Caller's Bane Wiki

Lobber is a talent that alters the way a unit attacks. Additionally, it enables structures with this talent to attack.

Instead of attacking the first occupied tile in the same row, Lobber units attack four adjacent tiles (in diamond shape). All units in that area receive as many damage as the Lobber unit's attack points – damage is not divided between hit units. However, Lobber units cannot attack idols, even if there is no unit to attack.

Lobber attacks are not considered as a melee attacks.

In-game description[]

This unit attacks at a specific section of the board.

List of scrolls with Lobber[]

Scroll Name Type Subtypes Rarity Resource Cost A. C. H. Talents and abilities
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List of scrolls with related abilities[]

Scroll Name Type Subtypes Rarity Resource Cost A. C. H. Talents and abilities
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Error: Missing data page for Concentrate Fire