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Datoteka:Map Anatolia ancient regions-en.svg

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Català: Mapa regional d'Àsia Menor al segle II aC
English: Regional map of Asia Minor in the 2nd Century BC
Datum (UTC)
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Other related versions: [uredi]

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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Increased legibility, slight corrections in position. The original can be viewed here: Asia Minor Political 500BC.svg. Modifications made by MinisterForBadTimes.

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Originalni zapisnik postavljanja

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Asia_Minor_Political_500BC.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0, GFDL
    • 2009-04-22T07:38:42Z MinisterForBadTimes 921x596 (283615 Bytes) Coloured in rogue region
    • 2009-04-22T07:36:20Z MinisterForBadTimes 921x596 (283353 Bytes) Changed fonts...again
    • 2009-04-22T07:33:39Z MinisterForBadTimes 921x596 (283414 Bytes) Changed fonts
    • 2009-04-22T07:25:50Z MinisterForBadTimes 921x596 (284262 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1= Political map of Asia Minor in 500 BC}} |Source=*[[:File:Mysia.svg|]] |Date=2009-04-22 08:23 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File:Mysia.svg|]]: [[User:Emok|Emok]] *derivative work: *[[:Image:Mysia_map_anc

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media type engleski


Historija datoteke

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Datum/vrijemeSmanjeni pregledDimenzijeKorisnikKomentar
trenutno22:15, 30 novembar 2024Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 22:15, 30 novembar 2024921 × 596 (268 KB)FrozenCourgetteFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool ( Added translation for fr.
15:14, 15 februar 2024Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 15:14, 15 februar 2024921 × 596 (256 KB)ManlleusFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool ( Added translation for ca.
15:01, 15 februar 2024Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 15:01, 15 februar 2024921 × 596 (235 KB)Manlleusfixed text labels for translation
20:48, 23 april 2009Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 20:48, 23 april 2009921 × 596 (278 KB)MinisterForBadTimesAdded Galatia, minor other changes
17:01, 22 april 2009Smanjeni pregled verzije na dan 17:01, 22 april 2009921 × 596 (277 KB)MinisterForBadTimes{{Information |Description={{en|1= Political map of Asia Minor in 500 BC}} |Source=*File:Asia_Minor_Political_500BC.svg |Date=2009-04-22 17:00 (UTC) |Author=*File:Asia_Minor_Political_500BC.svg: *Mysia.svg: [[User:Emok|Emok

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