Bug 467490 - Feature request: Option to use proxy to download podcasts
Summary: Feature request: Option to use proxy to download podcasts
Alias: None
Product: kasts
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: bart
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-03-17 13:06 UTC by Mohammad K.
Modified: 2024-04-24 15:59 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Sentry Crash Report:

A screenshot of Neochat proxy settings (61.17 KB, image/png)
2023-05-08 09:19 UTC, Mohammad K.

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Description Mohammad K. 2023-03-17 13:06:49 UTC

In my country, the situation of internet connection is not good, and there are some restrictions. So I'm not able to downlaod and stream some of the podcasts. The option to copy the audio link is really good. Since in this case, I usually copy the link to my browser and use its proxy to stream. But having built in option for proxy would be also nice.
Comment 1 bart 2023-03-17 13:34:23 UTC
It looks like it's fairly easy to enable Kasts to pick up the system proxy settings.
I guess that should be sufficient?
Comment 2 Bug Janitor Service 2023-03-17 14:44:32 UTC
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kasts/-/merge_requests/107
Comment 3 bart 2023-03-17 14:46:20 UTC
I think I've enabled it now.  I don't have a proxy that I can test with, though.

If you're ok with compiling Kasts from source yourself (and know how to do it), you can check the implementation yourself.
Here is the link to the merge request that has the relevant source code changes: https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kasts/-/merge_requests/107
Comment 4 bart 2023-03-19 08:59:18 UTC
Git commit 0bfd0b919e5a7e8944f3cd07633690f66c951022 by Bart De Vries.
Committed on 19/03/2023 at 08:53.
Pushed by bdevries into branch 'master'.

Make Kasts use the system proxy settings

M  +3    -0    src/fetcher.cpp

Comment 5 Mohammad K. 2023-05-08 09:18:55 UTC
Also what about something like Neochat proxy settings? (I'll attach a photo of it)
Since due to some restrictions in my country, I use proxy not for whole my system (because its speed would be awful).
Comment 6 Mohammad K. 2023-05-08 09:19:35 UTC
Created attachment 158767 [details]
A screenshot of Neochat proxy settings
Comment 7 Bug Janitor Service 2024-04-23 14:52:45 UTC
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kasts/-/merge_requests/184
Comment 8 bart 2024-04-24 14:39:13 UTC
Git commit 5a423585929d2f0aceb6e9fd593c1d20acf1feb0 by Bart De Vries.
Committed on 24/04/2024 at 13:44.
Pushed by bdevries into branch 'master'.

Add manual proxy configuration

This implementation is based on the one from neochat and tokodon, but it
fixes the "system default" option and adds a "no proxy" option.

Most of these settings now also cover streaming audio through the
different backends.

M  +90   -1    src/fetcher.cpp
M  +7    -0    src/fetcher.h
M  +131  -0    src/qml/Settings/NetworkSettingsPage.qml
M  +33   -0    src/settingsmanager.kcfg

Comment 9 bart 2024-04-24 15:59:57 UTC
Git commit 755014f570807364f68fd473f85a0ac4b1ebd61d by Bart De Vries.
Committed on 24/04/2024 at 15:59.
Pushed by bdevries into branch 'release/24.05'.

Add manual proxy configuration

This implementation is based on the one from neochat and tokodon, but it
fixes the "system default" option and adds a "no proxy" option.

Most of these settings now also cover streaming audio through the
different backends.

M  +90   -1    src/fetcher.cpp
M  +7    -0    src/fetcher.h
M  +131  -0    src/qml/Settings/NetworkSettingsPage.qml
M  +33   -0    src/settingsmanager.kcfg
