 100GB of free SkyDrive storage.


    • P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)

      Single available on iTunes NOW. http://bit.ly/2peAc1 Artist: P-Money Title: Everything ft. Vince Harder Label: Dirty Records Directed by Rebecca Gin & P-Money D.O.P.: Andrew Stroud Prod. Manager: Sonya Wickham Produced by Fish 'N' Clips www.pmoneymusic.com

      published: 12 Sep 2008
    • Everything (feat. Vince Harder)

      Provided to YouTube by Xelon Entertainment Everything (feat. Vince Harder) · P Money · Vince Harder Everything ℗ 2010 Central Station Records Released on: 2010-06-26 Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 19 Mar 2018
    • everything- p-money + lyrics

      sorry 4 the crap quality. but enjoy. song- everything by p-money. just note i own none of this song. #72- Most Viewed (Today)- Music Video- New Zealand Lyrics: (feat. vince harder) She gives me everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my sidegirl, too much to find You and me, here tonight Totally, satisfied You got, no another plans But to, ride in the night Like a dark night i am I will treat demonstrate every process to suceed With you and, if you want I can, show you my town We can, go everywhere i know Hang out or hit the floor Coz it's one thing for sure I'm feeling you for more Of what i have Imma offer you my allshe gives me everything i want, ...

      published: 13 Mar 2009
    • Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything

      Free download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7v0zacpuf1kdw74 Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything 2011

      published: 04 Sep 2011
    • P-Money ft. Vince Harder - Everything (UK Edit)

      Official UK version of Everything, coming out soon on 3Beat

      published: 20 Aug 2009
    • P-Money - Everything (Rap Remix)

      Featuring Scribe, David Dallas, PNC & Vince Harder Dirty Management 2008 www.pmoneymusic.com

      published: 09 Oct 2008
    • All Black Everything by Scribe & P-Money

      Dedicated to our team! All Black Everything! GO THE ALL BLACKS!!! 2011 Rugby World Cup is Ours!!! Music by Scribe & P-Money!

      published: 17 Oct 2011
    • Chang Gang Anthem - P Money feat. CG (Official Music Video)

      Chang Gang Anthem - P Money feat. CG (Official Music Video) Chang Gang Music Video of NoPixel RP! --------------------------------------------------------------- More links! 🔗 ►For more videos like this follow me on Facebook at https://www.fb.gg/lordkebun ►I am LIVE every day at these times: 6:00pm EST/3:00pm PST ►Follow my Twitter https://twitter.com/LordKebun ►Follow my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lordkebun/ #GTA #GTARP #GTARoleplay

      published: 08 Mar 2022
    • P Money feat Akon Keep On Calling

      Original CD version with lyrics : [Intro] Ya Know Its Akon Man Mah Man P Its the Magic City baby Yo I Think We Got one on this one So all them haters Wanna scream our name Let them keep on calling And they werent supporting us before and they wanna scream now Let them keep on calling We just gon let them keep on calling baby, just keep calling So keep on calling And for our supporters you know you can just keep on calling as long as you want Keep on calling [Verse 1] I used to be on the corner all day tryin figure out wats gona get me out there Dope dealing and huggin the block i done found out it aint gonna get me nowhere Used to keep a 9 mili for protection Just incase a nigga wanna to take my brain Then the voice came down from the sky and said Akon use your head I had to re-evaluat...

      published: 20 Apr 2009
    • Family (feat. P Money)

      Provided to YouTube by Atlantic Records UK Family (feat. P Money) · Ed Sheeran · P Money No.5 Collaborations Project ℗ 2010 Paw Print Records under exclusive license to Warner Music UK Limited Guitar, Vocals: Ed Sheeran Producer: Ed Sheeran Unknown, Unknown, Producer: Jake Gosling Writer: Ed Sheeran Writer: Jake Gosling Writer: P. Money Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 23 Jan 2017
    P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)

    P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:43
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Sep 2008
    • views: 1201365
    Single available on iTunes NOW. http://bit.ly/2peAc1 Artist: P-Money Title: Everything ft. Vince Harder Label: Dirty Records Directed by Rebecca Gin & P-Money D.O.P.: Andrew Stroud Prod. Manager: Sonya Wickham Produced by Fish 'N' Clips www.pmoneymusic.com
    Everything (feat. Vince Harder)

