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In this lesson, the idea of “The New American Majority” is explored through the analysis of the gendered and racialized dimensions of the narratives, identities, and historical inheritances of the six profiled candidates. Students break down the characteristics of grassroots organizing and intersectionality, and discuss how these concepts are central to the electoral politics of “The New American Majority.” Students will research the racial and gender demographics of their local, state, and federal elected officials and conduct an analysis of how the demographics of their representatives compare to their community.", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Lesson Plan"], "grade_ranges": "6-13+", "guid": "371a0935-ce8a-4b40-927a-ac942fe1c2e3", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/resources/The-new-american-majority-thumb-1.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "The New American Majority (Episode 1) | And She Could Be Next"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/resources/The-new-american-majority-thumb-1.jpg", "alt_text": "The New American Majority (Episode 1) | And She Could Be Next"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/the-new-american-majority-lesson-plan/and-she-could-be-next/", "support_materials": [216635, 216598, 216590, 216623, 216591, 216634]}, {"title": "Voter Suppression (Episode 2) | And She Could Be Next", "grades": ["6-8", "9-12", "13+"], "brand": "And She Could Be Next", "duration": null, "scope": [], "type": "lesson_plan", "description": "

In this lesson, students will learn about varied historic and contemporary voter suppression tactics used to exclude, silence, and intimidate potential voters in predominantly BIPOC communities. Students will research laws and policies, such as voter ID laws, proof of citizenship requirements, and voter registration policies, and analyze how these regulations expand or impede democractic participation to all. The lesson also provides ample opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration across subject matter curricula for educators who want to develop grade-level unit plans across content areas (e.g., history, ELA, mathematics, government).", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Lesson Plan"], "grade_ranges": "6-13+", "guid": "71ce4866-5627-4ae1-8de7-0bbc8dadefd5", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/resources/Voter-suppression-thumb4.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "Voter Suppression (Episode 2) | And She Could Be Next"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/resources/Voter-suppression-thumb4.jpg", "alt_text": "Voter Suppression (Episode 2) | And She Could Be Next"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/voter-suppression-lesson-plan/and-she-could-be-next/", "support_materials": [216683, 216659, 216660, 216675, 216678, 216680]}, {"title": "5 Broken Cameras: How Storytellers Shape the Story", "grades": ["9-12", "13+"], "brand": "POV", "duration": null, "scope": [], "type": "lesson_plan", "description": "

In this lesson, students will describe a film scene using two different styles, their own personal perspectives and that of a journalist. In the process they will pay attention to the role of word choice, focus and sentence structure in conveying perspective. They will also learn about the scene\'s context, the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Lesson Plan"], "grade_ranges": "9-13+", "guid": "f78f0b7a-62c5-4073-b1a2-6c01db616c25", "additional_features": [], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/8431108398_5310a56c6a_m.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "5 Broken Cameras: How Storytellers Shape the Story"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/8431108398_5310a56c6a_m.jpg", "alt_text": "5 Broken Cameras: How Storytellers Shape the Story"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/f78f0b7a-62c5-4073-b1a2-6c01db616c25/5-broken-cameras-how-storytellers-shape-the-story/", "support_materials": []}, {"title": "Inventing Tomorrow Curriculum", "grades": ["6-8", "9-12", "13+"], "brand": null, "duration": "0:28:24", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

The Teaching Curriculum for Inventing Tomorrow offers educators the opportunity to make science, technology, engineering, and math come alive by pairing screenings of the documentary with classroom learning. Each student story in the documentary lays the groundwork for one of the lessons in the curriculum. An individual lesson, or the complete curriculum, can easily be incorporated into existing coursework in middle school Science and high school Biology and Life Sciences, Chemistry, Marine Biology/Oceanography, Earth and Environmental Science, Geography, Geology or supplement units on Sustainability, Media Literacy, Global Studies, Current Events, and more.\\r\\n

Join Student Scientist of the documentary, Sahithi Pingali, in her work to create a global platform to test and share water quality data, creating a gateway for all people to have access to clean water. Sign up here to be one of the first 500 citizen scientists to receive Sahithi’s free beta water testing kit, along with instructions on how to test and report water quality data. \\r\\n

Thanks to a partnership with HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, a physical DVD with both the 87 & 55 minute version of the film is available at no charge for educators and non-profit organizations based within the United States and Canada. Please email [email protected]. ", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Video"], "grade_ranges": "6-13+", "guid": "7e5881f0-5827-4643-be6f-c4acaf1325ad", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/inventingtomorrow-lp1.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "Inventing Tomorrow Curriculum"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/inventingtomorrow-lp1.jpg", "alt_text": "Inventing Tomorrow Curriculum"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/7e5881f0-5827-4643-be6f-c4acaf1325ad/inventing-tomorrow-curriculum/", "support_materials": [206943, 206940]}, {"title": "Motherland | Lesson Plan Clips", "grades": ["9-12"], "brand": "POV", "duration": "0:17:41", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

Engaging youth in discussions about family planning is difficult for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the general discomfort adolescents have talking with adults about sex. Sometimes it can be easier to talk about uncomfortable issues when the spotlight is turned on someone else’s situation. This lesson plan offers that opportunity by embedding health information in a social studies lesson. \\r\\n

By focusing on clips from the film Motherland, which features patients at a public maternity hospital in the Philippines, students can take a step back from the topic and learn about it with some critical distance. The lesson provides students with a way to examine policy and practice and learn about birth control methods, without getting mired in controversial debate, personal religious beliefs or their own embarrassment.", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Video"], "grade_ranges": "9-12", "guid": "ef495e93-1316-4e92-8773-bb646f33da8c", "additional_features": [], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/33497368563_ca7dded6b1_o.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "Motherland | Lesson Plan Clips"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/33497368563_ca7dded6b1_o.jpg", "alt_text": "Motherland | Lesson Plan Clips"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/ef495e93-1316-4e92-8773-bb646f33da8c/motherland/", "support_materials": []}, {"title": "Farmsteaders: The New Generation of Family Farming", "grades": ["6-8", "9-12"], "brand": "POV", "duration": "0:14:34", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

