75% of web survey respondents agreed that having an internal mentor or
sponsor is critical to advancing within their company.
However, less than one-third (30.3%) reported actually having a mentor.
Do you have an internal mentor at your company?
If you do not, please answer the following questions:
–Why not?
–Have you identified an internal mentor at your company?
–Have you approached him/her about serving as your mentor?
–What is holding you back?
Over the next 2 months, take the CCWC CAREER STRATEGIES CHALLENGE™
*Identify an internal mentor at your company
*Be open to that mentor being a different race and/or gender
*Be open to that mentor being outside of your practice group.
*Be open to that mentor being in one of your company’s business units
*Reach out to that individual; request a lunch meeting and make the
request that he/she serve as your mentor.
*If you cannot identify someone within your company, find an external
mentor or consider hiring an executive coach.
Reminder: The mentor/mentee relationship is a partnership. Make sure to
give to your mentor and add value to his/her experience with you.
There is no time like the present!!
To order “Perspectives of Women of Color in Corporate Legal
Departments”, go to: www.ccwomenofcolor.org