inputmode attribute

- LS

The inputmode attribute specifies what kind of input mechanism would be most helpful for users entering content into the form control.


  1. 4 - 55: Not supported
  2. 56 - 65: Disabled by default
  3. 66 - 132: Supported
  4. 133: Supported
  5. 134 - 136: Supported


  1. 12 - 18: Not supported
  2. 79 - 131: Supported
  3. 132: Supported


  1. 3.1 - 12: Not supported
  2. 12.1 - 18.2: Supported
  3. 18.3: Supported
  4. 18.4 - TP: Supported


  1. 2 - 16: Not supported
  2. 17 - 20: Partial support
  3. 21 - 94: Disabled by default
  4. 95 - 134: Supported
  5. 135: Supported
  6. 136 - 138: Supported


  1. 9 - 42: Not supported
  2. 43 - 52: Disabled by default
  3. 53 - 113: Supported
  4. 114: Supported


  1. 5.5 - 10: Not supported
  2. 11: Not supported

Chrome for Android

  1. 132: Supported

Safari on iOS

  1. 3.2 - 12.1: Not supported
  2. 12.2 - 18.2: Supported
  3. 18.3: Supported
  4. 18.4: Supported

Samsung Internet

  1. 4 - 8.2: Not supported
  2. 9.2 - 26: Supported
  3. 27: Supported

Opera Mini

  1. all: Not supported

Opera Mobile

  1. 10 - 12.1: Not supported
  2. 80: Supported

UC Browser for Android

  1. 15.5: Supported

Android Browser

  1. 2.1 - 4.4.4: Not supported
  2. 132: Supported

Firefox for Android

  1. 132: Supported

QQ Browser

  1. 14.9: Supported

Baidu Browser

  1. 13.52: Supported

KaiOS Browser

  1. 2.5: Disabled by default
  2. 3: Disabled by default
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode (CSS Tricks)
Demo on Wufoo (old)