In a once-thriving farm community, Nick Nolan, his wife Celeste, and their young family are on a journey to resurrect his grandfather\'s dairy farm. Farmsteaders takes place in the rolling foothills of Ohio, just a few miles north of the Ohio River, where, like countless other places in rural America, a once-thriving agricultural economy has given way to the pressures of agribusiness and corporate farming. Fertile farmland is unused, barns are falling over, health issues are skyrocketing.\\r\\n

Farmsteaders points an honest and tender lens at everyday life in rural America, offering an unexpected voice for a forsaken people: those who grow the food that sustains us.", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Video"], "grade_ranges": "6-12", "guid": "68bc3e29-db4e-4b13-9805-f7261b3b0552", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/farmsteaders-lp1.jpg.resize.710x399.jpg", "alt_text": "Farmsteaders: The New Generation of Family Farming"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/farmsteaders-lp1.jpg", "alt_text": "Farmsteaders: The New Generation of Family Farming"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/68bc3e29-db4e-4b13-9805-f7261b3b0552/farmsteaders/", "support_materials": [207591, 207588]}, {"title": "Grit | The Ethics of Recovery: What Happens After an Industrial Disaster?", "grades": ["9-12"], "brand": "POV", "duration": "0:24:08", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

Industrial accidents are a fact of life in the modern world. Oil spills, chemical explosions, leaks of  toxic waste, and other disasters can devastate individual lives and communities for generations. The lesson uses an Indonesian drilling explosion, documented in the film Grit, to explore what ethical and equitable recovery from such disasters might look like. Students will use role play and group discussion to explore how stakeholders can increase understanding and come to consensus about steps required to make everyone whole. The lesson can be adapted to focus on business ethics, safe science and engineering practices, government regulations and responsibility, civic engagement, or all of these.", "languages": ["English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Document"], "grade_ranges": "9-12", "guid": "488c2345-3db9-4183-be39-a51dc85e5b8b", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/GRIT_MudMan_3.jpeg.resize.710x399.png", "alt_text": "Grit | The Ethics of Recovery: What Happens After an Industrial Disaster?"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/GRIT_MudMan_3.jpeg", "alt_text": "Grit | The Ethics of Recovery: What Happens After an Industrial Disaster?"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/ethics-of-recovery-industrial-disaster-gallery/grit-pov/", "support_materials": [207761]}, {"title": "Independent Journalism Today | While We Watched", "grades": ["9-12"], "brand": "POV", "duration": "0:15:41", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

A timely depiction of a newsroom in crisis, While We Watched follows tormented journalist Ravish Kumar for two years as he battles a barrage of fake news, falling ratings and the resulting cutbacks. Are there viewers for fact-based analyses anymore? Will his show survive or become a swan song of reason –  drowning out in sensationalism, misinformation, and ratings-driven editorial decisions? \\r\\n

In this lesson plan students will explore the relationship between an independent free press and a democracy.", "languages": ["Audio Description", "English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Video"], "grade_ranges": "9-12", "guid": "db4fa195-c237-4961-bd0d-e6e968dc6a7d", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/Screen_Shot_2023-10-10_at_2.22.10_PM.png.resize.710x399.png", "alt_text": "Independent Journalism Today | While We Watched"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/Screen_Shot_2023-10-10_at_2.22.10_PM.png", "alt_text": "Independent Journalism Today | While We Watched"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/while-we-watched-lesson-plan-pov/while-we-watched-pov-video-gallery/", "support_materials": [247231, 247233]}, {"title": "Pedro\\u2019s Lens and the Struggle to Give Back to the U.S. | unseen", "grades": ["9-12"], "brand": "POV", "duration": "0:26:56", "scope": ["lesson"], "type": "gallery", "description": "

As a blind, undocumented immigrant, Pedro faces obstacles to obtain his college degree, become a social worker, and support his family. Uncertainty looms over him even after he graduates. Through experimental cinematography and sound, unseen reimagines the accessibility of cinema, while exploring the intersections of immigration, disability, and mental health.\\r\\n

Pedro’s story provides a glimpse into the complex reality of being an immigrant and having a disability while navigating school and social services with the desire to support others. Pedro’s journey teaches the audience the power of resilience, healing and self-worth as he fights to live a life that is fulfilling and protected, while having limited access and opportunities. \\r\\n

NOTE: The videos associated with this resource are also available as Descriptive Video for visually impaired users. ", "languages": ["Audio Description", "English"], "media_type": ["Media Gallery", "Video"], "grade_ranges": "9-12", "guid": "5188adfd-dceb-465c-bef2-85f8cc75f199", "additional_features": ["Support Materials"], "poster_images": [{"type": "default", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/Screen_Shot_2024-03-15_at_11.05.54_AM.png.resize.710x399.png", "alt_text": "Pedro\\u2019s Lens and the Struggle to Give Back to the U.S. | unseen"}, {"type": "original", "url": "https://image.pbs.org/poster_images/assets/Screen_Shot_2024-03-15_at_11.05.54_AM.png", "alt_text": "Pedro\\u2019s Lens and the Struggle to Give Back to the U.S. | unseen"}], "canonical_url": "/resource/unseen-lesson-plan-pov/pedros-lens-unseen-pov-video-gallery/", "support_materials": [250558, 250564]}]}}' || '{}');