Music 256a / CS 476a | fall 2019
Music, Computing, and Design I:
The Art of Design

Ge Wang and Vidya Rangasayee (TA)

assignments | final projects | mailing list | MCD

class: MW 3:30-5:20pm
location: CCRMA Classroom (the Knoll)
prerequisite: prior programming experience
required texbook: Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime

course summary:
This course explores the artful design of interactive musical software, tools, instruments, toys, and games. Topics include strategies for crafting interactive systems, audiovisual design, game design, and a practical philosophy of creatively shaping technology. Course work features several programming assignments, an emphasis on critical design feedback, and a "design your own" final project. Prerequisite: experience in C/C++, Java, or Unity.

256a topics include:

  • real-time software system design for music (integrating audio, graphics, interaction)
  • principles and patterns for artful design
  • game and toy design for music
  • technology-mediated social design
  • a practical philosophy of shaping technology
(see final projects from: 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010 and 2009)

assignments: (on canvas)

MCD | CCRMA | music | CS | stanford