    Everything (feat. Vince Harder)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:40
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Mar 2018
    • views: 95918
    Provided to YouTube by Xelon Entertainment Everything (feat. Vince Harder) · P Money · Vince Harder Everything ℗ 2010 Central Station Records Released on: 2010-06-26 Auto-generated by YouTube.
    everything- p-money + lyrics

    everything- p-money + lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:40
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Mar 2009
    • views: 33912
    sorry 4 the crap quality. but enjoy. song- everything by p-money. just note i own none of this song. #72- Most Viewed (Today)- Music Video- New Zealand Lyrics: (feat. vince harder) She gives me everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my sidegirl, too much to find You and me, here tonight Totally, satisfied You got, no another plans But to, ride in the night Like a dark night i am I will treat demonstrate every process to suceed With you and, if you want I can, show you my town We can, go everywhere i know Hang out or hit the floor Coz it's one thing for sure I'm feeling you for more Of what i have Imma offer you my allshe gives me everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my side Everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my sidei been doing my best To may you happy So why did i feel the game has changed up on me It ain't no fun Doing this all on my long day I ain't the one that you want to play around with Coz every guy can see That you ain't here with me You make it obvious Your life's a fantasy You had it real with me Why couldn't you just see Girl watch me leave Truth is you can't handle meshe gives me everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my side Everything i want, want, everthing i need We can take it to the top, top, jump into my seat We can ride, up into the night We can ride, if she's by my side
    Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything

    Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:59
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Sep 2011
    • views: 268104
    Free download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7v0zacpuf1kdw74 Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything 2011
    P-Money ft. Vince Harder - Everything (UK Edit)

    P-Money ft. Vince Harder - Everything (UK Edit)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:57
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Aug 2009
    • views: 79919
    Official UK version of Everything, coming out soon on 3Beat
    P-Money - Everything (Rap Remix)

    P-Money - Everything (Rap Remix)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:29
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Oct 2008
    • views: 108482
    Featuring Scribe, David Dallas, PNC & Vince Harder Dirty Management 2008 www.pmoneymusic.com
    All Black Everything by Scribe & P-Money

    All Black Everything by Scribe & P-Money

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:19
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Oct 2011
    • views: 140513
    Dedicated to our team! All Black Everything! GO THE ALL BLACKS!!! 2011 Rugby World Cup is Ours!!! Music by Scribe & P-Money!
    Chang Gang Anthem - P Money feat. CG (Official Music Video)

    Chang Gang Anthem - P Money feat. CG (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:17
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Mar 2022
    • views: 1202431
    Chang Gang Anthem - P Money feat. CG (Official Music Video) Chang Gang Music Video of NoPixel RP! --------------------------------------------------------------- More links! 🔗 ►For more videos like this follow me on Facebook at https://www.fb.gg/lordkebun ►I am LIVE every day at these times: 6:00pm EST/3:00pm PST ►Follow my Twitter https://twitter.com/LordKebun ►Follow my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lordkebun/ #GTA #GTARP #GTARoleplay
    P Money feat Akon Keep On Calling

    P Money feat Akon Keep On Calling

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:33
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Apr 2009
    • views: 2715047
    Original CD version with lyrics : [Intro] Ya Know Its Akon Man Mah Man P Its the Magic City baby Yo I Think We Got one on this one So all them haters Wanna scream our name Let them keep on calling And they werent supporting us before and they wanna scream now Let them keep on calling We just gon let them keep on calling baby, just keep calling So keep on calling And for our supporters you know you can just keep on calling as long as you want Keep on calling [Verse 1] I used to be on the corner all day tryin figure out wats gona get me out there Dope dealing and huggin the block i done found out it aint gonna get me nowhere Used to keep a 9 mili for protection Just incase a nigga wanna to take my brain Then the voice came down from the sky and said Akon use your head I had to re-evaluate my thoughts and think about what got me this far I had to keep a strong faith and believe in one day i would be a star (a star) But i knew that it wouldnt come easy (come easy) But theres been a lotta hatin believe me (believe me) Dispite all the bullshit we had to still work hard (to get to where we are) [Chorus] When you hear them calling out Akon let them Keep on calling When you hear the world calling out P Money let them Keep on Calling Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so Keep On Calling Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just Keep on calling [Verse 2] Senegal, West Africa to New Zealand (new zealand) Bless to have to give make music with meaning (with meaning) Cuz i never thought i'd come this far (oh yeah) Witta mansion and a fancy car (ooh yeah) Never thought success would come this quick in the beginning (but i seen it) And all along im sittin there thinkin its harder when you came from the hood (you came from the hood) But all i had to do was put my mind to it and realize it was all good (it was all good) Once i got rid of what held me down best believe i wouldnt be turnin back (turnin back) I had to keep to keep on movin and a keep on groovin right here on this P Money track and so [Chorus] When you hear them calling out Akon let them Keep on calling When you hear the world calling out P Money let them Keep on Calling Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so Keep On Calling Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just Keep on calling [Bridge] Keep on calliiing Keep on calliing Just keep on calliiing Keep on calling Just keep on callliiing Keep on callinnng Just keep on callliiing Keep on callinngg [Chorus] When you hear them calling out Akon let them Keep on calling When you hear the world calling out P Money let them Keep on Calling Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so Keep On Calling Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just Keep on calling
    Family (feat. P Money)

    Family (feat. P Money)

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    • Duration: 4:15
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Jan 2017
    • views: 271532
    Provided to YouTube by Atlantic Records UK Family (feat. P Money) · Ed Sheeran · P Money No.5 Collaborations Project ℗ 2010 Paw Print Records under exclusive license to Warner Music UK Limited Guitar, Vocals: Ed Sheeran Producer: Ed Sheeran Unknown, Unknown, Producer: Jake Gosling Writer: Ed Sheeran Writer: Jake Gosling Writer: P. Money Auto-generated by YouTube.
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    P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)

    Single available on iTunes NOW. http://bit.ly/2peAc1 Artist: P-Money Title: Everything ft. Vince Harder Label: Dirty Records Directed by Rebecca Gin & P-Money D.O.P.: Andrew Stroud Prod. Manager: Sonya Wickham Produced by Fish 'N' Clips www.pmoneymusic.com
    P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)
    Single available on iTunes NOW. http://bit.ly/2peAc1 Artist: P-Money Title: Everything f...
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    Everything (feat. Vince Harder)
    Provided to YouTube by Xelon Entertainment Everything (feat. Vince Harder) · P Money · Vi...
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    everything- p-money + lyrics
    sorry 4 the crap quality. but enjoy. song- everything by p-money. just note i own none of ...
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    Scribe & P-Money - All Black Everything
    Free download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7v0zacpuf1kdw74 Scribe & P-Money - All Black E...
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    P-Money ft. Vince Harder - Everything (UK Edit)
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    P-Money - Everything (Rap Remix)
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    Provided to YouTube by Atlantic Records UK Family (feat. P Money) · Ed Sheeran · P Money ...
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    Everything (P-Money song)

    "Everything" is a single released by New Zealand music producer P-Money. It features vocals by Vince Harder. It Was released to the UK market on 7 September 2009 on 3 Beat Blue.

    Release and chart performance

    The single was released in New Zealand in September 2008 debuting at #40 on the RIANZ New Zealand Singles Chart, and peaked at #1 on 13 October. Vince Harder, the vocalist of the song, is known for portraying the lead role of Simba in the Australian version of The Lion King stage production.

    The song was certified Gold in New Zealand with sales of 7,500+ after eight weeks and has currently spent 23 weeks on the chart.

    Music video

    The music video was directed by Rebecca Gin and P-Money and was produced by Fish 'N' Clips.

    The concept was that having music around is like having a 'shoulder buddy', and he feels like he has a friend, even if his real-life relationship failed to blossom. Unfortunately, his music player was stolen, taking his shoulder buddy away from him, and leaving P-Money alone in the middle of the alley with only his unplugged headphones on.

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